The story so far…(Part 1)
I think the big difference here is that many of the Mods are long out… if I want to tell the CDS to hoop his forehead than I would and what coul...d he do about i...t, besides which he ca...lls me up and then k... (Lol, LOL) …incanucks gets transferred to a b...asement QM job, with a female soldier to help him that looks like a s… (Where's your punctuation? Come on, now!) (This is gettin' harder to follow than the water thread) …tarlet, but sadly may only be as bright as a t...hundering rhino, but at least she f...inds amusement in her new boss' amazing lack of b...ungee cord which he keeps in his a…djustable harness that he claimed he used in his younger years for s...pecial forces missions behind enemy lines in T…adjikistan where he was wonded in the c...arpal tunnel, he was patched up by a medic with a smashing set of b...andages (hey, what did you think I was going to say LOL). The best part of the patching was the a...wesome story he had to tell t...ess about the time that he saw i...mpromptu performances by mi...khail Baryshnikov when he was a young lad in the deep woods of He was joined there by a n...inkampoop that was known also as H...omer, a poor Greek poet travelling the world as a g...un toting madman, with his trusty side kick M...ary, whose spandex covered l...egs were very long. Mary w... as quite contrary, and often f...found sitting quietly in the dark playing with her g...uns, but kept forgeting how to load it the m...anly way, so she l... (I can't eveen keep up to read it, let alone play it lol) ...oaded it the Navy way. After that, she was taken aside and s.... poken to about how the Navy way was always the wrong way, so she went off and c...ried over her spilt r...utabagas, because she would never waste rum like that, and then decided on payback in the w...orst possible way she could d...evise, but being in the Navy she was at a l…oss as to which option to use. Option A meant that she would t...alk to tess, as he was on to the shenanigans of the characthers on d... (dileas, tess) …-Net, including General Hillier, who at that moment was about to crack open a z... (As a point of order, to properly play we would have to start each post with a successive letter of the alphabet but this is fun too...but stop lobbing softballs like "devise" lol. Have fun with Mr. Zed) ...oo, letting all the animals free, including the sharp as a bag of jello, a...esop, the flying boy wonder, who only recently had v...alium for breakfast, along with b...eans, where he proceeded to p.. (dileas, tess) ...romenade in a manner that was u...nfitting an officer, for which he was c...aught pretending to be with a skirt, on mistaking it for a kilt, where upon h.. (dileas, tess) ...igh winds blew it up, way up. Imagine the k...eening, not unlike piping itself, at the sight of the l... // You guys can all kiss my a.... amenting of the poor flying boy wonder, who, a sign of his age, and wardrobe's t...ished with all his might that he could only join the Navy for then he would b… (wow, 2 story lines, it's going to get confusing for the army folk to follow now. Silly flyboy not following the rules LOL) ...e truly a hairy bag, f...and they're both about me !! (Take that HoM) …rustatians, which stuck to his b… (Aseop, I'm actualy glad to be free of this one) ...urgeoning seabag. He hefted the hearty sack and s...aluted the traditional one-fingered salute and turned a...round three times to confuse the burly c...hap on duty at the gangway, twice in the opposite direction and then four times again, after which he d...ropped his bag on the deck complaining of back pains and was off to the MIR where Army Medic declared that h...e was unfit life. He decided then to f...ace into the wind as he b...usied himself with that ever-important naval question: white, amber, dark, or 151. W...hat hotel shall he stay at in hawaii...the 5-star or the fhiskey Sours were poured instead, later that day he had to go for i...ruity palm tree escape. Wake up, you're dreaming! All of a sudden, the v...on Garvin express pulled up beside the dock and out popped... (? ? ?) (psst, Frankie, you didn't give a letter, I'll just use "M") ...illions of new recruits just waiting to a.... (Left ya hanging like a Hitchcock film.....sorry the letter was P) (Hmmm, I can make that work too...) ...iles of new recruits just waiting to a...rgue with their staff that they had already learned everything on, and now they were ready to f...ully take up the challenge of military life, when all of a sudden, out of the sky, drifting softly to ground under full canopy came thier mentor, sense and mommie P...aracowboy...who made it his mission in life to t...ell all the recruits about Airborne life regardless of his chronic i...ron deficiencies, s...assy new hair cut and p...rofile, quick wit and stylish prose, s...hiny boots (great for *** kicking), and lastly his w...ise use of the paraphernalia h...e has left over from the days when he got the peace sign tattoo from the m...arquis, it is a long story, hardly anyone has b...een tattoed in THAT spot before.