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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

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Dude calm down, this is nothing serious.   The only thing you might want to talk about during your medical is your Pilonidal thing.  You dont need to be "perfect". Do you have anything that could keep you from running heck of a lot? No? then your fine.
You must answer all questions honestly, including about your past depression.  They will then determine whether or not you are fit.  You are very right in that no one on this board can make the decision as to your fitness.  That will be decided through recruiting.  Good luck.
Yeah Dude, just have the test done know harm in doing so. The med staff will see if you are fit for the job and let you know. But you must answer every question if honesty because i remember some thing in bold from my app.


It is a serious offence to knowingly provide false information on enrollment. If convicted, penalties under the National Defence Act may include up to 2 years imprisonment and / or release from the Canadian Forces"

- No harm ever came from trying.
- Good Luck
- Usman
First of all, Welcome to the Forums, ;D

Second, take a deep breath and step away from the keyboard ;).

NO ONE is medically perfect man. I have gone into the hospital/clinic for various reasons, from a piece of re bar through my arm, to a piece of bark under my "wee little finger". They were years ago, and common sense dictates that they are not applicable to the CF.  I wouldn't imagine the RC staff has the time to review your medical HISTORY (which I don't think they do anyways, correct me if I'm wrong) in that much detail. They conduct one themselves and they definitely review that one.  What you HAVE to do is be honest with them. Answer all their questions and disclose any aliments that are applicable. If a recruit were to hide something from them it will surface one day. Not saying that you would not give them full disclosure, but it happens.

As for the loose weight concern....who doesn't want to shed a few pounds. Start running! (assuming the chest pain thing was indeed gas :D You are going to have to anyway. All the best man.

Thanks guy :).  I really appreicate the help as you can see I'm stuck in a predicament which I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.

I guess I will just tell them everything.  I'll bring the x-ray results with me too whether it has any impact or not but yeah, whatever happens happens and I'll just take it as it goes.

Yeah, the chest pain was from gas which has gone away.
I think you will do fine when it comes time for your medical.

If all your tests came up showing that there was nothing seriously wrong, then just tell them that. They need to know the truth.

I also sympathise with you on your pilonidal issues as my husband just underwent surgery on Monday to remove two of them. He is now running on morphine.
i have my medical on Thursday and I was just wondering what is involved. Is it a full out examination? or is it giving a medical history, eye exam that sort of thing? just wanting to know what to look forward to! ;D :salute:
It's pretty straight forward. It took me like 15-20 mins to complete.

What exactly was is involved in mine:

Fill out a form (asks you if you have "so-and-so". Check yes/no type of deal)
Go over the form with the medic, make sure everything is correct.
Strip to your boxers, the medic checks out your reflexes, flexibility and stuff
Pee in a cup
check your hearing
check your eyesight

that was all mine included.
alexpb said:
It's pretty straight forward. It took me like 15-20 mins to complete.

What exactly was is involved in mine:

Fill out a form (asks you if you have "so-and-so". Check yes/no type of deal)
Go over the form with the medic, make sure everything is correct.
Strip to your boxers, the medic checks out your reflexes, flexibility and stuff
Pee in a cup
check your hearing
check your eyesight

that was all mine included.

What?! No hernia test?!?! A little "turn your head and cough"?
DO NOT work out or have sex before the exam. Either in the evening before or that morning. Any physical stress may cause microhematuria (trace amounts of red blood cells in urine) It doesnt mean anything, alot of people get that afterwards, but they'll interpret it as prostate cancer or something just to eliminate you from being recruited. Its almost as if they wanna prevent you from serving. Be careful.
I don't know about that Hernia thing...

I didn't have to drop trou, but for some reason, when my brother did the medical a week later (2 weeks ago), he had to get the ol' hernia test even though it says on the medical sheets that it doesn't need to be done.
  Yeah, I got the ole' turn your head and cough too.....................I was surprised becuase they do say on paper that they will not perform a genital inspection.  So when he said drop 'em, I was like "huh"?....................then I realized he was checking for hernia, and not doing an actual " genital inspection".
  Cheers all
Steve :cdn:
McAllister said:
.... they'll interpret it as prostate cancer or something just to eliminate you from being recruited. Its almost as if they wanna prevent you from serving. Be careful.

This is incorrect. 

The urine is tested using a standard dip stick test.  A strip of paper will be dipped in, and will react with and change colour if there is blood present (among other values).  It's a simple blood present or not present answer.  If there is blood, the reason why will be investigated, or the test can be re-done.

The test does not give any sort of diagnosis.

I went for my medical around a month ago. 

In addition to:
Fill out a form (asks you if you have "so-and-so". Check yes/no type of deal)
Go over the form with the medic, make sure everything is correct.
Strip to your boxers, the medic checks out your reflexes, flexibility and stuff
Pee in a cup
check your hearing
check your eyesight

They also take weight and height measurements, and test colour vision (reading numbers off Ishihara plates).  They sent me to get an ECG, blood test, full urinalysis (pee in another cup) and an ophthalmologist's report.  The last four were specific to my MOC choices (pilot), though, so depending on what you're applying for, your medical will be different.

No hernia test for me, either.

I was listening to (loud) music in the car on the way to the recruiting center. That's a BAD idea as it turns out, though.  You should avoid noises beforehand for the hearing test.


edit: Figured i should say what my MOC choice was for info
I talked to a couple people about the medical exam and they said tahts its pretty straight forward nothing to get to worried about unless you have something major I you have major concerns or questions talk to a recruiter.


visitor said:
Don't they take your blood pressure?

Yes, they definitely do... forgot about that one.  They do other basic things that you'd get in a routine medical too... listen to your heart and lungs with a stethoscope, check out your eyes and ears, etc.

Like Warthor said, it's pretty straight forward.

oops yeah i forgot those 3 things

Add: take blood pressure, take your weight, and take your height.

Oh and for the hearing test i did really good on it even though in the room i was in there was a vent right above the seat i was in. Even though you wear those headphones with the rubber on the sides that go right onto your ears, i could still hear the stupid vent going crazy. I still passed it easily though...

Just thought i'd add that for a personal story :P
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