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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

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LunchMeat said:
Doesn't really matter what you had done previously. The CAF have their standards and requirements and if they feel you need to wait another 6 months, they will tell you to do so.

The CAF doesn't owe you anything. You have the right to apply, but serving, is a privilege.

I am fully aware that the CAF does not owe me anything, and that it is a privilege to serve. All in all, what I would really like to know is if the interviewer will make the decision of me being fit to serve, or having to wait more time; based on my performance during the interview.

Again my 3 trades applying for are:

2-Combat Engineer
Connor_96 said:
I would really like to know is if the interviewer will make the decision of me being fit to serve, or having to wait more time; based on my performance during the interview.

None of us here are your Military Career Counsellor. None of us have access to your file.

You will just have to be patient like all of us were before Al Gore invented the internet.

Go out for a run.

Have lunch.

Have a beer.


It's Sunday.
Loachman said:
None of us here are your Military Career Counsellor. None of us have access to your file.

You will just have to be patient like all of us were before Al Gore invented the internet.

Yaahhhh,  you are right.

Go out for a run.

Have lunch.

Have a beer.


It's Sunday.
I just had a question about the past use of Marijuana, I recently did my CFAT and my career counselor said I did really well. After they made us fill out that drug questionaire,  basically I said I did a few drugs in highschool 1 time as an experiment he said that's fine as no problem as long as it's an experiment, then on the weed and alcohol part both sections < 30 times in 6 years. Basically my question is, some guys on the forum are saying if you did pot less than 6 months ago they hold your file, in my case I said I did it January last, my apptittude test was in mid April, and I got a letter saying Im getting scheduled for an Interview and medical on may1st. But the career counselor didn't say anything about holding my file for pot use he just said there is a 0 tolerance for it so don't do it anymore, I said I did it becuase I and insomnia but I stopped in January. I know some guys are saying they had to wait 6 months in total since the last time they lit up, by my career counselor did not say anything about waiting or closing my file for now. Also I am not 100% if it was December or January I think it might have been December. So I will be saying December on my medical. But does anyone have any answers to this stuff? Thanks
BCstangWA said:
But does anyone have any answers to this stuff?


You do.

The career counsellor asks you questions about your past drug use. You give your answers to those questions.

To the best of your ability.


Then you wait and see what happens.

Stop overthinking this.

Thousands of others who have used drugs in their pasts have made it past the recruiting centre.

There are forty-nine pages in this thread. It is extremely unlikely that, in this veritable Encyclopaedia of drug-related matters, this part of the process has not been covered, already, multiple times.

BCstangWA said:
I got a letter saying Im getting scheduled for an Interview and medical on may1st.

If that is the case, then, today being 7 May, you've missed it.
Aside from the date thing, I am serious.

Throughout the recruiting phase and your first courses, you will be given direction at the appropriate time. All that you need to do is understand that direction, do not over-complicate it, and follow it and, when the direction has been followed to its completion, until such time as further direction is issued, relax but be alert and attentive.
OK cool thanks for the advice godbless, I recently got this email also "Greetings from Canadian Forces Recruiting Group. We are pleased to inform you that you have been approved for further processing for one or more of your preferred occupations. Your application has been referred to your local Recruiting Detachment for scheduling. Further processing may include a medical assessment and an interview with a Military Career Counsellor.
Your Recruiting Detachment will contact you within the next five business days with an appointment."If you have not heard from them within 10 business days, please dial 1-800-856-8488 using a landline phone. If after following these instructions you have any questions, please contact CFRG Customer Service by email at STG-CFRG-CustomerSvc@forces.gc.ca.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Canadian Armed Forces. To stay up-to-date on CAF news and opportunities, we invite you to follow us on social media at: www.facebook.com/ForcesJobs.ForcesEmplois.ca.


Intake Management / Canadian Forces Recruiting Group
Canadian Armed Forces"

Basically I will call in if no answer within 10 days like they said thats my next step so far.
Also for those wondering, I did my CFAT On april 14, I got my letter on april 28th and it was monday so I got it the next monday like May1st. I am extremely happy, and they said I did really good on the test, my other buddy got in, and hes only in 11th grade and has average grades he said. Also he didnt get his letter till a month and a half later, I got mine in 14 days, so I am taking it as a good sign.

ohh also no they said they will call me for a scheduling date next week or so. Thanks  :cdn:
Im also in the procress of waiting for an appointment email regarding medical assessment and interview dates.

On the site, it says the medical assessment will review medical records and history. Does that mean just the information/paperwork/physical you provide them during the application process, or do they actually go into your personal health database and can see all if any surgeries, trips to doctors, prescriptions and blood work done and their results? If they do the latter, that seems like a lot of work to do for everyone.
Welcome to Army.ca, Wellington23

This is the Drugs thread. There is an Enrollment Medical subforum at https://army.ca/forums/index.php/board,72.0.html.
Just for posterity. I wrote my CFAT this morning and the file manager said I did fine but that due to previous drug use I would be getting a 10 month hold on my file and to call to re-open May 1st 2018.

As disappointed as I am I want this and so should you, but just know if you've done things in your past it can and will cause a hold on your application.

I used marijuana since high school and beyond (quit in May 2017 when I decided the army was the way I wanted to go) and tried Magic Mushrooms twice (over 4 years ago). Seems long to me but oh well.
7thghoul said:
I used marijuana since high school and beyond (quit in May 2017 when I decided the army was the way I wanted to go) and tried Magic Mushrooms twice (over 4 years ago). Seems long to me but oh well.

It is long. They didn't hold you for your magic mushroom use from 4 years ago, they put you on hold for your pot use from 2 months ago. 12 month clean waiting after last admitted pot use, and 2 months (since May) + 10 month hold = 12 months.
Consider this your first life lesson in "your choices have consequences".
PuckChaser said:
Consider this your first life lesson in "your choices have consequences".

I am don't worry pops! I promise I'll keep off the grass.  ^-^ I'm not sure what tone you think I was trying to strike but just so we're all crystal clear I want this more than anything so yeah, 10 months sucks, but not joining because of a stupid reason like continuing to smoke pot is way worse. Besides now I have 10 more months to run my ass off, work out, and generally prepare myself to become a better person weather I get in or not.

Just saying, I know I fucked up and now I have some decent time to turn my life around, I fully expected a hold for this but everyone I talked to had said 3-6 months so I was a bit shocked but again, I accept it. There's no need to be condescending about it though Puck.
7thghoul said:
I am don't worry pops! I promise I'll keep off the grass.  ^-^ I'm not sure what tone you think I was trying to strike but just so we're all crystal clear I want this more than anything so yeah, 10 months sucks, but not joining because of a stupid reason like continuing to smoke pot is way worse. Besides now I have 10 more months to run my *** off, work out, and generally prepare myself to become a better person weather I get in or not.

Just saying, I know I ****ed up and now I have some decent time to turn my life around, I fully expected a hold for this but everyone I talked to had said 3-6 months so I was a bit shocked but again, I accept it. There's no need to be condescending about it though Puck.

I think you are reading a bit too much into the comment. If you think that was condescending, you are going to be in for a shock in the future career with the forces. There can and will be much more 'condescending' things said to you.

2 months isn't a reliable amount of time to prove someone has quit. I personally would argue 1 year isn't, but that is besides the point. The military has enough issues with drug use as it is, so consider yourself lucky that admitted drug use in your past don't exclude you in total. As I was lucky it didn't exclude me.

Also, just because you feel someone was condescending to you, Don't give you the excuse to be condescending back. I guarantee that when you serve that won't help you in the least. There are many times where there are one way conversations, and a few of those times you will feel they are treating you like a child. Even with that, the best, and most prudent thing is to keep your ears open and mouth shut during it.

You'll understand this if you ever get to a point where you have to lead others.

Anyways, I wish you the luck on your application, 10 months isn't the end of the world. I've waited much longer from my initial application for other reasons. Like you mentioned, use that time to work on things.

One Piece of advice though, if you still want to be in near the end of the year, or early next year, Give the recruiting center a call. Just because they can't process your applicaiton at the time, it is good that you 'kick the tires' so to speak to show you are still interested.
gryphonv said:
I think you are reading a bit too much into the comment. If you think that was condescending, you are going to be in for a shock in the future career with the forces. There can and will be much more 'condescending' things said to you.

2 months isn't a reliable amount of time to prove someone has quit. I personally would argue 1 year isn't, but that is besides the point. The military has enough issues with drug use as it is, so consider yourself lucky that admitted drug use in your past don't exclude you in total. As I was lucky it didn't exclude me.

Also, just because you feel someone was condescending to you, Don't give you the excuse to be condescending back. I guarantee that when you serve that won't help you in the least. There are many times where there are one way conversations, and a few of those times you will feel they are treating you like a child. Even with that, the best, and most prudent thing is to keep your ears open and mouth shut during it.

You'll understand this if you ever get to a point where you have to lead others.

Anyways, I wish you the luck on your application, 10 months isn't the end of the world. I've waited much longer from my initial application for other reasons. Like you mentioned, use that time to work on things.

damn. This is getting out of hand. Text never translates feeling exactly the way you want it to. I didn't mean to be condescending I meant to convey that I understand my choices have made my bed for me and I plan to work through it. But thank you for the advice you're right, I shouldn't become offended so easily. Again something I can work on towards next May. Sorry Puck! I appreciate everyone's feedback, especially from an experienced Sig to an aspiring one like myself. That being said, I meant to convey that this was definitely not my first life lesson in choices have consequences, ask my ex-wife  ;)

I feel like trying to be funny on forums before coffee isn't working for me. The amount of respect and admiration I have for all of you guys is immeasurable. Cheers.
gryphonv said:
One Piece of advice though, if you still want to be in near the end of the year, or early next year, Give the recruiting center a call. Just because they can't process your application at the time, it is good that you 'kick the tires' so to speak to show you are still interested.

Oh? That seems like an awkward kind of phone call but I get your meaning. Just call them and tell them I'm still interested or ask about my hold? Thanks mate!
7thghoul said:
Oh? That seems like an awkward kind of phone call but I get your meaning. Just call them and tell them I'm still interested or ask about my hold? Thanks mate!

Call and ask. Never know, sometimes policies change. At the very least, it puts you back on their radar.

I went almost 14 months from my initial application to swearing in. After 8 months I was calling every 3-4 weeks. Lots of time with the same answer.

I don't feel showing you are very interested will ever hurt you.
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