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Politics in 2018

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Well this looks interesting  :pop::
NDP MP Erin Weir fears harassment allegation against him 'politically motivated'

Of course it's politically motivated, sheesh! 


Trudeau Says Veterans Are “Asking For More Than We Are Able To Give Right Now”

Yup. Liberals have screamed fiscal conservatism since they took power.
Jarnhamar said:

Yup. Liberals have screamed fiscal conservatism since they took power.

Guess you run out of money fast when you give $10 million to terrorists.  :tsktsk:

No credit for the PM walking into BC and tell them that the pipeline is getting built?
Altair said:
No credit for the PM walking into BC and tell them that the pipeline is getting built?
How's that going to work, another Oka? Cutting transfer payments? Legal challenges to take a decade and millions of dollars?
PuckChaser said:
How's that going to work, another Oka? Cutting transfer payments? Legal challenges to take a decade and millions of dollars?
simply declare the Trans Mountain pipeline a work for the general advantage of Canada under the Constitution Act
...what was promised in the party’s 2015 election platform.

... the campaigning Liberals implied that local communities have a veto over such projects, in addition to maintaining that the public needs to trust the regulators that review them.

“While governments grant permits for resource development, only communities can grant permission,” the platform stated.

Altair said:
simply declare the Trans Mountain pipeline a work for the general advantage of Canada under the Constitution Act

jollyjacktar said:
Well,  the man did go into hostile territory and told a hostile audience that it was getting built,  too bad,  so I don't see why the idea is so far fetched.
Altair said:
Well,  the man did go into hostime territory and told a hostile audience that it was getting built,  too bad,  so I don't see why the idea is so far fetched.

Because you make it sound like he only needs to utter phrases and the waters will part as they did for Moses and it will lead everyone of us, willingly, to the promised land.  It's like a fairy tale ending whenever he speaks, eh?
jollyjacktar said:
Because you make it sound like he only needs to utter phrases and the waters will part as they did for Moses and it will lead everyone of us, willingly, to the promised land.  It's like a fairy tale ending whenever he speaks, eh?
BC pulled this nonsense last week,  maybe it will be a good idea to give the federal government some time to

A)  talk BC down,  letting them know this approach isn't going to work

B) Consult the experts in how best to assert federal authority in the matter.  Nothing worst than rushing to do something only to have done it poorly and having to back down.

He also needs to do this in a way that won't result in BC becoming a new Alberta for the liberal party.  You know,  a place devoid of any liberal supporters for a generation.

There really is no rush,  BCs move only limits the amount of oil that can be transported by pipeline,  not the building of the pipeline itself,  so there really is no rush to do anything until the pipeline is built.
Altair said:
BC pulled this nonsense last week,  maybe it will be a good idea to give the federal government some time to

A)  talk BC down,  letting them know this approach isn't going to work

B) Consult the experts in how best to assert federal authority in the matter.  Nothing worst than rushing to do something only to have done it poorly having to back down.

He also needs to do this in a way that won't result in BC becoming a new Alberta for the liberal party.  You know,  a place devoid of any liberal supporters for a generation.

There really is no rush,  BCs move only limits the amount of oil that can be transported by pipeline,  not the building of the pipeline itself,  so there really is no rush to do anything until the pipeline is built.

Why would you want to remove from the list of available remedies the federal Liberal party's Standing Operating Procedure?

When caught between two difficult choices, generally with varying degrees of his own creation, his reaction seems to be dither, misdirect, and/or pull an artificial emergency out of his lowest orifice that requires an expensive solution as in the continuing F35 farce or the Khadr payout.

In this case, he has to break a promise to either Alberta or British Columbia. Where will he lose the most votes?

"With a federal election in Canada coming in less than two years, the fundamentals look good for Scheer. Despite Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s celebrity and Scheer’s obscurity, the Liberals are barely three per cent ahead of the Conservatives - 37 per cent to 33.8 per cent - according to the latest Nanos poll, just above the margin of error. As important, while the U.S. electorate is split between two dominant parties, Canada’s electorate has a major third party, the NDP, that has the potential to bleed votes away from the Liberals, particularly as Trudeau’s star has waned with many of the millennials and lefties that put him in power. In a three-way race, Scheer may not need many more voters than his base to win the next election. But he may get them, as Canadian voters reflect on the boons their counterparts received south of the border.

"Trump won big in the U.S. against all odds. Now that Trump has shown the way, the soft-spoken Scheer has the odds in his favour - a wind at his back thanks to Trump’s proven policies, and without the liability of Trump’s braggadocio."
Altair said:
Well,  the man did go into hostile territory and told a hostile audience that it was getting built,  too bad,  so I don't see why the idea is so far fetched.

Yup that's true. And looking a wounded war vet in the face and saying vets are asking for more than the government is willing able to give while dishing out money for isis reintegration  was ballsy too.

Trudeau's Canadian tour of duty reminds me of a platoon/company commanders hour when they're hit with a barage of serious issues and complaints and they close their notebook and just start nodding their head looking at their watch.
jollyjacktar said:
Because you make it sound like he only needs to utter phrases and the waters will part as they did for Moses and it will lead everyone of us, willingly, to the promised land.
Not speaking specifically  about ANY politician or political party, in any country, but......

People who believe religious dogma as...well, gospel.... seem very similar to people who believe unquestioningly (unthinkingly) in various political dogma.


Again, maybe read stuff you don't believe in..... then think about it.
Thou shalt not believe in God.

(Like that, you mean?)  ;D
Oh what I wouldn't do for a conservative PM again. I think a large minority conservative government would be best for Canada due to needing to work with the NDP and Liberals on different issues.. but then again the inability to make snap decisions is not good..

I didn't like Harper but this new chap seems promising.. or well at least better then trudeau imo but that's a low bar. Trudeau is far to "multicultural" even if it puts Canadians at risk.. something I can't stomach.

Loachman said:
When caught between two difficult choices, generally with varying degrees of his own creation, his reaction seems to be dither, misdirect, and/or pull an artificial emergency out of his lowest orifice that requires an expensive solution as in the continuing F35 farce or the Khadr payout.

In this case, he has to break a promise to either Alberta or British Columbia. Where will he lose the most votes?
He has never made a promise to not build pipelines,  thus he has no promise to break with BC.
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