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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter bertram
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Kincanucks may come along sooner or later and have the answer.  I looked on the Cf website but to na avail.......maybe on the DIN when i get back to work
Wendys burgers are particularily declicious, so I resent that!  :P

Also, the guy looks like he's trying to turn his life around, lets go easy on him.....  Everyone deserves a 2nd chance.

I'd say the best thing to do at the moment is to reapply next year.  Say you've continued to be clean and have no plans to ever return to that lifestyle.  Also... perhaps there is an appeals process of sorts for this year, but I'm not sure if that is worth it or not.  Also getting doctor's notes and whatnot may help, to show you are determined and if a doctor gives a clean bill, saying that the past use will have no bearing on your future service that could carry some weight.  Just some ideas.
Well.. I think I knew where aesop081 was comming from though... I suppose he wasn't being that mean really, just extremely blunt as we learn to be in the military sometimes...

But he's just a civvy for now!  ;)

I'll second that Wendy's rocks, but so does Burger King!!!

Hey, forget both those, how about Harveys??? Now I'm hungry.... Too bad I can't eat that crap very often! My body has a tendency to love storing ultra-fatty foods... I'm blessed like that so I have to work my a$$ off to keep it down!

do a search on "drugs" and "recruiting" and you will find a plethora of threads which cover this topic.  I think persistence is the order of the day, plus complete abstinence from drugs during the period of your persistence.  (and forever after would be good too...)

Hope this helps
Well damnit now I'm hungry.  Well I'll stop hijacking this thread now.  But I could still definately go for a burger right now.  :D

EDIT:  I second what Gunnar said.
Shoebox_stereo, I applaud the fact that you overcame drugs. or just stopped using them. I hope you are being honest with yourself and the CF. Try applying in a year or two. I can not remember the exact policy (I don't touch anything but booze or caffeine from coffee), but I was sure if you were clean for awhile, they might let you in. However I am not too sure if there are certain drugs that strictly keep you out if you ever used them. Inquire and follow it up. In the mean time, best of luck with whatever endever you choose and stay clean.  I do appreciate your willingness to serve, I wish every Canadian had that sense of patriotism.
R031 Pte Joe said:
... maybe PM Kincanucks, he's a user on here who IS a Canadian Forces recruiter, very intelligent and resourceful person, knowledgable about his job to say the least...

hey its cool about what aesop081 said, im a little edgy, web forums are always a little jaded  >:D so it all evens out.

ill wait for tommorow to call, and give this topic some time to digest with people and get some advise (so that I have a better idea of what to talk about to a recruiter tommorow)

I think what really bugs me is that I have considered for the longest time this as something of my past. getting into university is definitly a "life changing" direction for someone with this kind of background. I think im just extremly outraged that this is the major deciding factor, and my academic and volenteer commitments stand small in comparison to it.

... ya i have done search's on this kinda topic, but i havnt found a "concrete" policy or regulation... its more hearsay, and that never holds in court.

if its an issue with abstaining, i will gladly sign my name in blood, i became disgusted with the drugs when i quit, and even more now. "going back" should not be an issue..

maybe it is an issue with the "type" of drugs, and not the duration. the recruiter seemed reluctant to believe me when i said i have no criminal record, and never had issues with law enforcement. maybe this is more a game of credibility, then the past


shoebox_stereo said:
quick run down of my history, from 15-17 I went through an experimental stage, or howver you would call it. pot a few times a week, ecstacy maybe once a week, and speed occasionally. I might not be enthusiastic about my past, but its in the past, and what is said is done. Anyways im 21 now, in university and never touched anything since those times.

I don't know what the CF regs are, but from what you said, that is going to look pretty bad.  "I smoked a joint a couple of times" sounds a lot better than "within two years I ingested cannabis marihuana approximately 312 times, ingested over 100 tabs of ecstasy and possibly took speed up to fifty times".  Hell, you might not have been doing drugs for a few years because you were in jail?  Recruiters are trained to make assessments of people and character.  Add to that most pot heads that I have come across never stop using.  They just make lame tobacco smoker-type disclaimers like "oh, I just burned a couple of blunts with some old buds, no biggie, dude".  You have profiled yourself as a person with an addictive personality.  If you are truly off the drugs and will never touch them again, good for you and your health.  As far as the CF goes, though, you may be beat.  Doesn't mean don't keep trying, though.
shoebox_stereo said:
hey its cool about what aesop081 said, im a little edgy, web forums are always a little jaded  >:D so it all evens out.

ill wait for tommorow to call, and give this topic some time to digest with people and get some advise (so that I have a better idea of what to talk about to a recruiter tommorow)

I think what really bugs me is that I have considered for the longest time this as something of my past. getting into university is definitly a "life changing" direction for someone with this kind of background. I think im just extremly outraged that this is the major deciding factor, and my academic and volenteer commitments stand small in comparison to it.

... ya i have done search's on this kinda topic, but i havnt found a "concrete" policy or regulation... its more hearsay, and that never holds in court.

if its an issue with abstaining, i will gladly sign my name in blood, i became disgusted with the drugs when i quit, and even more now. "going back" should not be an issue..

maybe it is an issue with the "type" of drugs, and not the duration. the recruiter seemed reluctant to believe me when i said i have no criminal record, and never had issues with law enforcement. maybe this is more a game of credibility, then the past


PM inbound.  Mods suggest you shut this puppy down before someone gets hurt.
and on that note........

As always if someone has something relevant to add contact a Moderator.
ok, i have researched threads on this but none relate to my case.
I want to join the reserves while in college in the fall and I am worried about the drug testing. I have not dont pot in a year and i dont care to use it ever again. But my problem is I had a few to many one night at a party and I guess i tried some cocaine. Is this goin to show up in a couple months in the testing, and should i just admit to this? It will come back to screw me wont it..
If you lie about it, it will bite you in the arse BIG TIME.  How long ago? once only?  Everybody makes mistakes (said the posterboy), it's all in how you let them effect you. Be honest.
yeah i know i shoudn't lie about it, but yeah it was only once, but it was only last weekend. So im guessing id go for testing somtime in july or august so im sure it would be out of me by then.
Doutbful, but again, be honest about it.  It should be well out of your system by the time you test, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
yeah thats what im worried about, becuase ive read other threads on here in similiar situations where they said they were honest but had to wait six months or somethin before trying to get in, i dont wanna wait that long
Waiting is part of the game.  If you don't have the patience now,  you'll go crazy later.  EVERYBODY in the army waits.
how would they know if i did use it anyway, do i take a lie detector test, if it doesnt show up i my system
Anyone else want to tag in?  The pulse in my eye is starting up again.....
patton13 said:
how would they know if i did use it anyway, do i take a lie detector test, if it doesnt show up i my system
that, right there, tells me you intend to continue using that poisonous shit, despite what the Law, QR&Os, and common sense says.

If it's me misreading the post, then don't worry about it, and do as Kat has told you.

If I'm reading that post correctly: Don't. Enlist.
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