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Politics in 2017

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jmt18325 said:
What does that have to do with Trudeau, exactly?

That our political parties game of twister that they play to justify their actions when it comes to the purchase (and sale) of military equipment hasn't changed since the cancellation of the Arrow.
JT's absolute cluelessness regarding the military is at times breathtaking.
jmt18325 said:
You understand that the Harper government also partnered with his organization, and that he and Harper appeared in public together, including at the opening of of his foundation in Toronto, I hope. 

Did Harper Fly to the Khan's island for a family vacation under a could of secrecy meanwhile break  Canadian laws  while doing so?

Do you think it's the provocative of the PM to break inconvenient laws?

Do you see where donating 55 million tax dollars to someones organization then having a family vacation on their private island,  with no history of family vacations on said private island (and refusing to answering his many times you've been to that island)  might possibly look like a conflict of interest?
jmt18325 said:
So, you think he should have taken the Airbus, then?

I think he didn't need a battalions worth of staff in France. 

Considering the reason for going to France, taking a less is more approach would have been more appropriate.

The climate change meeting was another paid vacation for a lot of staffers.
I am still trying to figure out the "family vacation" part of this, when he took along another Liberal Minister, the President of the Liberal Party of Canada and their spouses.  That sounds more like Party Business to me. 
jmt18325 said:
I really tire of this.  I hated it when Harper went to hockey and baseball games, ........

Harper paid for those hockey and baseball games, and the movies he took his kids to, out of his own pocket; like you and I. 

That whole line of thought is fluff and not news worthy.
George Wallace said:
I am still trying to figure out the "family vacation" part of this, when he took along another Liberal Minister, the President of the Liberal Party of Canada and their spouses.  That sounds more like Party Business to me.

It wasn't just his family,  nanny and security?
No. Trudeau brought MP Seamus O'Regan (not a cabinet minister) and his husband, as well as the president of the Liberal Party of Canada and her husband.
Jarnhamar said:
I think he didn't need a battalions worth of staff in France. 

I think that's an entirely different topic.  If you don't have an answer, change the channel.
George Wallace said:
Harper paid for those hockey and baseball games, and the movies he took his kids to, out of his own pocket; like you and I. 

He didn't pay for his own transport to those events (aside from reimbursing the taxpayer the same way that Trudeau does).  Trudeau paid for his trip to Fogo Island and St Kitts last year the same way you or I would.  If you stay at the house of a family friend, does that make you a bad person?
PuckChaser said:
No. Trudeau brought MP Seamus O'Regan (not a cabinet minister) and his husband, as well as the president of the Liberal Party of Canada and her husband.

So are those people friends of the Trudeau's (I know that O'Regan is) or was this business related?  That's far more important than the helicopter ride, IMO.
The idea they were all there, for all that time, and nobody spoke about business is ludicrous.
jmt18325 said:
He didn't pay for his own transport to those events (aside from reimbursing the taxpayer the same way that Trudeau does).  Trudeau paid for his trip to Fogo Island and St Kitts last year the same way you or I would.  If you stay at the house of a family friend, does that make you a bad person?

If that family friend is the head of a company that gets millions in funding from the federal government, and to get to that family you accepted transport in direct violation of the conflict of interest act, it completely makes you a bad person.

This whole thing is a non-issue if Trudeau simply paid for the helicopter ride himself, or insisted on reimbursing the cost. It still smells, but its not in violation of a federal law. The fact that he refuses to admit it was wrong shows a complete disdain for conflict of interest laws which is unfit for a Prime Minister. Like it or not, he's now the leader of a country and doesn't get to do the same things regular folks do simply because he's in a position of power. He can't just hit pause on being Prime Minister and hang out for a free weekend on a Carribean island with a registered lobbyist and pretend everything is ok.
Thankfully in Canada you have the right to have a hissy fit.  Temper tantrums, it seems are becoming more common place, even at the highest levels.  We will let you; and of course form our opinions of you from there.
PuckChaser said:
If that family friend is the head of a company

I have to stop you right there, because he's not the head of a company, but rather a religious and philanthropic organization.
jmt18325 said:
I have to stop you right there, because he's not the head of a company, but rather a religious and philanthropic organization.

NO!  The fact is that he is a "LOBBYIST" and thus, even if a "Family Friend", this is a conflict of interest.
George Wallace said:
NO!  The fact is that he is a "LOBBYIST" and thus, even if a "Family Friend", this is a conflict of interest.

Where did I say he wasn't a lobbyist?  To me that fact, is, again, far worse than the helicopter ride.
jmt18325 said:
I have to stop you right there, because he's not the head of a company, but rather a religious and philanthropic organization.
You really love to pick fly $#^$ from pepper, don't you?

You know exactly what I meant and chose to ignore the entire post to correct a semantic error.

It doesn't matter if it's a business or a charity, it's still wrong. I'd also argue that if the head of a charity can purchase an island for $100m, that charity probably doesn't need any Canadian taxpayer money.
PuckChaser said:
You really love to pick fly $#^$ from pepper, don't you?

You know exactly what I meant and chose to ignore the entire post to correct a semantic error.

What you see as a 'semantics error' is actually a very important detail.  He shouldn't have went and it was wrong, but it isn't like he was doing some kind of back room business deal with the CEO of General Motors.  The Aga is a long time family friend that is also the head of an organization that Canada has partnered with many times to do good work around the world. 
jmt18325 said:
What you see as a 'semantics error' is actually a very important detail.  He shouldn't have went and it was wrong, but it isn't like he was doing some kind of back room business deal with the CEO of General Motors.  The Aga is a long time family friend that is also the head of an organization that Canada has partnered with many times to do good work around the world.

How in the hell do you know what exactly did, or did not happen on that island? Were you there?

That is exactly the problem with this affair. Whether true or not, it now appears to the world that this particular Prime Minister is for sale.

That is a massive problem for not just the PM and his political fortunes, but for the entire country.
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