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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter bertram
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Here's a question....

I have a friend that is interested in joining.

He has not only used cannabis marijuana, but also cocaine, crack cocaine, speed, ecstasy, crystal meth and magic mushrooms. In addition to using, he was also the neighborhood dial-a-doper. His family runs a brothel, for which he is deeply involved. For a steady source of income, he also runs a successful sports book on the side.

The aforementioned is not my concern though. Here's the problem...Will the fact that his great uncle once served as a Liberal MP affect his chances of a successfull enrollment?


what is it whith the drug thing the last few days......

Shake your head, what do you hear ?
A ex Infantry Captain?  Not really demonstrated by that dumb ass post is it?
Well, I guess the key question is whether he has good knowledge of the trade he wants to join - it may make up for the fact that he is a felon junkie....
It's either a joke or someone has been a wee bit untruthful on his profile.

Really, the "my friend was wondering" line kind of went out in Junior high, making me think that you are'nt quite as old as you claim to be.

As for a "sports book" why? Gambling on sporting events is legal in Canada.

Finally, I did lots of drugs before joining the army, as long as you tell them what, when, and for how long, it is'nt a big deal, the permanent FX will show up in the medical anyway.

Now how about you put the pipe away and tell us how old you really are, 'cuz I'm willing to bet your're a cadet who's been doing alot of drugs, and now are worried about applying for the regs or militia.  ^-^
I don't think this is going anywhere and I am locking it. Let me know if there is any reason to open it.
casus belli said:
u never take off ur boxers...
if u can't touch ur toes thats fine, they just want to see that u can streatch all ur muscles..
u have to walk around on ur toes, then on ur heals, look up, look left, basically just move every part of ur body so they can check, stuff like that

when i was doing the push-ups i stoped at 19 and he told me to keep going till i can't do them anymore

I searched and this was the closest answer I could find.. im 6'3 going for my medical on Jan 17th this upcoming tuesday and I can't touch my toes i can go upto my ankle if it doesn't matter if u can touch your toes could someone confirm that? if it's just to see that we can stretch our muslces.
My medical didn't include stretching but they pushed my head one way and I had to push the opposite (to see if I had a strong neck?). They didn't make us stretch or anything either. Physical was go until can't go no more.
Bobby147 said:
Fogpatrol, Running part is checked through Step Test. Please check the DND recruitment website for more information.

I have a question for other people who have passed Physical Test....

How much time it might take (approximately) for Physical Test ???  I have to take break from work....  may be I will take half day off.

When i was there it took about an hour but there was 5 other people going at the exact same time so he had to do use one by one (one of us did push ups, then the next until done, then we did sit ups.. so on)

"One more question for the people who have passed Physical Test.

Did you eat anything (light breakfast), before you went to Physical Test, or went there empty stomach as you have to do Sit-ups too....."

I ate a full breakfest and it didnt effect me, i had bacon, eggs, toast, milk and an orange, mind you i left my house at 7am to make the drive and get their on time for the CFAT. Just eat a normal breakfest that will give you the energy you need, dont cut yourself short.
We did sit-ups in pairs, as many people as could fit on the floor space at one time and push-ups one by one.
And most importantly.....(Drum Roll) RELAX dont get over stressed over it.

- Good Luck

well today just aint my day,

I applied for CG 2 months ago and did my aptitude test today which I passed with high scores. when they passed the drug form around, I entered all relevent information, not wanting to lie.

... sad to say, i've been denied service with the CF until a policy change occurs as i have been told.

quick run down of my history, from 15-17 I went through an experimental stage, or howver you would call it. pot a few times a week, ecstacy maybe once a week, and speed occasionally. I might not be enthusiastic about my past, but its in the past, and what is said is done. Anyways im 21 now, in university and never touched anything since those times.

CF officer told me that because of my past use, i will never be able to get into CF unless their drug policy changes, but i have read here and there on this site that some people have been able to get in after being 3 years clean (which i then qualify for) and recieve some sort of doctor note, medical drug test or something along those lines...

can anyone give me some advice on who i should contact, and if honestly i even have a chance getting into the CF?

my summer is ruined, and im not quite sure what i am going to do now with future employment, as this was crutial to my resume for future law school

That's weird... the info that I heard around here on the forums is that as long as you're clean from most drugs for 6 months, and all hallucinogens for something like 1 year (or maybe 2) then you're clear to go.  But maybe there are different rules if you have used a considerable amount of drugs for a considerable amount of time???
Past catches up with you.....

Good luck flipping burgers at Wendy's

EDIT : BTW, the link you put up as a reference applies to serving CF members......not you

This is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Forces ("CF members").
aesop081 said:
Past catches up with you.....

Good luck flipping burgers at Wendy's

EDIT : BTW, the link you put up as a reference applies to serving CF members......not you

i'm pretty sure i asked for advise on what to do, not comments. if you have something negative why dont you just withhold from saying it? its evidently not assisting me.

ok well thanks for clarifying that. can you give me some advise on where to look to find information regarding prospective members and policy towards them? or do you just want a drink with that?
shoebox_stereo said:
i'm pretty sure i asked for advise on what to do,

Which i did :
aesop081 said:
Good luck flipping burgers at Wendy's

But i will look for more info just because i'm in an helping mood today and i feel the need to do your reaserch for you
aesop081, that was pretty rude and ignorant... Obviously he's already being burned by his past he doesn't need you to add some stupid comment... C'mon, I'm sure you've been on this website long enough to know you should just poke someone like that when he wasn't being rude or anything...

You were trolling and that's all there is too it.

To shoebox_stereo... I've had a buddy try to get into the reserves with me back when I applied and he was denied on the grounds he used mushrooms about a year ago. They told him he'd have to wait at least 3 years fully clean before he could apply, so he had to wait another 2 years basically. He didn't bother, he gave up.

For you my friend, I would suggest contacting maybe a different recruiting centre or calling the recruiting line, that 1-800 # advertised everywhere. Go to http://www.dnd.ca , then look to the right where all the menu options are and click on recruiting and find the #.... I think there's got to be a way you could get in, even if you do have to take some tests to prove you're clean as you say you are.

Again, I'm certainly no recruiter but give it a try. It's worth pushing a bit if you want it, maybe PM Kincanucks, he's a user on here who IS a Canadian Forces recruiter, very intelligent and resourceful person, knowledgable about his job to say the least.

Best of luck,
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