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Politics in 2017

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jollyjacktar said:
If what I was reading was a good indicator of the PM's visit to Washington, most folks didn't know or care that he was there and as a matter of fact couldn't even remember his name. 

Canadians, on the other hand, were very happy with his performance.  Even most Conservatives were willing to openly say so.  I think it speaks to the partisanship on this website that people can't recognize a good even when it exists, and instead have to refer to the PM as a man child when he was exhibiting nothing like that.
jmt18325 said:
Canadians, on the other hand, were very happy with his performance.  Even most Conservatives were willing to openly say so.  I think it speaks to the partisanship on this website that people can't recognize a good even when it exists, and instead have to refer to the PM as a man child when he was exhibiting nothing like that.

You a little butthurt bro? I respect the office, not the man child currently occupying it. And this time around, I have a healthy and virulent** hatred for the current Libranos Family.

Political correctness is not a law and I still operate on the sticks and stones adage.

I'm offended that you're offended. Try some cepacol.

** - vir·u·lent: bitterly hostile.
"a virulent attack on liberalism"
synonyms: vitriolic, malicious, malevolent, hostile, spiteful, venomous, vicious



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jmt18325 said:
Canadians, on the other hand, were very happy with his performance.

Not this Canadian.

This Canadian was embarrassed.

Another liberal trait. Presuming they are right and therefore speak for all. Including the 60% of Canadians that don't like, or didn't vote, for the liberals.

The other they use a lot is trying to shame and shun someone into silence by hoisting a false flag based on righteous indignation over mere words and inciting others to join the sheep herd to ostracize the individual.
recceguy said:
Another liberal trait. Presuming they are right and therefore speak for all. Including the 60% of Canadians that don't like, or didn't vote, for the liberals.

I hear that statistic presented a lot.  I haven't seen stats on it specifically since the election, but at that time, Liberal supporters were most likely to have NDP as their second choice, while NDP supporters were most likely to have the Liberals as their second choice.  Conservative supporters were more likely to choose nobody as their second choice.  All of that to say that the portion of the political spectrum where the Liberals and NDP reside has a lot more popularity than the portion of the spectrum where the CPC resides.  I don't see that changing anytime soon with some of the characters who are running for leadership of the CPC.

I'm not happy with some of the things that the Liberals have/haven't done since taking office, but I'd still take my chances with NDP before putting a tick in the box of the CPC again, given the current slate of leadership contenders.
Slice and dice it any way you wish. The fact stands that 60% didn't vote liberal.  :dunno:

Interesting observation though. Thanks.

However, election percentages aren't the point of the post.
Don't you know that "the majority didn't vote for Dude Dudenheim" is only relevant when the other guy didn't win?  ;D
Yup, I know election percentages weren't the point of the post, and I even qualified my response with "I haven't seen stats on it specifically since the election..." - but I suspect that not a lot has changed since then.  The CPC are still the outliers of the three on the Canadian political spectrum.  That will get even worse depending on who wins leadership of the party *cough cough Leitch O'Leary cough cough*.
jmt18325 said:
Canadians, on the other hand, were very happy with his performance.  Even most Conservatives were willing to openly say so.  I think it speaks to the partisanship on this website that people can't recognize a good even when it exists, and instead have to refer to the PM as a man child when he was exhibiting nothing like that.

Can you please cite the source you're using when you state Canadians were very happy (I'm presuming you're suggesting  majority here)  as well as a source that most  Conservatives thought so as well?
Loachman said:
Not this Canadian.

This Canadian was embarrassed.

I'm curious as to what was embarrassing about that trip.  Even conservative pundits hailed it as a success. 

Just to provide some perspective here: I like to watch the BBC World News to get a more "detached" perspective on the North American going ons, i.e. how the rest of the world sees our news.

The day of Trudeau's visit, it rated a 30 seconds spot that was mostly used to say that our two nations would reinforce trade, that Trump didn't screw up and the whole leading as a segway into a five minutes portion on Flynn's resignation. In the US media, it was about the same for overall coverage.

We should all breathe deeply, get off our high horses and come down to earth: On the planetary scale, nobody gives a crap about Canada except us.
Jarnhamar said:
Can you please cite the source you're using when you state Canadians were very happy (I'm presuming you're suggesting  majority here)  as well as a source that most  Conservatives thought so as well?

Any Conservative I've heard from.  I was listening to Charles Adler. Both he and Ian Lee praised Trudeau's performance, as did all of the callers.  That isn't exactly a Liberal bastion.
jmt18325 said:
Any Conservative I've heard from.  I was listening to Charles Adler. Both he and Ian Lee praised Trudeau's performance, as did all of the callers.  That isn't exactly a Liberal bastion.

Well then, you've heard from some Conservatives here who aren't impressed.  I'm not a hard Con myself, but I have not heard much come from the PM as yet that has made me want to praise him.  So far, I am very much underwhelmed.
jollyjacktar said:
Well then, you've heard from some Conservatives here who aren't impressed.  I'm not a hard Con myself, but I have not heard much come from the PM as yet that has made me want to praise him.  So far, I am very much underwhelmed.

Are we talking about just recently in Europe/US or since the election? If it's since the election than I am very much underwhelmed as well, but if it's just his recent trips to the US and Europe i must have missed something.
suffolkowner said:
Are we talking about just recently in Europe/US or since the election? If it's since the election than I am very much underwhelmed as well, but if it's just his recent trips to the US and Europe i must have missed something.

Since Sunny Ways, Day 1's walk up towards Rideau Hall.
suffolkowner said:
Are we talking about just recently in Europe/US or since the election? If it's since the election than I am very much underwhelmed as well, but if it's just his recent trips to the US and Europe i must have missed something.

You haven't missed a thing.

Some conservatives here would still be underwhelmed if Trudeau cured cancer.  Just as some leftists would still think Harper was Satan even if he achieved world peace.

If the right is upset and the left is upset, it sounds like something was done right. 

this trip was good for Canada.

There is plenty to after Trudeau and his team about.  This and the CETA visit aren't one of them. 
Remius said:
You haven't missed a thing.

Some conservatives here would still be underwhelmed if Trudeau cured cancer.  Just as some leftists would still think Harper was Satan even if he achieved world peace.

If the right is upset and the left is upset, it sounds like something was done right. 

this trip was good for Canada.

There is plenty to after Trudeau and his team about.  This and the CETA visit aren't one of them.

Don't kid yourself, I would love to be bowled over with delight in the PM, his and his government's performance.  So far, for me, there has been far more rain than sunshine and thus why I am underwhelmed to date.  His latest gaffs of "possible" conflict of ethics/interests with lobbyist's like Agha Khan, or cash for access etc don't make me smile.  I honestly don't give a shit about electoral reform, so I'm not going to stamp my feet and hold my breath like some folks are. 
Conflicts of personalities, and parties, aside, I find it funny - in a way - that if we lie to the government it's a crime. But, if they lie to us it's politics.  :)

Remius said:
Some conservatives here would still be underwhelmed if Trudeau cured cancer.  Just as some leftists would still think Harper was Satan even if he achieved world peace.



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Remius said:
You haven't missed a thing.

Some conservatives here would still be underwhelmed if Trudeau cured cancer.  Just as some leftists would still think Harper was Satan even if he achieved world peace.

If the right is upset and the left is upset, it sounds like something was done right. 

this trip was good for Canada.

There is plenty to after Trudeau and his team about.  This and the CETA visit aren't one of them.

My leanings are definitely Conservative, but with a strong Libertarian flavour. I have, over many decades, found much less with which to fault the Conservative Party and its various predecessors than I have found to fault the Liberal Party, but I have still found much more than I'd like.

I will apportion complaint to either, as I see fit, and credit where it is also due.

I have defended Trudeau here, before, and, more recently, in the comments section on a news article, because (in the latter case) no Prime Minister has the ability to interfere with every single thing done by every government agency in accordance with their regulations.

The meeting with Donald Trump was a "success" only because trade with Canada is in America's, and in particular a few key northern states', interests.

For those who have not watched the Youtube link that I provided a day or two ago, I suggest watching it. I check Bombard's Body Language fairly regularly. I have taken to doing so with the sound muted, and then watching a second time with sound on, to compare her (more detailed) analysis with mine. President Trump definitely appeared less than impressed with Trudeau. There is a major difference between their interests.

President Trump is focussed on rebuilding his country's economy and security (borders, Armed Forces, law enforcement etcetera). Trudeau is focussed on feminism, climate change windmill-tilting, refugees (in an opposite way to President Trump), and other squishy/frilly things.
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