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Question about age & joining

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40 is not too old and you'll be treated just like everyone else.  If you search the Recruiting forums you'll find plenty of threads with the same questions.

As for what to expect, read this:


Then read everything in the recruiting/ BMQ threads and you should get an idea of what will happen. I'm not going to give you all the answers.    ;)


No one will give you a hard time because you are 40.  There have been quite a few applicants older than you that have been quite successful in basic training and into their first units and beyond.

You will never know if you will be accepted until you start the process and make an application.

A short word about the security check because this is something that many Canadians, whether born here or made the choice to become citizens of our great country: while other government departments, Immigration for example, conduct various background and security checks, those for the military are different and depending on the circumstances, may take a fair bit of time for the results to come back.  The Centre can brief you and you will find may threads here online of applicants who have had to wait for their security assessment to be completed.  The good news is that many times the result is positive which allows the individual to carry on to enrol in the CF.

My advice is to go down to the Centre and at least talk to the staff - I think that you will find yourself making the application, so good luck!

Recruiting FAQ is broken

Every time I click on it i get this message:

"An Error Has Occurred! The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."

Thank you all

I am in the application process too, so I can't tell you about life in the military.

Until know, the fact that I am older than the average applicant didn't seem to be a problem as many of us have already stated in other threads.

I like the army.ca forum, I've found a lot of good informations and advices. However, I found that the best FAQ machine was the recruiting center with my file completed in their hands, but fair enough if you are not sure and you don't want to loose the time and money of recruiters and yours.

If you are applying for the reserve, I found it helpfull to pass by the unit of interest, shake hands and ask questions.

When I did my basic my fireteam partner was 40 years old, great guy and kept up with us no problems. The only problem was his snoring...oh well, nobody but me bugged him for that one.

He's Navy now by the way.
I enrolled last year at the age of 50. There was a guy  a year older than me in my Basic platoon as well, and there's another in my current course. None of us  had any problems either with the other troops or the instructors.

If this is really what you want to do, go for it. No one in the CF cares about your age, gender, country of origin, or anything else except whether you can get the job done, give it 100% at all times, and be part of the team.
Things r working well..

I went to the R Centre (April/09) and  talked to the staff - I made the application, passed the CFAT (great mark), had my background and security check done in just 3 months, passed the interview, pass the medical and today I just received an email saying that I was added to the merit list.

On the email I received today they say my file is at the stage where a decision whether or not a offer job offer is forthcoming. They also said my result indicates I am very competitive and is possible I may be selected and possible receive a job offer from the Canadian Forces. Although is possible I may receive a job offer from the Canadian Forces; it is not a guarantee.

When I had my interview I was told as soon I pass the medical I would be schedule you for a Basic Trg. Now they say I have to wait...

It confused me a bit..

Well I have to play the waiting game, hopefully not for too long...

I would like to say thanks to everyone.. This website helps a lot..

  Hey Zyllon, what trades are you going for?  By the way...if it makes you feel better, there was an old gal on my QL3 course....she was 50 years old and completely out of shape, plus a chainsmoker.  She made it through basic( with alot of effort!)
  So don't worry :)
Hey Tango

Thanks for the support

I am not worried at all.  at the beginner I was just afraid I wouldn't be treat like everyone else. now I know it won't happen.

I am not afraid of the Basic Trn.. I am in great shape and I like to work in a team environment. also I am a very disciplined guy. I will give it 100% at all times...

Just can't wait for the call..  but soon or late it will come..  hopefully soon

TangoHotel said:
By the way...if it makes you feel better, there was an old gal on my QL3 course....she was 50 years old and completely out of shape, plus a chainsmoker.  She made it through basic( with alot of effort!)

By the same token, I've known young, fit guys who don't smoke who have to put a lot of effort into doing anything besides PT.  ::)

Don't think it's all about fitness, a lot of it is attitude.  Besides, it's pretty hard to chain smoke on BMQ.  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Besides, it's pretty hard to chain smoke on BMQ.  ;)

I would think BMQ would be a perfect time to quit.
I had many months of quitting behind me till I hit the ground at Montreal's airport.......then smoked like a champ...:(
Congratulations on being merit listed, Zyllon.
I wish you the best in your pursuit.
Gives an old guy like me hope.  :)
Zyllon said:
Recruiting FAQ is broken

Every time I click on it i get this message:

"An Error Has Occurred! The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."

Thanks Zyllon. I assume you mean in the Wiki? If you find broken links, providing the URL to the page with the broken link would be very helpful. I've updated the Wiki page, if you've found others please let me know.

Also, as a side note, the Wiki is user-editable, so if you see an error or problem you're encouraged to participate! :)
