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Political Correctness gone too far?


and why are you answering DBA?? it's me you gave a warning to and it's my posts that you dont like and it's me who doesnt know why I got a warning cause you wont tell me.
Im going to be up for awile now cause im quite pissed about this. so if you want Bruce lets take this into the chat so we can talk about it.
Sry about the bunch of posts in a row but I cant modify my posts anymore so I have to do this.

anyway ya I just found out that I can no longer acesse the chat room so thank you very much Bruce.

This was not just Bruce's decision, there was a consensus among the staff and we took the appropriate actions in your case to enforce the qualities and ideals of the board.

Moderators get called out for their actions all the time; Now ask how many times this has succeeded in changing a decision! The answer is z-e-r-o. Normally this only results in the poster taking it a step too far and getting banned outright.

Appeal your decision to the site owner if you want, this is the appropriate course of action and has ben outlined countless times.

Once again I'd like to point out that the number of times what you're trying has worked is zero.

Im not calling him out in the way you think im trying to. I just want Bruce to tell me why I got a warning that was all. and I do want to seriously talk to him about it. Because i dont think that I deserve it. Also Iwant to know why you guys skipped the verbl warning and just whent straight to recorded??? but anyway I will take it to Mike.
Political Correctness gone too far?

In the 50's you would have got away with all those rants.... :-X
so bobbyoreo - I have to know - why does Ralph Klein scare you?

Was this just something the Lieberal media fed you, or do you have a beef?
GO!!! , I think allot of people are afraid of Ralph Klein because they are fed a constant  diet of negative news from a Liberal orientated media . I personally think he is a dick , but at least you know what he is thinking .Old Ralph will just tell you what he is thinking without giving you a scripted answer , he is a brutal and honest man .

    Political correctness is a new way of avoidance of hot button issues , issues become so mired in PC BS that people do not address them . A person should be able to speak there mind without fear of being slandered  as being intolerant ,or ignorant . Now , by no means should a person be able to preach hate or discriminate against others . Too often source issues are ignored because it may be deemed too risky to deal with them .

    It is easier to be politically correct than it is to be a good person , you are just playing the game  by a rule book . To be politically correct is insincere and lacks honesty , you are not being truthful with whoever you are talking too . It is far better to be open with your thoughts than to disguise them with false prose .
"so bobbyoreo - I have to know - why does Ralph Klein scare you?

Was this just something the Lieberal media fed you, or do you have a beef?"

I just think he is way out is some field....not left or right. I thnk his views are for one place in this country and he is just like the separatist in Quebec. Just my views nothing else...and no the liberals never helped me out on this.. ;D... Now back to the forum....
That is why Ralphie is so adored here in Alberta.

You might not agree with him or his policies, but he has the cojones to tell you what his position is, unlike so many of our federal politicians.

He is a straight shooter - like him or not.

PS - I bought an iPod with my prosperity cheque!  ;D
you bastards are lucky. I want a damn prosperity check. $400 is flippin great specially if you have a bunch of young children lol then you get their checks to.
GO!!! said:
PS - I bought an iPod with my prosperity cheque!   ;D

iPod? I thought an Albertan would have spent it on whiskey, chew, and ammo...  ;D  good call though, iPods rock.

GO!!! said:
You might not agree with him or his policies, but he has the cojones to tell you what his position is, unlike so many of our federal politicians.

He is a straight shooter - like him or not.

I miss Mike Harris and his common sense revolution...  :(

Trust me, you have no idea how the poor application of those good ideas cost.....and in the court and correctional systems, are still costing.
I don't know why people dont like Harris. He was one of the few politicians that actually did what he said he was going to do. People voted him in on his promises, He does what he said he would and people are shocked and hate the guy. makes no sense.

Makes you wonder what people are actually thinking when they vote. It turns out they dont even want what they voted for.
the problem with old mikey was that although he did what he promised, he didnt do it in a way that the people of ontario wanted him to. and he did it way to quickly...

along with that, people were all to happy to have Mr. Harris come in, Just to get Rid of Bob Rae. (I remember hearing something about Rae Days... those who are a bit older will know exactly what im talking about. but the gist of it is that Bob Rae Basically Bankrupted ontario, and is one of the biggest reasons that the NDP will never from a federal government anytime soon.)

the other argument is that ontario wanted a strong leader. Harris provided that. Dalton seemed weak and befuddled during the debates, and howard hampton looked like he was going to cry...

after harris, eves came in and in my opinion seemed to be doing  a decent job without being too crazy when it came to Mike the Knifes "Common Sense" revolution, but the damage was done, and in the next election Dalton won out in a majority.  if you want more information on harris, Rae, or McGuinty i found some good info on google after typing in "ontario Premiers" Answers.com has a large amount of information which is pretty much unbiased.

People do think about alot of things when they vote. whether its the right thought or not....

the fact is that a party should also listen to its constiutents...

Harris did not..

from Answers.com:

Upon election, the Harris government immediately began to attract controversy. Its policies involved steep cuts to education, welfare, and Medicare, and the forced amalgamation of municipalities. Welfare rates were slashed by 22%, and provincial income taxes were also cut by 30%. Municipal leaders complained because many of the cuts were "downloading" the costs of services that the province had formerly paid for onto local city and municipal governments. It was this government that announced the secondary school reform to eliminate grade 13 that created the "double cohort."

A separate controversy occurred shortly after the Harris government took office, involving events at Ipperwash Provincial Park. Ontario Provincial Police Acting Sgt. Kenneth Deane fired on First Nations demonstrators who had occupied the park, killing an unarmed protester named Dudley George. The government and the OPP maintained that there was no political involvement in the shooting, but many were suspicious. In a court case that went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, Deane maintained that he was not under orders to shoot and was convicted of criminal negligence causing death. Inside the Legislature, several opposition politicians suggested that the attack may have been ordered by the Premier's office, and called for an independent judicial inquiry. This inquiry was finally called after the government of Dalton McGuinty was elected in 2003. it has not yet delivered a finding.

On November 28, 2005, former Attorney General Charles Harnick testified before the inquiry that Harris had shouted "I want the f---ing Indians out of the park" at a meeting with Ontario Provincial Police officer Ron Fox, hours before the shooting occurred (Canadian Press, 28 November 2005, 12:45 report).

In 1997, Ontario's teachers held their largest walkout in history, but were unsuccessful in getting significant changes to government policies. At Queen's Park, the site of the Ontario Legislature, there were several large protests and near-riots. In 1998, much negative sentiment for Harris was expressed by elementary school students during the "Mandela and the Children" event at SkyDome when he was greeted with enthusiastic booing. Amid the general rise in the North American economy, economic indicators in Ontario improved dramatically, and while the Ontario provincial budget was still in deficit by the end of Harris' first term, he was able to portray himself as responsible on fiscal issues.

In 2001, the Harris government introduced a plan to give a tax credit for parents who send their children to private and denominational schools (despite having campaigned against this in 1999). Many believe that this issue damaged the party's reputation for supporting "ordinary Ontarians".

Im not going to go into the Walkerton Scandal or the Ontario Hydro issues either....
but needless to say, his legacy is by no means something to be proud of....

read his Bio on Answers.com.... its pretty objective and just tells it like it is...

I lived there i know what he did and who he is.

The point is if im running for election and I say im going to cut programs, raise taxes, do this and do that whatever it may be and I get elected then to me that would mean thats what my constituents want me to do. If I do it then I would expect people to be happy about it.

I dislike how people turned on him so fast. he was actually a good politician. the minute he got into office he started doing everything he was promising, not 3 years down the road, not a month before the next election, he got to work right away. He was honest about his intentions and was clear on what he planned to do. People continued to vote for him and in my eyes that would mean they supported what he was proposing and the manner in which it was being carried out. problem is people dont really know what they want.
ChopperHead said:
I lived there i know what he did and who he is.

The point is if im running for election and I say im going to cut programs, raise taxes, do this and do that whatever it may be and I get elected then to me that would mean thats what my constituents want me to do. If I do it then I would expect people to be happy about it.

I wasn't voting age at that point, so I don't know the real reason why people voted for Harris. If I had to wager a guess, I'd bet it's because they wanted the NDP out and we looking to swing as far in the other political direction as possible.

But political climates change and voters change their minds, or get sick of the ruling party. Ontarians generally didn't like the results of the Common Sense Revolution, even if it sounded appealing at the outset. I think that Cpl Thompson provided some pretty good examples of the problems that occurred. 

Let's face it, under Bob Rae - after the NDP blew the treasury, Gov't employees at all levels experienced "bob rae days" where they were "given" time off without pay...

After a while - it sort of became..... anybody else but the NDP..... which brought you Mike Harris & his team. It's not that Mr Harris wanted to hack & slash BUT.... when the cupboard is bare - you gotta learn to live within your means.