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Posting Policy-Restricted (IR) & Prohibited moves [MERGED]

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I don't think you can.  The info below was taken from the CMP site.

14.5.06 Limitations - future relocation benefits
When an early IPR relocation is exercised, CF members are no longer eligible to further IPR relocation benefits or reimbursements during their current terms of service, even if future postings occur.

CF members who are posted after exercising their early IPR and do not move their (D)HG&E to their new place of duty are not entitled to:

IR benefits;
SA benefits;
PLD; and

Dolphin_Hunter said:
I am well aware of the rules when a service member decides to move to the new location alone.  What I want to know is this, what happens when one member of a service couple decides to take the F&E to the new location while leaving the other member at the old location.  Would the member who is left behind be entitled to IR benefits?

I have read through the orders and I can't seem to find anything written about the subject anywhere.

Married Service Couples do not go on IR.  However, when an MSC is split up (due to the exigencies of the service) the member who is separated from the F&E is entitled to separation expenses, LTA, etc.
Pusser said:
Married Service Couples do not go on IR.  However, when an MSC is split up (due to the exigencies of the service) the member who is separated from the F&E is entitled to separation expenses, LTA, etc.

I beg to differ.  I was on IR for my posting to Ottawa.  I had to request it from my CM.

From the DCBA Aide Memoire:

or is part of a service couple that has been posted apart or has been posted to a new location in Canada and has been granted Imposed Restriction (IR) status
Thanks caocao for the reply,

Only thing is I did not take an early IPR as I miss informed  the audience. The IPR was my decison and I did not use military funds for it..I paid the move since I was too many years from retirement to take advantage of it.
topo4u20 said:
Thanks caocao for the reply,

Only thing is I did not take an early IPR as I miss informed  the audience. The IPR was my decison and I did not use military funds for it..I paid the move since I was too many years from retirement to take advantage of it.

You may still not be able to request IR as it was your choice.  Check with your clerks/OR.
PMedMoe said:
I beg to differ.  I was on IR for my posting to Ottawa.  I had to request it from my CM.

From the DCBA Aide Memoire:

It looks like IR, smells like IR and is in fact, often mistakenly called IR, but is not in fact IR - that's from the folks who actually work at DCBA.  I'm surprised you had to request it from your CM.  What happens if he/she says no?  Does this force your spouse's CM to then move your spouse with you?
PMedMoe said:
I beg to differ.  I was on IR for my posting to Ottawa.  I had to request it from my CM.

From the DCBA Aide Memoire:

MSCs are not considered IR. They are considered to be Restricted Posted, but not Imposed Restricted (Imposed R implies a choice the mbr and his/her family made to be separated which is NOT the case with MSCs).

My CM cut me a message that actually said "Imposed Restriction" and we all went WTF!!?? The message was then recut for a "restricted posting". I've done 4 now, and only that 1 message (in error) was cut for an "IR" posting.

There was a message cut this past spring by NDHQ clarifying that MSC were not "IR", but rather just "restricted".
Pusser said:
It looks like IR, smells like IR and is in fact, often mistakenly called IR, but is not in fact IR - that's from the folks who actually work at DCBA.  I'm surprised you had to request it from your CM.  What happens if he/she says no?  Does this force your spouse's CM to then move your spouse with you?

The having to request it bit comes from IRPP ... they do it to me every single time that I am posted ... I tell them "My CM will NOT cut a message saying that "Imposed Restriction Posting is authorized" because I am 1/2 of a MSC and thus it does not apply. I then point out that my message says "Restricted" and that is good enough. The last lady that I dealt with at IRPP didn't believe that to be the case and refused to begin my claim without an "IR authorized" message from my CM ... what she did get from me instead was a copy of that widely circulated email from DCBA stating that there was NO such thing in the case of MSCs ... then my claim got done --- very quickly.  ;)
Both of my messages stated Imposed Restriction.  I don't see how it could be considered a "choice" when one member is posted and the other is not.  At any rate, it doesn't make a difference as it amounts to the same thing, IMHO.
PMedMoe said:
Both of my messages stated Imposed Restriction.  I don't see how it could be considered a "choice" when one member is posted and the other is not. 

The lack of choice is exactly the point ArmyVern was making.  An MSC has no choice in the matter, whereas an IR is only granted when the member chooses it.  As for what your message said, I find it hard to believe that a posting message would ever have an error... ;D

Looks like I am being posted to CFB Kingston during the 2011 APS. My family (mom and dad) minus my PNOK live there. I intend to go IR (Not sure of the process but my CoC has informed careers of my intention), would I be allowed to room with my parents ? What if my parents want to charge rent ? Have the rules changed where you must stay in SQs if available ? Would it be wiser to go out on the economy if available ?

We have himed and hawed about this and it looks like a good way to save $ and throw it against our mortgage here in Halifax, by staying with my parents.

Oh and I know the refs are available on the DIN/DWAN, but I wont have a log in for that until next week, as I am just coming off post deployment leave and the IT folks say it will take that long to get set up.
Halifax Tar said:
Looks like I am being posted to CFB Kingston during the 2011 APS. My family (mom and dad) minus my PNOK live there. I intend to go IR (Not sure of the process but my CoC has informed careers of my intention), would I be allowed to room with my parents ? What if my parents want to charge rent ? Have the rules changed where you must stay in SQs if available ? Would it be wiser to go out on the economy if available ?

We have himed and hawed about this and it looks like a good way to save $ and throw it against our mortgage here in Halifax, by staying with my parents.

Oh and I know the refs are available on the DIN/DWAN, but I wont have a log in for that until next week, as I am just coming off post deployment leave and the IT folks say it will take that long to get set up.

1) You can stay with your parents and receive IR benefits as long as they are approved by your CM.  You are entitled to a certain amount, I will verify and repost the exact details tomorrow for you.

2) The process is simple, there is an application form to be filled out for IR benefits which goes up to your career manager, the form has questions regarding why you are applying for IR authority and that gets scanned and sent up for approval to the CM.

3) You still owe me a beer from the T-Dot days.  :camo:

clericalchronicals said:
1) You can stay with your parents and receive IR benefits as long as they are approved by your CM.  You are entitled to a certain amount, I will verify and repost the exact details tomorrow for you.

2) The process is simple, there is an application form to be filled out for IR benefits which goes up to your career manager, the form has questions regarding why you are applying for IR authority and that gets scanned and sent up for approval to the CM.

3) You still owe me a beer from the T-Dot days.  :camo:


Sounds like a plan my friend! And I owe you more than "a" beer lol
Halifax Tar said:
Sounds like a plan my friend! And I owe you more than "a" beer lol

So here is the answer from "the gods" in Ottawa;

Good Morning;

In actuality, he has an entitlement to $540.00/month provided his parents submit a monthly receipt, for the used of private accn, IAW Chap 2 Sect 3 para 3.3 of our Aide Memoire.  Without receipts the mbr wouldn't have entitlement to accn reimbursement> ...> ...> that's his choice.  I will make the assumption this mbr is married, and if not this doesn't apply to mbrs without dependants and you will have to call me to discuss.

If he is married/common-law or has dependants, he is entitled entitled to 65% of the NJC Travel Directive dinner meal rate as per the same para above.

If he is married, I would point out there is no need to request IR from the CM, as he is on unaccompanied move benefits for 6 months.  If, nearing the 6 month period the house hasn't sold, he may want to see if he qualifies for IR/SE under one of the approved criteria of CBI 209.997.

There is your answer...as official as it's gonna get.

So to revive an old thread, I was wondering if anyone has a source they can point to for info with regards to being married while at RMC?  I applied only for Civi U and was offered RMC, so now I'm trying to figure out how these things are all going to work out (I'm a little older than most 1st years...).  Or, even better, does anyone have a number/e-mail address of someone I can contact to ask about the norms for married OCdts at RMC? 

I appreciate everyone's input here, but I'm about to make a major life decision and I'd like to speak to someone at RMC in order to make as informed a decision as possible. 

I DID check the RMC website and the only 'contact' page I found didn't have any indications as to who to contact with general inquiries.  Just a list of numbers for Deans and the Principle!
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.  I'm sure my significant other would too!  ;)

EDIT: Lucked out and hit a link that indicated 'General Inquiries.' 
@jwtg - Try this number: 613-541-6000 ext. 6953, its the liaison office.  This is the number to call for general inquiries and if they cannot answer your question, they should be able to direct you to someone who can.  Are you doing the Jr or Sr RMC plan?  I know that if you're married at RMC, you are allowed to live out, but I have no idea how it works at CMR.  Hope this helps a bit. 
One of my flightmate was married when he came in, he had to live in until the end of FYOP after which time he was allowed to clear out and live in a PMQ, he was also paid deduction free due to him being married. PM me if you have some specific questions and I can ask him.
Inky said:
he was also paid deduction free due to him being married.

Keep in mind, those deductions are only rations and quarters.  Taxes, CPP, EI, etc will still be deducted.
High Folks,

I have searched for COS date and it turns up little pertaining to my question, which follows:

My COS is 11 Aug 11. Is that the day I report for duty at my gaining unit ? Or the day I leave my loosing unit and begin travel to my destination ?

The reason I as is, Brookfield is telling people that their COS date is the date they begin to travel to their destination. This is confusing to me as I always believed it is actually the date one shows up for work at the gaining unit.

Any help and references anyone can provide would be much appreciated as I have searched the DIN high and low for a definition of COS date and RFD date.

Thanks in advance,

Halifax Tar
Brookfield is correct.  The COS (Change of Strenght) is the day you belong to your new unit.  Your RFD date is your COS plus any travel time to get from where you are to your new unit.