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Posting Policy-Restricted (IR) & Prohibited moves [MERGED]

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CFAO 209-28 is what the Orderly Room uses to move personnel when they make the arrangements (vice Brookfield).  The companion set of regulations to this are Chapter 209 of the Compensation and Benefits Instructions (CBI).  The CBI have replaced most of Volume III of the QR&O.  So, in this case, everytime you see "QR&O" in the CFAO, replace it with "CBI."  Here is a link to Chapt 209 of the CBI:  http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/pub/cbi-dra/tc-tm-209-eng.asp.  Unfortunately, there is no internet link currently available for the CFAO and it's too long to post.
Hey guys, my husband and I have gotten news that we'll be posted to Petawawa this summer. We have not gotten our official posting message yet (thus all the info I assume is coming with it) but his SQ staff at Gagetown has basically said "yeah, all you guys are going to Petawawa, just so you know".

I have some questions, hope you guys can help me out!

- First, my husband and I have no children as of yet. We are planning to have some within the next 2 years so we're hoping we can get atleast a 3-bedroom single PMQ. A lot of people are telling us that we won't be eligible because we don't have children, but we know a couple there right now who have no children and are in a 3-bedroom semidetached. We want to avoid row housing and apartments at ALL costs. Do you think we're eligible for what we're hoping for or is it all depending on the demand?

- I understand that our move will be paid for, but do we have to pay upfront and CF reimburses us? I just want to be prepared moneywise on moving day.

- Can anyone let me know of their PMQ style and approximate hydro/heating costs? Aswell as recommend what internet/phone/cable services they use?

- I'm a bit of an interior design junkie. Are we allowed changing the lighting fixtures in the PMQs? I have heard that some have put in ceiling fans. I'd love to put in our chandelier. Home is what you make it right ladies?

- And lastly.. would anyone be willing to email me photos of their PMQ in Petawawa? I hate going by the house plans on the CF website! I'd really love to get an idea of what they really look like on the inside. If you'd like my email address let me know.

Thanks so much for dealing with my multiple questions! I've been browsing through these posts the last couple of days and noticed how nice and helpful everyone is. I hope you can help me out too!
blg said:
- First, my husband and I have no children as of yet. We are planning to have some within the next 2 years so we're hoping we can get atleast a 3-bedroom single PMQ. A lot of people are telling us that we won't be eligible because we don't have children, but we know a couple there right now who have no children and are in a 3-bedroom semidetached. We want to avoid row housing and apartments at ALL costs. Do you think we're eligible for what we're hoping for or is it all depending on the demand?

You will be assigned housing based on your family size, not your family potential.
blg said:
I understand that our move will be paid for, but do we have to pay upfront and CF reimburses us? I just want to be prepared moneywise on moving day.
You will be advanced the money for everything that isn't already paid for by the CF (actually Brookfield Global Relocation Services but that doesn't really matter for the purposes of your question).  You won't need to pay for everything and seek reimbursement.  Keep all your receipts though!
What do the PMQs look like in Pet?  What do the PMQs look like in Gagetown?  They are the same design, with the exception that there are no "apartment style" PMQs in Gagetown.  CFB Petawawa has a website you can look at and browse.



Dolphin_Hunter said:
You will be assigned housing based on your family size, not your family potential.

And/or availability.  My husband and I (no children) had a three-bedroom house in Pet.  It does pay to be posted in January!  :nod:
George Wallace said:
What do the PMQs look like in Pet?  What do the PMQs look like in Gagetown?  They are the same design, with the exception that there are no "apartment style" PMQs in Gagetown.  CFB Petawawa has a website you can look at and browse.



Thanks for the links! However I've already looked at the CF websites about PMQs. I was hoping to see real photos of the inside of a PMQ in Pet. The CFB Pet website only shows the outside photo of the house and then a digital floorplan unfortunately.
PMedMoe said:
And/or availability.  My husband and I (no children) had a three-bedroom house in Pet.  It does pay to be posted in January!  :nod:

Oh, good for you guys :)
So does the summertime count as a busy posting season? I'm new to all of this and not sure what the "busy" times are.
Lex Parsimoniae said:
You will be advanced the money for everything that isn't already paid for by the CF (actually Brookfield Global Relocation Services but that doesn't really matter for the purposes of your question).  You won't need to pay for everything and seek reimbursement.  Keep all your receipts though!

Okay, thanks!
blg said:
Oh, good for you guys :)
So does the summertime count as a busy posting season? I'm new to all of this and not sure what the "busy" times are.

Yes.  The summertime is commonly known as APS (Active Posting Season).  This allows folks with kids to not break up school years, etc.

That being said, out-of-sequence posting do happen in the CF.
The CF moves approximately 15,000 members annually and the vast majority of those moves occur during the summer, so yes, that's a busy time.

PMQs are normally assigned by family size, but you can ask and if a larger one is available, you can normally get it.  You will have to pay the higher rent though.  If you are initially assigned a smaller one, you can ask for a larger one as your family grows, but you may be on the hook for the moving costs to to the new house down the street.  If you can somehow time your family growth with a major rat infestation, your moving costs (a "local" move) will be covered, but don't count on this as a course of action.

Yes you can decorate to a certain degree, but keep in mind that you may be required to return the PMQ to its original state when you leave (this can cost money if professional services are required).  Changing the light fixtures may be possible, but you will need permission from CFHA and they may (in fact, they likely will) insist that they be installed by a licensed electrician and you will likely have to pay for that.  The key is to ask.  If you're thinking that no one would ever know if you just changed them yourself, you're likely right, but are you willing to take that risk?  The CF takes a pretty dim view of people burning down its houses, unless your kids are playing with matches (I'm not kidding, that's actually in the book).  Your tenancy insurance (which is required) won't cover you if the house burns down as a result of you playing with the wiring. 

Good luck.  Moving is such fun! :dileas:
blg said:
Thanks for the links! However I've already looked at the CF websites about PMQs. I was hoping to see real photos of the inside of a PMQ in Pet. The CFB Pet website only shows the outside photo of the house and then a digital floorplan unfortunately.

As I said, look at a PMQ in Gagetown.  They are all the same.
Pusser said:
The CF moves approximately 15,000 members annually and the vast majority of those moves occur during the summer, so yes, that's a busy time.

PMQs are normally assigned by family size, but you can ask and if a larger one is available, you can normally get it.  You will have to pay the higher rent though.  If you are initially assigned a smaller one, you can ask for a larger one as your family grows, but you may be on the hook for the moving costs to to the new house down the street.  If you can somehow time your family growth with a major rat infestation, your moving costs (a "local" move) will be covered, but don't count on this as a course of action.

Yes you can decorate to a certain degree, but keep in mind that you may be required to return the PMQ to its original state when you leave (this can cost money if professional services are required).  Changing the light fixtures may be possible, but you will need permission from CFHA and they may (in fact, they likely will) insist that they be installed by a licensed electrician and you will likely have to pay for that.  The key is to ask.  If you're thinking that no one would ever know if you just changed them yourself, you're likely right, but are you willing to take that risk?  The CF takes a pretty dim view of people burning down its houses, unless your kids are playing with matches (I'm not kidding, that's actually in the book).  Your tenancy insurance (which is required) won't cover you if the house burns down as a result of you playing with the wiring. 

Good luck.  Moving is such fun! :dileas:

Thanks for the info. They would really insist that a licensed electrician install a chandelier even though we know perfectly well how to do it ourselves? Haha, I suppose that they don't want to take any chances.. so that's understandable.

I'll try out the rat infestation plan if we're given a small PMQ and let you know how it goes.
George Wallace said:
As I said, look at a PMQ in Gagetown.  They are all the same.

Oh, I think you meant to actually go inside one in Gagetown. Sorry, I thought you were telling me to look at photos of one, when there clearly aren't any available on the CF website, haha. My mistake! My husband is in Gagetown right now (he's in the field for the next 2 weeks so no time for him to look around before he's posted) and I'm in Barrie where we're from, so that's not possible. I wish it was, though. I guess we'll just have to be patient and wait to see our own.
blg said:
Oh, I think you meant to actually go inside one in Gagetown. Sorry, I thought you were telling me to look at photos of one, when there clearly aren't any available on the CF website, haha. My mistake! My husband is in Gagetown right now (he's in the field for the next 2 weeks so no time for him to look around before he's posted) and I'm in Barrie where we're from, so that's not possible. I wish it was, though. I guess we'll just have to be patient and wait to see our own.

Have a look around CFB Borden then.
Does anyone know how to go about getting our car to the base when we get posted. I don't drive, the car isn't reliable for driving  that far and thought maybe expenses would be paid to tow it with the movers?? Or would this just be my problem to figure out. Thanks for your time.
As part of your move, you can ask about having your car shipped.  Ask them when you start your documentation. 

It may also mean that it is a good time for you to invest in a new/newer more reliable vehicle.
Eye In The Sky said:
Yes.  The summertime is commonly known as APS (Active Posting Season).  This allows folks with kids to not break up school years, etc.

That being said, out-of-sequence posting do happen in the CF.

Oh, okay, makes sense. Thanks.
Did you like Petawawa while you were there?
I am looking for non-irp move policy, find out about entitlements. Can any body provide a link?

Well, it took me a while but here it is for future reference!
