Dog said:
Whose talking about the paycheque? I'm not debating that, but you're saying being a combat engineer is the same as being a supply tech is ignorant.
This isn't a question of wanting work, so much as it's wanting to do something, anything related to my trade. This goes for everyone in every trade.
I didn't sign up to be a supply tech, so no, I'm not going to go count triwalls of stuff at the local Clothing Stores. Just like I don't ask supply techs to come dig the footings of an NSB in the pouring rain. It's not what you signed up to do, so I wouldn't expect you to want/know/care/be qualified to do it.
As for being sick of hearing "it's the nature of the beast" I hear it everyday... as I'm sitting around doing nothing on days when I could be going home early, if they aren't going to train me. I'll be earning that time back when I'm rolling around in afghanistan waiting to be blown up.
If it's truly "the nature of the beast" then, getting back to the original point of the thread, the nature of the beast needs to be changed somehow... because the facts are that retention is a serious problem. Just because some of you are satisfied with the status quo, doesn't mean things are ok. They aren't, and when we no longer have a serious mission to train for, there's going to be an exodus of troops.
I didn't say being a Sup Tech was the same as being an Engineer. So please do not put words into my mouth. As for "doing our work" - THAT work that's taking so long to get done ... is work that will allow parts to get placed on those vehicles, that will allow stuff to get out to your Units - that when it eventually gets done by us mere overworked Suppies will alow YOU to do trade related tasks and training. I've got 49 subordinates - 49. Of which 13 were tasked running ranges two weeks ago, 2 are deployed, and 3 are working up to deploy, and two are still on post-deployment leave. Why don't YOU run the ranges tasking (apples - Army "common tasks") so that my 13 suppies can be at work getting that stuff out to you quicker (oranges - Army "trades tasks")? Get it now?
I've got plenty of non-Supply work you could do to assist us getting your shit out to your Unit, so that YOU can carry on. It's not ALL apples & oranges. You see, you help us get the apples looked after and we'll look after our own oranges. I've got work you could do, apparently - you've got the same old tired arguement as for why you don't want it. If you think this is something new to this generation of soldiers - guess again. The CF grows in times of war. When troops are in Canada ... they are not in that war - thus the extras that were recruited in for that purpose have much less to do precisely because there's an excess of them. It happened after both Great wars, followed up by mass exodus or force reductions. This generation is not special.
As for me using cop-outs or enjoying the staus quo. You obviously don't know me very well at all.
My first kick at "the status quo" of which you speak occured in Field Supply, Petawawa, circa 1990. I was a young (and back then HOT - I'd like to point out >
) one-hooked Pte. Friday afternoon - as usual - all the Cpls and above fucked off leaving all of us Ptes to 'man the fort' until quitting time. Those were also days when we had shitloads of Ptes hanging around with nothing to do (you know, before those mid-90s rounds of force reductions that WILL come again after 2011 [they only need to keep troops around for TFA & Podium now]). Vern decides that this is el toro poo poo; she tells all the other Ptes to fuck off and go home too - that she will stay and 'man the fort'. The Pl WO J.J. happens in (after leaving the Mess) to pick something up that he left at work.
He finds me. "Where the &^% is everyone?" he screams. He knew the Cpls and above were gone .... they left at the same time he did. "I sent them home she says". "You can't do that" he says. "Well, I did do that" says I.
Monday morning, after PT, into his office goes Vern and the MCpl so that Vern can bear the wrath of both. After the usual yeling and screaming I say, "Well, if you all don't need to be here any Friday afternoon, neither does every one of the Ptes, taking turns is much fairer." "You have no authority to do that!!" "Well, I says, where were you guys? On military related work somewhere else?" "Don't you question us as to our whereabouts - they are none of your business". It cost me 3 extras.
Next Friday afternoon comes around and guess what? Same thing occurs (that was the staus quo). Again, I send all the Ptes home again except me (hell, I was pulling the extras anyway!). That cost me 5 more extras (if I were them, I'd have charged me). The next week - another of the Ptes said, "I'll stay this week - you all go".
After that, they got the picture that I just didn't care - that if they wanted morale to be good they had better fix the situation because we'd just keep doing what we did with me remarking "you'll have a fun time charging us for going home early when you were all already at home early - that'll look real good." The rules changed ... and we took turns staying - even the Cpls and MCpls.
I've been kicking "the status quo"in the teeth ever since.
I may have some of my quotes wrong, but you get the picture. I had spit on me they were yelling so badly. BinRat55 may be able to add more - he was one of those Ptes that I kept sending home and who gathered outside the office that first Monday to overhear the yelling that was occuring between me/MCpl/WO.
A girl or supervisor of the status quo I certainly am not, nor have I ever been.
Your remark that "I'm not doing your job" is actually the "status quo". The us vs them attitude that is prevelant. There are plenty of things that you could do to help us that are not supply (ie you don't have to be a Suptech to do them), things that would get your stuff to your Unit faster so that your Unit can carry on with it's trg. What would actually be "NOT stauts quo", would be you actually helping us get them to you faster. And, it seems to me - that that would solve both problems ... you'd not be sitting around bored until 1600hrs (and drawing a huge paycheck for doing that) and my troops might get home on time. And THAT folks is a suggested solution to the problem.
Who'd have thunk it? Actual teamwork in this huge outfit that's supposed to be about teamwork actually solving problems. Wow.
As for your Afghanistan comment. Hmmmm, why do you think us purple trades in Pri 6 Units are at 70% manning levels continually? Precisely because we've got Suppies on every roto to TFA (and on every other tour that the CF is currently involved in too --- there's LOTS of them too --- just look it up, vice just when our Unit deploys. Only the Army (or the CF) hasn't recruited any increased numbers for us like it has your zero trades - that means we do without at home. That maes us busy trying to do Afghanistan, all those other Ops, and our domestic jobs with the same manning levels from the year 2000. We haven't grown a single Sup tech since then and we've got a war to support too. In actuality - all us purple trades are red and understrength of even those pre-war Y2K levels. We've still got the same amount of work (and a whole bunch more) work to do though.
Guess what!!?? Retention is a serious problem for us too!! Surprise!! Being OVERWORKED and underappreciated is the main reason that I hear around here for those of us purple folks pulling the pin. And that will just serve to make the situation even worse.
Status quo my ass.