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Posting Policy-Restricted (IR) & Prohibited moves [MERGED]

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That makes sense $$-wise.  If there are rooms available in the already existing (and paid for with our tax dollars) facilities, why is the Accn folks with FAdmO in Halifax forcing people onto the economy and wasting $?  Its just a waste of $1400'ish a month IMO...and no doubt all that $ adds up PDQ.

Hey there,

I'm sorry if this question has been asked before (I would be surprised if it hasn't been) but I've been searching through the threads both using the search function and Google for a couple of hours now and can't seem to find it.

My husband is working on his application for RMC for entrance in the 2011-2012 school year and I'm curious about how our living situation would be affected if he is accepted.

On the RMC website it says that:

Cadets who are married or have common law status may be authorized by their chain of command to live out.

(emphasis mine)

In your experience are married cadets generally granted authorization? In what kinds of situations would they not be given authorization? Is authorization given before or after school starts?

He's trying to decide between ROTP at CivvyU and RMC and these are kind of the tipping point questions. He would prefer RMC for so many reasons, but we don't really want to live separately for most of the time that he's there. So if the chances of living together are 50/50 he's more likely to go for CivvyU. But if it's more like 90% then why not RMC?

I'm fully prepared  (well, as much as I can be) for spending lots of time alone when he's on other training courses, deployed, etc. But why do so if we don't have to, right? Besides, I like Kingston and would most likely move there just to be closer if it were the only option.

Just like to have all the facts.



IIRC, usually, first year students have to live in.  After that, I believe they can apply to move out on the economy.

As far as "deciding" between civvy U and RMC, he may not have a choice.
Moe is right again!

You do not get a choice between RMC and civvie U ... we require that you apply to civvie U's when you apply to us... RMC decides who they want to get ROTP ... they tell US who's going to be offered RMC and who's going to be offered civvie U ... you don't like their choice, you turn down the job and try again next year ...

That's the end of my expertise ... I have no idea about living in / living out at RMC ... sorry.
Thanks Moe and Otis.

I must have misread some other threads where people were recommending that others go the route of ROTP at a civilian university. Either way, even if it means spending a whole lot of time apart, RMC is worth it and would be preferred. So *fingers crossed*

I would still appreciate it if anyone else could provide more insight as to how it works for married couples at RMC. I've seen plenty of answers regarding 'going common-law' or having a pregnant girlfriend but it was all for current students.

Thanks again,

I was able to apply to Rotp for this September with Civi university as my only option. I was half way into my second year when I applied.

However, as stated before, it is now required to put both RMC and Civi universities. Having completed a year or two of Civi university did let me apply solely to my university. I could not comment on that situation now that policy has been changed. Maybe someone else can offer some insight.
irlandaiscanuck said:
I would still appreciate it if anyone else could provide more insight as to how it works for married couples at RMC. I've seen plenty of answers regarding 'going common-law' or having a pregnant girlfriend but it was all for current students.

If I were to hazard a guess, I suppose your spouse would go to RMC on IR (Imposed Restriction - meaning no move of furniture, dependents, etc) until such time as he would be allowed to live off campus.  But. I'm just guessing.
mathabos said:
I was able to apply to Rotp for this September with Civi university as my only option. I was half way into my second year when I applied.

However, as stated before, it is now required to put both RMC and Civi universities. Having completed a year or two of Civi university did let me apply solely to my university. I could not comment on that situation now that policy has been changed. Maybe someone else can offer some insight.

Yet, I was in just starting my third year at a Civi university this past semester, and they told me I must put down RMC as an option in order to apply.
There are several people that I know who are married at RMC and they live out. I do not know what the policy is on being a married first year cadet is but once in 2nd year your husband should get the "ok" to live off if the current policy continues.
The rules used to allow for married Ocdts to live on base or in town. They had to have a room on campus with their kit in it for inspections, etc. The request had to be approved by the Chain of Command, and would normally only be authorized after recruit term ended (FYOP now?). However, the cadet still had to abide by all the restrictions and timings for his year. Ergo, if there was a curfew, or you had to wear uniforms in town, married members had to abide them, even though they lived off campus.

Married Ocdts always had the largest circle of friends, as it usually became a flop house for the rest of the gang to hang out, drink, etc.

All this being said, alot may have changed since I last checked on the rules.
I just talked to RMC and captloadie appears to be correct.

It SEEMS that you must maintain a room during your first year, even if you are not staying there the entire time, and you must stay on campus during orientation (the first five weeks or so).

Once you have proven to RMC that you are married, you will be permitted to set up your family nearby. They would PREFER that you live in PMQ's if possible (as it's very close by and will make it easier to meet your timings) but that is not absolutely required. Also, you must be flexible, as there will be times when you may be ordered to stay in quarters or where it would be to your advantage to stay in quarters ...


Edited after conversation with RMC.
Thanks everybody for the replies, especially Otis. That's definitely a compromise I can live with and as long as there is a PMQ available, I would be more than happy to live close to the campus. It's definitely a better solution than only seeing each other occasionally when he has time off, especially as I'm hoping to be a student at Queen's at the same time.

Thanks again!

The following is a sentence from my ETP Instruction message. I'm going to Ottawa and will be on the GeoTech course. Could someone explain exactly what the sentence means, and explain how things are supposed to go once I get to Ottawa this Friday? My local orderly room hasn't been able to find out much, and the OR at the MCE won't talk to me.

SELC said:
The following is a sentence from my ETP Instruction message. I'm going to Ottawa and will be on the GeoTech course. Could someone explain exactly what the sentence means, and explain how things are supposed to go once I get to Ottawa this Friday? My local orderly room hasn't been able to find out much, and the OR at the MCE won't talk to me.


The yellow bit tells them the Financial Coding from our FY budget that will be used for your move. GL2014 for F&E - GL2017 for all other costs etc.

Currently, the movement of your F&E (Furniture & Effects) is restricted IAW Ref C as per the blue bit. That means that you arenb't moving your F&E to Ottawa with you right now. Further details as to when you can, or what you have to do, and why it is "restricted" would be found at "Ref C."  Near the top of your message, just under the DTG (date Time Group), you will see the "Refs" listed --- what does your Ref C say (IE QR&O ~~~ etc etc)?
SELC's wife writing...

If I'm looking at the right spot on the ETP message (printed out next to me), REF C is CFAO 209-28. Another "C" I'm seeing says MCE OTTAWA (9906-1786) AWTR. Another "C" under 3 says NO RA. I'm not sure where the DTG is on this message....
Please tell me you are not saying that a regular force orderly room has not been able to help you.  They should be able to read the message and either give the answers or at least get the answers. 

Not sure what 209.28 is but I believe it has something to do with living accomodations in the base area.

As you are going on course (how long is the course?) I would guess that they are not authorizing a cost move as the course is too short and they expect to post you once the course is done. The other possibility is that you were expected to see your movement section, do an HHT and then get the restriction lifted so you could move. If this has been done then there is no worry about that line anymore.

Once in Ottawa contact your receiving unit - they should tell you everything you need to know (HA!! I did say should). Also contact CFSU(O) to book an inclearance - again they should (yes HA!) be able to give you all kinds of info you need.
Selc's wife writing again (I'm at the computer more, and actually remembered to log in with my own account this time!)

The course is a 2 year course. We finally got in touch with the CWO he'll be reporting to today, and at least he doesn't have to be there until a week from today. We're still really confused on all other issues, though. The recruiting officer says he's on a BTL list. The CWO also says that the inprocessing at  101 Colonel By will be done AFTER he reports to the MCE. We don't know yet at this point if Selc will be able to come back to Windsor to help pack up the house and get it ready to put up for sale, or not. His course doesn't actually start until August 9th.

So, yes, we've been in touch finally with the Ottawa folks, but we still don't know a lot. I can get a sanitized copy of the ETP message posted if that would help. We don't understand a lot of the acronmyms (SELC has been a reservist for 13 years, never done a CT/OT before), and it's starting to feel like we're getting different answers depending on who he talks to...
CountDC said:
Not sure what 209.28 is but I believe it has something to do with living accomodations in the base area.

Apparently, it's no movement of F&E will be authorized until accomodations are secured on the Ottawa end.

I'm on leave right now & thus can not access the DIN to confirm the ref; perhaps someone with access can do so.