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Question about age & joining

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I don't know what is wrong with you....I even had a mixed-Case quiery for "Age" and this is what I got...all kinds of topics:














I really don't like to have to do someone else's work for them....especially in the Army...learn now.  Use your knoggen and initiative.  ::)
WOW! I am not in the service my dear, so don't think you can just push a newbie around in here.... I was just asking a question, not trying to crack a code! You need to RE-Lax!
Two strikes....You may want to read the Rules, Code of Conduct and perhaps some of the FAQs, if you want to continue to enjoy the company here.
When you join the CF you are assigned a Variable Intermediate Engagement (VIE) and depending on your occupation this can range from three to thirteen years.   So if you are enrolled in the CF you must be able to complete your VIE before Compulsory Retirement Age (CRA) of 60.   If you wanted to join as RMS Clk then your VIE would be six years and you must be younger than 54 years of age to be eligible.   Your ability to enter the CF at this age solely depends on your medical and physical ability.

If you have a particular occupation in mind and want to know the max age then PM and I will answer it on Monday.
Thank you for that answer. I appreciate the time spent answering it for me. As for 2 strikes I dont know what that means but whatever! This is a forum to ask questions and if I ask it and they say that I am dumb or that I asked a stupid question before researching that is not very nice.
I'm glad kincanucks answered before I did, as I would have fallen back on old habits, and answered thathe max age to join is 52 (because Compulsory Retirment Age (CRA) was 55, and you had to serve a 3 year contract). However, the CRA has changed to 60 (though I don't know if they are going to recruit somebody over 55 (get professional opinion on that one)) for, as far as I know, SOME trades, not all.

And as for the new contracts, I won't even weigh in on that one, because the last time I looked, they varied greatly from trade to trade.

As for the testiness, get used to it (on this forum). You'd be surprised at how much time some people spend here, and I'm sure that there are people who have read every. Single. Post. Ever. Posted. Here. And commented on each one, to boot!!!

I have some questions regarding the recruitment for th army. I am 16 yrs of age, and would like to join the army. I would like to know if they have a summer program (roughly from june-august). Furthermore, I would like to know all their short term programs (6 months- 1 yr).
Hello Justino789,

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977

Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.


Ive just finished my CFAT test and going for my interview and PT test within the next day. (applying for SIG OP)
My question is this
Im 34 years old and was curious how many others here have joined at my age or around the same.

this website has been a big help in answering any concerns i have had.

Try that link above.  This is a very common question, and we have
combined most of them into the 20 page monster thread located

I am currently in high school doing correspondence then regular high school in september for one more year I am 17 years old I want to join the reserve. I have no idea how to do this should I goto my local armoury here in Oshawa, or is there more information somewhere else I see alot of information on dnd.ca but I cant find out the minimum age. I know a few guys that are in the reserve and they are a year younger but they have cadets or something also I have never taken any things like this.. any help you would be greatly appreciated.

You have to be 16 years old with you're parents permission to join the reserve. No cadet time required.
awesome thank you, so do I goto the armoury or who exactly do I contact and when would you get training? Im so confused lol
You could start by going to the local recruiting office, but going to the armory wouldn't hurt either.  When I got some information from the recruiting center, they advised me to call the local armorey if I was interested in the reserves.  Get some information over the phone, and schedule a time to go in.  Recruiting center will give you info, but the armory is probably the people to talk to.  Now I have not joined the reserves, but I recall this is what I was told when I was looking into it.
Im russian, is that ok if i go in the canadian Army? I got  a canadian citizen (lived in canada for 8 years) im 16, I can Read, Speak and Write Russian, is that ok?
WebAddict said:
Im russian, is that ok if i go in the canadian Army? I got  a canadian citizen (lived in canada for 8 years) im 16, I can Read, Speak and Write Russian, is that ok?

Why do you want to join? Just curious :)
Well I want to be in CAF - Canadian Air Force - So I want to start off as a reserve and move up, once im done H.S then i get my University Diploma and get a job there
WebAddict said:
Im russian, is that ok if i go in the canadian Army? I got  a canadian citizen (lived in canada for 8 years) im 16, I can Read, Speak and Write Russian, is that ok?
Yup you're ok to join so long as you are a canadian citizen
I just got my Canadian Citizenship and I would like to join the CF. I know I can join but my I am concerned if, in the real life, it is really possible. I'm in a great shape, I work out 5/7, play soccer every weekend, can do 100 push-ups, I do lots of cardio and my body has only about 9% of fat. I am 100% health.

Canada is a great country and to become part of the CF is like a dream for me. I did lots of researches and I know almost everything about the whole recruitment process.

What you guys think? Am I going to be treated like everyone?  or they will give me a hard time just to make me give up?

I have all the forms filled out, my security check is ok (Immigration did it before allowed me to be Canadian) and I'm really motivated and full of energy.

Everyday I look to those form on top of my table and I can not really decide if I should apply or not. Maybe I sound a little unsecured what I'm not at all but it s a big step for me so I'm trying to hear from someone who went through the selection process and could tell me what I could expect.

Thank you all

E. Zyllon
