So I had my CFAT test yesterday, and after doing the Personality test we filled out the pre-enrollment substance use questionnaire. After we completed that and the MCC looked it over (making sure we filled out everything correct, signed, etc.), we had the post-test powerpoint explaining the process from now on. He explained that there are 4 possible outcomes. Either we passed or failed the aptitude test for our chosen occupations, or that our drug use would disqualify us from the Forces.
However, many posts in the Merged Drug Use thread in the recruiting section, have said that this mainly comes into play during your interview. So I'm confused if I would be getting an e-mail in the next few days saying I've been disqualified or that I would just have to explain to the MCC in the interview about my drug use. For those wondering, I used to occasionally smoke pot in high school when I was 16. I wrote down that between Oct '15 and May '16, I smoked a total of 13 times. It's going to be 7 months clean on Nov. 1st.
EDIT - Forgot to mention we would receive our results via e-mail.