CBH99 said:It IS nice that people like this can be recorded & publicly shamed.
mariomike said:Peel Police are investigating it as a "hate incident". They are trying to identify him.
Twitter people say they are not only going "name and shame" him, they are going to forward the video to his employer ( if he has one ).
There is a Gofundme account set up for the affected employee(s).
Makes one wonder, if that is how he feels about Asian people, why shop at T and T?
YZT580 said:probably doesn't feel that way about Asians in particular.
Peel Regional Police
This is being investigated as a hate-motivated incident. Anyone with information, such as the identity of the man, is asked to call 905-453-3311 ext. 1133 or Crime Stoppers.
Jarnhamar said:When I see videos like that I wonder if perhaps (sometimes) it's not a matter of systemic racism where all these people hate other races but simply a matter of people being assholes because we as a society have gotten off on being an ******* for the last 30 years. maybe instead of being borderline supremacists these people are just dumb and can't articulate their emotions/feelings/thoughts very well so they go for the lowest hanging fruit and attack someones race?
Big of a tangent about treating people bad.
30 years ago Americans Funniest Home videos hit the screens. 30 seasons, ran for 10 years and what were some of the most popular videos? People getting hurt.
20 Years ago Survivor hit the screens and ushered in the era of reality TV. It's still going. Do we tune in for the slick survival skills? Or to watch the drama, fighting and backstabbing.
Cops ran from 1989 to 2 months ago. Lots of TV shows center on the suffering or humiliation of others (bachelor, big brother).
We also love our memes. Subtle (and not so subtle) ways to say frig you to people and laugh at them or their misfortune. Look at Milnet.ca's political cartoon thread. Basically a meme thread with left and right saying frig you to each other while smiling.
We brought up Cpl Bloggins. I've mentioned it here before but when you see what Cpl Bloggins actually posted it wasn't really bad. He'd make a comment like "girls in the military, right?" or something fairly ambiguous and the real vitriol came from everyone else. He'd light a match and everyone else would throw gas on. Dumb. Like the sgt or WO in DEUs posting under his own name calling a Capt a c**t and making fun of her name who got nailed with a $1000 charge IIRC. Raging misogynist or someone who's been taught (conditioned?) to think that being hateful to someone else is acceptable.
I could be way off in left field or totally wrong but I think in a lot of these cases it could be because people just forgot how to respect and treat each other. A lot of people are just shitty to each other.
Hamish Seggie said:Actually the decline started in the 70s with TV commercials showing parents playing board games with kids. The parents lost every time and were made to look utterly stupid.
If it was Dad versus the kids Dad always ended up losing to the kids and was made to look like an (Can I say this) idiot.
If it was Dad versus Mom , Dad lost. Every time.
mariomike said:I doubt Peel Police care much about his feelings.
It's the words out of his mouth they are investigating as a hate incident.
Eaglelord17 said:That is terrifying.
Police are now investigating the incident as hate-motivated and have identified a suspect. They are urging him to seek council and turn himself in.
ModlrMike said:There's already a precedent with someone being fired for actions not related to their employment being given their job back. Remember the FHRITP guy? Besides, if the whole point of reconciliation is that people learn and grow, what does ruining a person's complete life and livelihood have them learn? Not that I'm excusing his behaviour, but a certain degree of proportionality is required.
ModlrMike said:Remember the FHRITP guy?
CBH99 said:I'm sure there's a Safeway somewhere nearby he could have gone to![]()
Eaglelord17 said:That is terrifying. The government should NEVER be trying to determine what you can or cannot say, or what you can or cannot think. It is a violation of our Charter Rights (Right to Freedom of thought, opinion and expression), and should not be tolerated.
The talk coming out of the government in recent months is unacceptable. They believe they have the right to force their opinions and thoughts on others. Such as stating they will root out racism wherever it is found (not that they can even agree on a definition as to what is or isn't racist). That is not the role of the government in a democracy and reminds me of such things as the residential schools where the government believed they were doing what was best for society.
Brihard said:Really? There are absolutely cases in which an expression can be a criminal offense or civil wrong, and rightly so. You don't get to utter threats (S.264.1 CC). You don't get to advocate genocide (S. 318 CC) or wilfully incite hate (S. 319 CC). You don't get to defame by libel and slander (civil torts).
This is not the government forcing opinions or thoughts on people. It's the government determining that some things are concretely harmful.
Beyond that there is the more nebulous world in which hate motivation is a factor in sentencing. Other than Ss. 318 and 319, 'hate' does not form any basis for offences in its own right, but where something that is already illegal anyway (e.g., assaults, threats, causing a disturbance, mischief, etc) is hate motivated, it can be considered an aggravating factor in sentencing (S. 718.2(a)(i) CC) , in order to deter people from committing things that are already independently criminal, because they think it's OK to do that because they hate an identifiable group.
So no, the state has not gone and newly criminalised anything because of new societal beliefs around what hate constitutes. 'hate crimes' are basically not a thing in Canada outside of the narrow scope of Ss. 318 and 319 which are both extremely rarely used. Instead the state has said 'if you insist on being a crappy person and do something that's already illegal because you hate a group, that will be a consideration in your sentencing'. This will not affect anyone who doesn't commit a crime.
There is the entirely separate realm of the various human rights commissions/tribunals at federal or provincial levels, but those don't involve police or criminal sanction and are outside the scope of this thread so far.