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PMJT: The First 100 Days

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Altair said:
Seems like people related to him and his policies on Marijuana, environment and pulling the combat mission.

If that's not a list of BC stereotypes, I don't know what is....  8)
From the you can't unring a bell file:

Trudeau's Davos Speech Transcript Leaves Out Remark About Harper
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The transcript of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos is missing something.
Altair said:
Seems like people related to him and his policies on Marijuana, environment and pulling the combat mission.

Good stuff. See, you can be fair and balanced george

The name is George, and it is as balanced and fair as any of your comments.  But what the heck.  If you can't see the humour in what is being said, then I can't help you.
George Wallace said:
The name is George, and it is as balanced and fair as any of your comments.  But what the heck.  If you can't see the humour in what is being said, then I can't help you.
Sorry, George it is.

I did see the humor, I tried to respond in kind. Didn't seem to work.
Trudeau vs DiCaprio?
I guess we can agree the new PM has done at least one thing right in his first 100 days.  To Leo: “making statements like that to the media, at a time when a lot of people who are not making the kind of money you’re making and are losing their jobs, is not helpful.”

Two self entitled gits bitching about something neither one has a clue about.

Cue the Liberty Bell March! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rutX0I6NxU
Baffle gabble or logical way forward; you make up your own mind:

So the real work has started with Parliament resuming today.

It would seem this week that the Liberals plan on repealing some legislation, announcing they will sign the TPP and have something finally to say about the fight againts ISIS.

This week might set the tone for this session of parliament.  Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
Remius said:
This week might set the tone for this session of parliament.  Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
Yes, Robbie Burns is always a good way to start a session.    :cheers:
And here I thought the real work today was going to be that Liberal MP putting in his member's bill once again tot change the lyrics to O'Canada.  As if there isn't more important things to do when they're in session.
jollyjacktar said:
And here I thought the real work today was going to be that Liberal MP putting in his member's bill once again tot change the lyrics to O'Canada.  As if there isn't more important things to do when they're in session.

But no talk of changing the French words which speak of carrying the sword and the cross...
dapaterson said:
But no talk of changing the French words which speak of carrying the sword and the cross...

That, flies under the radar, I suppose.  As a bloke, I wasn't aware they get swords and crosses.  Now I feel inadequate.
You think that's bad, Dataperson?

You should see the other four stanzas in the french lyrics (yes, there are five of them, not just the first one that we sing all the time as the National Anthem).

The very first line of the second stanza translates to : "Under the gaze of God, by the mighty river ... [the Saint Lawrence, for those who didn't get it]. But the final straw is the last lines of the final Stanza:

"Under the yoke of the Faith, We will again let ring out this creed: "For God and King"; We will gain let ring out this creed: "For God and King".

Remius said:
So the real work has started with Parliament resuming today.
Well, I'm more than happy to see how it plays out.  :pop:

It'll certainly be a nice change from this thread's habitual :deadhorse:
jollyjacktar said:
And here I thought the real work today was going to be that Liberal MP putting in his member's bill once again tot change the lyrics to O'Canada.  As if there isn't more important things to do when they're in session.

So, you think that's all that they're going to work on?

To a lot of people, it's important symbolism.
jollyjacktar said:
And here I thought the real work today was going to be that Liberal MP putting in his member's bill once again tot change the lyrics to O'Canada.  As if there isn't more important things to do when they're in session.

Private member's bill.  Any MP can put them forward.

I suspect that this MP won't be sitting for very long and he's trying to get it tabled before he can no longer sit.  Some people like to get their stuff done before dying.

Stephen Harper’s Conservative government broached the idea in a 2010 throne speech, but abandoned it just two days later amid an angry backlash among core Tory party supporters.

So the "Sunny Days" will shine on this being accepted now?
George Wallace said:

So the "Sunny Days" will shine on this being accepted now?
Remius said:
Private member's bill.  Any MP can put them forward.

I suspect that this MP won't be sitting for very long and he's trying to get it tabled before he can no longer sit.  Some people like to get their stuff done before dying.

Can't say how long he intends to stick around.  He tried the same deal under the last government and it was defeated by the then majority CPC.
jmt18325 said:
So, you think that's all that they're going to work on?

To a lot of people, it's important symbolism.

Of course I don't, I can't use the nice little sarcasm face etc with my windows 10 upgrade. 

As for the "importance" of his private members bill, I'd wager a majority of Canadians are fine with the lyrics as they are and would instead be interested in the HoC working on other stuff.  You know, like the economy, bombing Daesh, healthcare, incoming Syrians....
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