Here's the crux: The War between those who would spread terror in their attempts to bring back the Caliphate, and us, is on. Period. We will not allow Radical Islam to destroy our way of life, which is their avowed goal.
Do you agree with me that no one deserves power unless they've worked for it ?
Do you also agree with the statement that in general people who don't deserve power are usually weak ?
So why is what Israel doing so wrong? According to you, they should take a scorched earth policy and obliterate the entire middle east?
Why would anyone want to run the middle east? Even if they had an iron fest? What is a fest?
I'm pretty sure Israel doesn't want to run the middle east. I bet Iran does, but that is a whole different story.
So it is your position that Arabs only respect violence and brutality. Again, why is Israel making such a bad choice then? Seems they just have to be brutal enough for long enough and the Arabs will cave. Isn't that what you are showing in your historical examples?
There is no wrong or right. Israel can attempt to run the Middle East, but they'll fail. Simply because they don't belong to the culture and language of Middle Easterns. Even if they occupy Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and reach to Yemen, they'll be resisted feircely. They'll be pretty much going from one war to another just like the Mongolians until their army weakens. The Iranians in my opinion will attempt to run the Middle East and they'll be contested as well.
*** Added: This is what I've been giving you examples from history, it clearly shows any future conquerers must adopt to the ME culture to be able to sustain their hold on the region. Otherwise, their fate will end like the Ottoman empire in its final days.
Nope. Guess that speaks to how well they motivated the populace to arms. The only thing I ever heard about an uprising was the Kurds, and again you see a brutal putting down of an uprising.
Kurds didn't uprise against Saddam, they've attempted assassination of Saddam.....Halabja is a Kurdish city. It goes to show how much you know about Middle East!!
My question to you again zipperhead_cop and don't try to run away from it:
Would you support uprisings against their own governments knowing in their methods they'll murder civilians, and blow up place. Would you support such uprising against Iran or Syria ?