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Question about age & joining

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Mike Bobbitt said:
Thanks Zyllon. I assume you mean in the Wiki? If you find broken links, providing the URL to the page with the broken link would be very helpful. I've updated the Wiki page, if you've found others please let me know.

Also, as a side note, the Wiki is user-editable, so if you see an error or problem you're encouraged to participate! :)


Mike I know when you upgraded the sites software a number of links to different parts of the forums came up dead....
It's a constant process of chasing my tail. :) Most times I don't even know about the broken links until/unless someone points them out to me.
I went to the RC yesterday... I talked to to the Lieutenant who interviewed me 2 months ago, informed him that i was merit listed and he checked my file. According to him I am going to get the call next week and he told me the day I am scheduled to start my Basic Trn. Jan 11, 2010. I couldn't believe and he showed me it on the computer.  My name is there.. The Lieutenant was so nice doing that..  I still trying to believe.. 

Just 6 months and my process is done... Sounds like a dream for me... I am so fucking happy...  it makes 3 of us in the military.. my two sons and I..  my partner just applied yesterday too.. now I just have to convince my daughter...  lol....  What could be better?

  :salute: :cdn:
Zyllon said:
I went to the RC yesterday... I talked to to the Lieutenant who interviewed me 2 months ago, informed him that i was merit listed and he checked my file. According to him I am going to get the call next week and he told me the day I am scheduled to start my Basic Trn. Jan 11, 2010. I couldn't believe and he showed me it on the computer.  My name is there.. The Lieutenant was so nice doing that..  I still trying to believe.. 

Just 6 months and my process is done... Sounds like a dream for me... I am so ******* happy...  it makes 3 of us in the military.. my two sons and I..  my partner just applied yesterday too.. now I just have to convince my daughter...  lol....  What could be better?

  :salute: :cdn:
Your experience encourages me.You did process in 6 months and you non- born Canadian. 6 months is really nice.
P.S.My daughter is only 7 but after visiting "Canadian Forces Open doors" she wanted to be in CF.
Congratulations, Zyllon - that is excellent news! I've applied @ 30 and I admit I had some of the same fears/questions you did. I love that your whole family is serving and wish you the very best with BMQ. With any luck I'll be joining you in January.
Tks everyone...  6 months was so fast i know but for me it took forever...  it would be done 45 days ago. The RC cancelled my medical once and I had few extra forms and lab test so it delayed my application.. I am not complaining..  far from it.. i am so glad.. just one more step now.. I wish all the best for everyone..  :cdn: :salute:
This is my first post.

Just wanted to add, I am turning 45 in two weeks.
I applied, approx four months ago, for the Army Reserves.
I have finished:
  aptitude test
  part of medical (my gp needed for more next week)

I am hoping to make BMQ some time during the winter.
I figure at 45, I will be the senior in my BMQ class, thats why
I chose this name.

Congrats and best of luck........with the baby sitting!!!

Oldest recruit I heard of was 54 with prior service.  Don't know if the facts are true but I heard he was an old band member that had joined in the 60's, retired with 30 years and was recruited back in 5/6 years later when he enquired about joining the reserves.  In the 60's band didn't do Cornwallis so when he re-enrolled for some reason they sent him for recruit training.

Anyone able to confirm or not?
I thought I was old when I joined as a 28YO Inf Pte.  I am a 43 YO Armd Capt now and still alive.  I met a 50 Something Armd Pte last year who joined so he could be like his Dad in WW2 - A tank Dvr.  His more than extensive life experience was intimidating to his "peers".  I also know a (now) 54 YO RMS clerk  who joined because her son failed the pt test.  She wanted to see how biased the system was, but made it through and decided it was well worth while (among other benefits). 

Congrats and Enjoy.
wow...I can't imagine a 50 year old Armd. private!  Can you imagine gettjing jacked up by someone your childs age??
Good for him :)
TangoHotel said:
wow...I can't imagine a 50 year old Armd. private!  Can you imagine gettjing jacked up by someone your childs age??
Good for him :)

Ummm.  The Armour Corps has Troopers, who usually keep their privates properly 'stowed'.  However, there are instances where that was not the case, but that is another story or two. 
I just turned 50 on November 12th. and heading for BMQ in Borden starting January 11.  Previous service from 1978 to 1983,  Last time I was in Borden was for TQ5 in 1981.

I am enrolling in the same MOC (Cook)

missing1 said:

1078 you ARE old
Well, if he did service in 1078, he would be old.  Too bad he missed the Battle of Hastings.  ;)
Only 3 days are left until my swear-in ceremony for the Canadian Forces. My civilian life is almost done, and I’ll be soon on the other side. It has taken eternity to become reality, but looking back at it now, the time flew quickly.
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Im currently 15 years old, my birthday is in August. I was wondering if I would be able to start the application process before my 16th birthday? in order to speed up the process
C.G.R said:

Im currently 15 years old, my birthday is in August. I was wondering if I would be able to start the application process before my 16th birthday? in order to speed up the process

First post ever. Just wanted to know if anyone is i the same boat as me. Is there an age limit to join the military? Should I be looking at the reserves or reg force? I've had a career in the private sector for over 13 years and it's time for a change.