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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

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MedCorps said:
I would not use the US DoD drug policies as an indicator of how the CAF does business in this policy area.  Apples and oranges. Just be honest as suggested.


I already declared my substance use. I have Comm. Rsch. as my 2nd choice trade and I was actually considering moving it up. I didn't hear anything about my qualification for that trade so I thought I could've been auto-disqualified.
May I respectfully recommend not using your name (I assume) as a username while on message forums, especially if you're discussing sensitive subjects.

Things may not work out for you in the CAF and many employers search potential employees names. Past drug use could be a deciding factor in whether to hire you or not.

Having a small online footprint could also be something important in a trade like Comms research.
Hey, new to the forums here. I previously applied for a reserve unit in my city, I did my Fitness Test which I already know I will have to re-take as it is coming on a year since I took it, additionally I performed the CFAT and personality/aptitude test, however I was differed until may due to previous marijuana use. I am already gearing up to re-applying, and I will contact a recruiter for finer details, but before I do that I have a couple questions I was hoping you all might be able to help with.

Will I be likely be majorly treated or considered differently due to having a previous deferral?

What components will I need to re-perform? I am under the impression that the CFAT is a one time test and I will not need to perform it again.

Any advice for how to speed up the application process?

Hank V. said:
I am under the impression that the CFAT is a one time test and I will not need to perform it again.

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ 
37 pages.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
Hey Friends,

I asked this in a thread I made and I was referred to this one, In the past I applied and was honest about marijuana usage on my NPD sheet, and I was deferred until this upcoming may for my application to my local reserves. I have been clean since the date I stated on the NPD sheet anyway so actual drug use is not a concern of mine, however I am wondering if it's likely that my application will be looked at less favourably because of the previous deferral.

Any advice on how I should go about re-applying?

Do you think my application will be looked at differently?

Also sorry for formatting my posts like emails, not used to forums.

There are 47 pages here, in this topic alone, of questions (many of which you may NOT have even asked yet) and answers (to many questions you may not of thought to ask yet) giving advice to people.  Try reading them from the start, and you will find all kinds of good advice.
Hank V. said:
Hey Friends,

I asked this in a thread I made and I was referred to this one, In the past I applied and was honest about marijuana usage on my NPD sheet, and I was deferred until this upcoming may for my application to my local reserves. I have been clean since the date I stated on the NPD sheet anyway so actual drug use is not a concern of mine, however I am wondering if it's likely that my application will be looked at less favourably because of the previous deferral.

Any advice on how I should go about re-applying?

Do you think my application will be looked at differently?

Also sorry for formatting my posts like emails, not used to forums.

You won't be "re-applying", per se; they will be re-opening your previous file. They already have the dirt on you, but you've met our requirements for being clean. So just be honest, and you should be fine.

During the interview, they will ask you about your drug use, why you did it, and why you stopped. I don't know for sure, because I've never been in recruiting, but I imagine that that would have an impact on the overall score of your interview. Nonetheless, as long as your seem genuinely contrite during your interview, I don't think your past history will have a significant impact.
Lumber said:
You won't be "re-applying", per se; they will be re-opening your previous file. They already have the dirt on you, but you've met our requirements for being clean. So just be honest, and you should be fine.

During the interview, they will ask you about your drug use, why you did it, and why you stopped. I don't know for sure, because I've never been in recruiting, but I imagine that that would have an impact on the overall score of your interview. Nonetheless, as long as your seem genuinely contrite during your interview, I don't think your past history will have a significant impact.

Okay awesome, thanks!
So I passed my aptitude test and qualified for all 3 of my trades 2 days ago-my trades are 1.Crewman 2.Combat Engineer 3.Infantry

I think I might of screwed myself, because on the Drug use form they gave me I admitted to using marijuana 5 months ago and the previous 2 years, and Magic mushrooms once almost 3 years ago.

Am i screwed? I need a solid answer please.
Connor_96 said:
So I passed my aptitude test and qualified for all 3 of my trades 2 days ago-my trades are 1.Crewman 2.Combat Engineer 3.Infantry

I think I might of screwed myself, because on the Drug use form they gave me I admitted to using marijuana 5 months ago and the previous 2 years, and Magic mushrooms once almost 3 years ago.

Am i screwed? I need a solid answer please.

Was it the first declaration form you signed? 
Connor_96 said:
It was the form they give you directly after the CFAT with the huge list of drugs.

I'm not up to speed on the latest Recruiting Group policies so take this for what it's worth, couple of questions for you:

1.  Before taking your CFAT, did you previously sign a form saying you would abstain from all drug use?
2.  How long have you been conducting the Recruiting Process?

If this is the first form you signed, you may be ok; however, if you previously signed a form saying you would abstain from all drug use and then reported that you did drugs after signing that form, you're screwed.

Bottom Line:  If you want to be in the military, don't do drugs.  Drug use and DUIs/Alcohol problems are one of the quickest ways to get yourself punted from the military.
This form was the first piece of paperwork that had anything to do with drugs, I wanted to be honest.

My timeline right now so far. I applied about 3 weeks ago, and took my aptitude test on Wednesday, May 3rd and passed. I was missing my official high school transcripts. So I am just waiting for those to arrive in the mail, which should take 2-4 weeks. When the transcripts arrive, I take them to the recruiting office and then they will send in my file for further processing .
Connor_96 said:
This form was the first piece of paperwork that had anything to do with drugs, I wanted to be honest.

My timeline right now so far. I applied about 3 weeks ago, and took my aptitude test on Wednesday, May 3rd and passed. I was missing my official high school transcripts. So I am just waiting for those to arrive in the mail, which should take 2-4 weeks. When the transcripts arrive, I take them to the recruiting office and then they will send in my file for further processing .

You should be fine, from this point forward though, NO DRUGS.

I haven't smoked pot in a solid 5 months. I have no criminal record what so ever. I wasn't "addicted" it was more a casual weekend high school party type deal. I am 20 years old by the way.

You think I will be okay?
Humphrey Bogart said:
You should be fine, from this point forward though, NO DRUGS.
Connor_96 said:
I haven't smoked pot in a solid 5 months. I have no criminal record what so ever. I wasn't "addicted" it was more a casual weekend high school party type deal. I am 20 years old by the way.

You think I will be okay?

You'll be fine, don't think you aren't the first one that's walked through the Recruiting door that's had the puff of a joint when they were younger.  Now, if you came in and said "I did Cocaine last week" we would be having a different conversation.
There are a lot of scary forums on here though, I've been digging pretty deep into this topic on this page. And a lot of guys are saying 6 months pot free or they will delay you're file...which would be a rather large pain in the a**. Also some guys are saying 2 years for magic mushrooms, other guys are saying 3. I really want to believe that the interviewer will regard your past drug use "case by case" which would make more sense. I'm damn sure the interviewer could easily and Cleary see that I am not a pothead at heart.
Humphrey Bogart said:
You'll be fine, don't think you aren't the first one that's walked through the Recruiting door that's had the puff of a joint when they were younger.  Now, if you came in and said "I did Cocaine last week" we would be having a different conversation.
Connor_96 said:
There are a lot of scary forums on here though, I've been digging pretty deep into this topic on this page. And a lot of guys are saying 6 months pot free or they will delay you're file...which would be a rather large pain in the a**. Also some guys are saying 2 years for magic mushrooms, other guys are saying 3. I really want to believe that the interviewer will regard your past drug use "case by case" which would make more sense. I'm damn sure the interviewer could easily and Cleary see that I am not a pothead at heart.

Like Humphrey, I'm not up to speed on current policy, but at one time it was that you had to be 6 months clean before they could continue processing your file. So, if that's still the case, no big deal. Even if they do close your file, you'll just have to come back... in 1 month. So no big delay there. Even if they do close your file for a month, don't sweat it. Like Humphrey alluded to: try and find a 20 year old Canadian who hasn't at least tried the funky flower.
Lumber said:
Like Humphrey, I'm not up to speed on current policy, but at one time it was that you had to be 6 months clean before they could continue processing your file. So, if that's still the case, no big deal. Even if they do close your file, you'll just have to come back... in 1 month. So no big delay there. Even if they do close your file for a month, don't sweat it. Like Humphrey alluded to: try and find a 20 year old Canadian who hasn't at least tried the funky flower.

Keep in mind that I did get a medical done by my family doctor with a full drug screening urinalysis for peace of mind, and everything checked out negative. 

Thank you for the reassurance everybody, it is greatly appreciated. If anything else comes to mind feel free to post it. I love the input.
Connor_96 said:
Keep in mind that I did get a medical done by my family doctor with a full drug screening urinalysis for peace of mind, and everything checked out negative. 

Thank you for the reassurance everybody, it is greatly appreciated. If anything else comes to mind feel free to post it. I love the input.

Doesn't really matter what you had done previously. The CAF have their standards and requirements and if they feel you need to wait another 6 months, they will tell you to do so.

The CAF doesn't owe you anything. You have the right to apply, but serving, is a privilege.
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