I am currently in the process of applying for ROTP at RMC. I've been to the CFRC twice already, and I'm scheduled to go back with transcripts as soon as they are made available to me for a preliminary shakedown. I'm 28, my highschool marks were pretty good, but I was a fat, lazy git in my early-mid 20's and twice messed up university opportunities. I've made huge strides in the past two years, dropped from 265lbs to 175lbs, got in wicked shape, got married, completed a post-grad one-year certificate at college (graduated with honours too!). I know I've always had the ability to perform and perform well in the military, and now I've got the confidence, drive, and motivation (ten wasted years will do that to you!) to do what I wanted to do out of highschool and go to RMC.
Anyway, regardless of that, I had a question that the CFRC couldn't answer; Should I be accepted into RMC, where does my wife fit in? Specifically, where does she live? The answer I was provided was, "We're not sure what policy is", and subsequent calls to RMC have netted nothing but voicemails. I've read online (yeah, how reliable!) everything from, "You can live off campus with your spouse", to "You live in barracks until Thanksgiving weekend, then you can live with your spouse, maybe on campus, maybe not", and so on and so forth.
While I'm waiting for the registrar to call back, does anyone have any insight?