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Politics in 2017

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Oldgateboatdriver said:
What I find funny is that he was "surprised" to have so many questions in English ... in Sherbrooke, in the Eastern Townships.

There ain't a soul living South of the St-Lawrence in the Township or Monteregie regions (South shore Montreal to the Appalachian chain) who doesn't know that the Townships were first settled and developed by Loyalists and other English settlers (hence their organization as Townships instead of the seigneurie system elsewhere in Quebec), that the English community in that area of the province remains strong and vibrant to this day to the point where they have their own Townshipers' Association.

He obviously never traveled through Quebec in his youth, unless leaving the upscale neighbourhood of Outermont, on the island of Montreal to go downtown counts.  ;D

That bit caught my eye as well. More of a North Shore chap?  Or straight from the island to Dorval (sorry, daddy's airport) and parts beyond?

[quote author=George Wallace]

One more child who is not impressed with the PM..... [:D

Maybe were being too hard on him.  At least his face isn't burried in a phone,  that's good right?
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Well, this could become interesting.

The Montreal Gazette reports that three complaints have been filed with the Language Commissioner's office over Trudeau's lack of "providing services" in English at the Sherbrooke Town Hall.

In and of itself, that mans nothing, but the spokesperson for the Commissioner's office indicated that, to deal wit their investigation, they must first determine if the Town Hall was a "government function" or a "political function".

Here's the thing. If the Commissioner finds that it is a political function and the Liberals don't contest it, it will close the investigation of the complaints, but it will also open a huge can of worms.

The Town Hall in Sherbrooke, for instance, was held at the Militia's Armoury. I bet you anything all the chairs were set up by class A personnel. If this was a government function - no problem. But if it is a political, then the Liberal party of Canada should be fully billed for the use of the Armoury and the provision of personnel or other devices.

And that's just one stop. You can now claim that all of the PM and his team's transportation cost ought to be invoiced to the Liberal party. In fact, as a political, all costs associated with this Town Hall Tour (except the PM's security detail) ought to be paid for by the Liberal party - and none of it be publicly funded.

I can sense a lot of questions coming up in Parliament ... and potential complaints with the Chief Electoral Officer if the Libs don't come clean on repayment.

This is amusing. 
Oldgateboatdriver said:
... the spokesperson for the Commissioner's office indicated that, to deal wit their investigation, they must first determine if the Town Hall was a "government function" or a "political function".

Here's the thing. If the Commissioner finds that it is a political function and the Liberals don't contest it, it will close the investigation of the complaints, but it will also open a huge can of worms ...
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice -- thanks for sharing that.

Liberal peacekeeping decision paused because of uncertainty around Trump

~whew~  Dodged that bullet... they were teetering on the brink of having to actually commit to something.  ;)
Journeyman said:
Liberal peacekeeping decision paused because of uncertainty around Trump

~whew~  Dodged that bullet... they were teetering on the brink of having to actually commit to something.  ;)

The Trump election has likely delayed the presentation of the Defence Review as well.
FSTO said:
The Trump election has likely delayed the presentation of the Defence Review as well.
Journeyman said:
Liberal peacekeeping decision paused because of uncertainty around Trump

~whew~  Dodged that bullet... they were teetering on the brink of having to actually commit to something.  ;)

Let the Dithering commence.  This will make it a true Liberal party.  Martin would be proud the traditions will be upheld.  ;D
Journeyman said:
Liberal peacekeeping decision paused because of uncertainty around Trump

~whew~  Dodged that bullet... they were teetering on the brink of having to actually commit to something.  ;)

Talk about an early Christmas present for the Liberals.
jollyjacktar said:
Let the Dithering commence.  This will make it a true Liberal party.  Martin would be proud the traditions will be upheld.  ;D
And yet, if they move ahead with what they'd planned, you'd be happy with that?


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Bruce Monkhouse said:
Bet it doesn't delay the carbon tax......

I was reading that the Jet Trudea took to fly to his secret billionare island new years get away put out as much if not more carbon whatever than the average Canadian citizen does in a year.  Seems on par with the 370 or so delegation the Liberals flew to Europe to discuss climate change  ;D
Here's the article, Jarn:


PM's use of jet for family vacation emitted as much CO2 as average Canadian per year

Josh Dehaas, CTVNews.ca Writer
Published Friday, January 20, 2017 5:48PM EST

The use of a military jet for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s two-week family vacation on the Aga Khan’s private island pumped about as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as the average emitted per capita in Canada each year.

Trudeau’s use of the Challenger to fly his family and a nanny from Ottawa to Nassau, Bahamas over the New Year holiday and back consumed about 9,100 litres of jet fuel, according to the Department of National Defence.

Christopher Surgenor, who runs the environmental aviation website GreenAir, calculated that the trip would have therefore created about 23.3 tonnes of CO2 .

James Tansey, a University of British Columbia sustainability professor and co-founder of Offsetters.ca, estimated that it would have used about 19.9 tonnes.

Those amounts are approximately equivalent to the average emitted per Canadian in 2014, which was pegged at the equivalent to 20.6 tonnes of CO2 , according to Environment and Climate Change Canada. That per capita figure includes industrial emissions, of which the oil and gas sector was the number one contributor.

It’s also about seven times as much CO2 as the International Civil Aviation Organization’s emissions calculator shows six economy tickets on a flight from Ottawa to Nassau connecting in Toronto would burn: 2.94 tonnes (0.49 tonnes each). The Challenger flights had six passengers on board.

Surgenor notes that “Trudeau was a force for good in securing the global Paris climate change agreement.” But the prime minister has also faced mounting criticism from environmentalists over his support for expanding pipeline capacity from the Alberta oil sands. Just last week, Actress Jane Fonda called him a "disappointment" and warned against being “fooled by good-looking Liberals.”

Also interesting to note is the approx 20% variance in the carbon calculations from 2 websites that specialize in it. Climate change "science" doesn't even know how to calculate the figures accurately.
Wait a minute! He went on holiday with one of the publicly paid nanny again!!!!!

These friggin nannies, paid at the taxpayer's expense are so he can attend public functions with his wife and/or his wife can attend to public functions in Ottawa during the day.

When they go on holiday - like any other parents - their kids are THEIR responsibility - not the damned state's. The nannies can take THEIR holidays during that time.

As far as I am concerned, if they decide that during their holiday they are going to need baby sitting services, they'd better pay for the nanny's air fare and pay out of their pocket for the nanny's salary.

As a taxpayer, I am not interested to pay for them to have a lifestyle of the rich and famous they enjoy at my expense.
recceguy said:
I don't think any did. Unless it was overseas infrastructure, or just tossing more money at despots and dictators. He's put millions into that, but none in Canada.

There was certainly infrastructure spending last year.  The projections going forward would obviously include the planned increased spending.

These deficits are far more about slow growth than rampant spending.
milnews.ca said:
And yet, if they move ahead with what they'd planned, you'd be happy with that?

Alright, you found my Achilles heel.  Damn...
Jarnhamar said:
Minus the optics of liberals giving Aga's organization 55 million dollars over 5 years.

You understand that the Harper government also partnered with his organization, and that he and Harper appeared in public together, including at the opening of of his foundation in Toronto, I hope. 

Harper also made him an honorary citizen of Canada, and invited him to address a joint session of Parliament (he did).  The 'Aga' and Canada go way back.  The Aga and Trudeau also go way back.  This is not cash for access (it should end), and I really couldn't care less about a helicopter ride.
FSTO said:
When Trudeau was at his first town hall and someone asked about the sale of military equipment to Saudi Arabia and he replied that "We honour our contracts."
My first thought was "Really?" "Tell that to the EH-101 consortium, you lying ***** ** ****!"

What does that have to do with Trudeau, exactly?
Jarnhamar said:
I was reading that the Jet Trudea took to fly to his secret billionare island new years get away put out as much if not more carbon whatever than the average Canadian citizen does in a year.  Seems on par with the 370 or so delegation the Liberals flew to Europe to discuss climate change  ;D

So, you think he should have taken the Airbus, then?
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Wait a minute! He went on holiday with one of the publicly paid nanny again!!!!!

These friggin nannies, paid at the taxpayer's expense are so he can attend public functions with his wife and/or his wife can attend to public functions in Ottawa during the day.

When they go on holiday - like any other parents - their kids are THEIR responsibility - not the damned state's. The nannies can take THEIR holidays during that time.

I really tire of this.  I hated it when Harper went to hockey and baseball games, and I hate it with, insert complaint here, when it comes to Trudeau.  Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada.  He's not you - he's not me.  He's entitled to and responsible for different things.  He is also entitled to a life.  BTW, only one of the nannies is paid for by the taxpayer, and was at the cost of a different household staff member.  The other is now paid for by the Trudeau's (presumably that means they got their full time maid back)  The Trudeau's don't have any staff in terms of numbers that the Harper family didn't have.
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