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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I sent in my RMC questionnaire about a week ago and am currently waiting for a call to book my tests.
I was just wondering if anyone had already started their tests and, if so, how long can I expect to wait?
Gave my paperwork in in October, did my test in November, did my medical and interview 2 weeks later.

I got my acceptance on April 17th, 2012 at 1037hrs.

Every CFRC is different. Just do what you're told and do it as early as possible.
most of my marks ar emid 80's, i have 3 high 70's and one 68. and a 96 in italian but they wouldnt care about that i guess. But what im worried about is will that 68 in math screw me over? i play 6 different sports and travel for one of em. i play competitive for all tho. What do u guys think. i really want to goto RMC, i havent really thought about what im going to do if i dont get in....tell me what u guys think?
I think that I'm going to lock this thread, and when you care enough to properly use the English printed word, I'll open this again so you can repost your question one more time.

army.ca Staff
My name's Liam and I am currently in the process of applying to RMC and the ROTP program. Now I have a slight predicament, my marks are mid 80's, two high 70's and one 68 in math. As well as a 96 in Italian but I don't think RMC will care about that too much. I'm worried that I'll be declined because of that Math mark. But, I play 6 sports including one that I played at a high competitive level and 2 others I played at a lower competitive level. I'm hoping my sports will pull me through and maybe even highlight me. I'm just nervous so please, if you have any opinion, let me know. As well, what would I do if i dont get into RMC, can I re-apply?
shropshireliam said:
My name's Liam and I am currently in the process of applying to RMC and the ROTP program. Now I have a slight predicament, my marks are mid 80's, two high 70's and one 68 in math. As well as a 96 in Italian but I don't think RMC will care about that too much. I'm worried that I'll be declined because of that Math mark. But, I play 6 sports including one that I played at a high competitive level and 2 others I played at a lower competitive level. I'm hoping my sports will pull me through and maybe even highlight me. I'm just nervous so please, if you have any opinion, let me know. As well, what would I do if i dont get into RMC, can I re-apply?

Sports won't pull you through. If you don't get in don't reapply without first trying to improve upon your weaknesses.
of course, if i don't get in this year I'll just redo my math. But i personally think that sports should be a huge aspect because, so what if you're a bookworm? If u lack that physical motivation and your lazy than good luck to you becuase you'll be next to useless, officers need to be in excellent shape,am i not correct? As well as since i'm into weightlifting comps, ill blow most of the competition away this year if it comes down to physicality. Just my  :2c:
You do realize that RMC is a university?  Physical fitness alone will not guarantee you success there, you have to think and pass classes too.  Yes, you will have to study.
shropshireliam said:
of course, if i don't get in this year I'll just redo my math. But i personally think that sports should be a huge aspect because, so what if you're a bookworm? If u lack that physical motivation and your lazy than good luck to you becuase you'll be next to useless, officers need to be in excellent shape,am i not correct? As well as since i'm into weightlifting comps, ill blow most of the competition away this year if it comes down to physicality. Just my  :2c:

You're talking out of your ass dude.

Maybe you should pull up your math marks and get into the CF before you start spouting off on what qualities an officer should have- you're making yourself sound very silly.

If you get in and fail your academic portion your weight lifting skills will come in handy when you're carrying all your shit to the bus for your trip home.
shropshireliam said:
of course, if i don't get in this year I'll just redo my math. But i personally think that sports should be a huge aspect because, so what if you're a bookworm? If u lack that physical motivation and your lazy than good luck to you becuase you'll be next to useless, officers need to be in excellent shape,am i not correct? As well as since i'm into weightlifting comps, ill blow most of the competition away this year if it comes down to physicality. Just my  :2c:

Oh, I apologize I didn't realize you were in weightlifting competitions AND 6 sports. Yeah math is for lazy losers. Hurry up and join so you can show our weakling officers how it's done!  :salute:
Maybe the books can calculate the fastest way to do those 19 push-ups u need for the fitness test. Doubt it. My other marks like physics are mid 80s so I'm good at math. My teacher and I just didn't get along lol. All I'm saying is that maybe they'll look over that mark and see how good I am at other math related courses and overlook it and I have other qualities too.
shropshireliam said:
Maybe the books can calculate the fastest way to do those 19 push-ups u need for the fitness test. Doubt it.

In your wisdom you pretty much nailed the sum of what math is required for officers in the Canadian Forces- counting to 19. That's pretty much all you'll need it for dude.  I wouldn't be surprised if they let you skip your first year at RMC.  If they don't then the professors probably just have it out for you also  :nod:
A 68 isn't stupid. Especially since I'm good at math but knocking out ur teachers son doesn't help. He insulted my father because he's an alcoholic. So I gave himwhat he deserved. I pulled mid 80s everything else math related. I don't need to explain my life story to u guys, all I wanted was a simple answer. Do u think they'll overlook my 68 because of my other qualities? I'm trying to aspire to something better than what  my father is, all I wanted was a simple answer, sorry if my marks aren't as good as what urs were whenu applied and I envy you for getting in, not everyone has a good non abusive child hood where they can study in a safe environment and not have to sleep in 24 hour libraries becuase ur dad slammed ur head off a radiator and punched u in the face. I payed for all my sports, all my extra curriculars. So if ur here just to crack jokes and be a jerk just know that not everyone is as privileged as you were.
They will not overlook anything - they will look at the whole picture.

Answer your question?
We are not joking when we advise you to write properly - that means grammar, sentence structure, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, using real words, and knowing the difference between "you're" (contraction of "you are") and "your" (possessive form of "you"). Drop the MSN-speak and drop it now. "U" a "ur" are not real words.

Clear communication, written and verbal, are important in the CF, especially at the Officer level. Operational success, lives, and expensive equipment depend upon it. As this site is owned and operated by current and past CF members we expect the same standard here.

Improve your English, and improve your math mark. Meeting the minimum enrollment requirements is not going to cut it. It's competitive. Substandard, and even above-standard, marks will not/not necessarily get you accepted. Nothing will be "overlooked". I am sorry about your childhood, but excuses will not cut it. Perform, or do not get accepted. Perform, or fail. It's that simple.

And welcome to Army.ca.
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