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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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The recruiter I talked to informed me that there are no recruitment allowances for Construction engineers at this time. It is listed as a 'Hot Job' on the recruitment website and throughout the CFRCs. Last I checked they still had 10 positions to fill this year .

The typical deo contract is for 5/6 years when you join without any incentives? That's something I'd have a hard time swallowing. But I didn't have that on my list of questions when I interrogated the recruiter. It's there for the next visit.

Thanks for info.
Here's a link for Terms of Service (TOS). You need a DWAN computer for the link.
The typical deo contract is for 5/6 years when you join without any incentives? That's something I'd have a hard time swallowing.

Every year there is an increase in the pay, called incentives. As a Capt, there are ten incentives before you reach the maximum salary.

If by incentives you mean "Hey, no one is paying me a bonus to sign 5/6 years of my life away", then you may want to consider looking on civvy street for a job. The incentive of joining the CF is starting a career that will change your life, most often for the better. The friends you'll make and the experiences you'll have will make the time well worth your while. It will also make you more marketable if and when you do leave for greener pastures.
Robodad said:
Here's a link for Terms of Service (TOS). You need a DWAN computer for the link.


As the person asking the questions is only a prospect looking to join the CF, they will have to visit a CFRC to view this link.
Maelstrom said:
I was looking at the pay scale shown on the recruiting web site, and it shows a Corporal earning more than a Lieutenant!  :o

It also shows an increase of 20k when going from Private to Corporal...

HAHA, damn right!


I want to be a second, specialist corporal forever!

p.s. ..typo maybe?
I'm new here and thinking about joining the army.  I've been working for a few years after getting my university degree and I'm wondering how much of a pay cut I'll be taking during my time as an Officer Cadet.  Is there info somewhere that explains why a person would be started at pay level A versus pay level B?
evanB said:
I'm new here and thinking about joining the army.  I've been working for a few years after getting my university degree and I'm wondering how much of a pay cut I'll be taking during my time as an Officer Cadet.  Is there info somewhere that explains why a person would be started at pay level A versus pay level B?

Ask and you shall receive.......

A - ROTP (former CBI 204.2111 & 204.2151)
B - OCTP-NFS (former CBI 204.2113 & 204.2153)

204.211(1) (Purpose) The purpose of this instruction is to establish the rate of pay for an officer on enrolment, component transfer or commissioning, taking into consideration the number of pay increments awarded in accordance with CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments), CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion), and the officer’s rank and entry plan.

204.211(1.1) (Abbreviations) The following abbreviations are used in this CBI:

a.“CEOTP” means Continuing Education Officer Training Plan;
b.“CFRP” means Commissioned From the Ranks Plan;
c.“DEO” means Direct Entry Officer;
d.“OCTP” means Officer Candidate Training Plan (No Former Service and Former Service);
e.“ROTP” means Regular Officer Training Plan;
f.“SCP” means Special Commissioning Plan; and
g.“UTP(NCM) means University Training Plan Non-Commissioned Member.
204.211(1.2) (Application) This instruction applies to

a.an officer cadet to whom the ROTP, the UTP(NCM), the OCTP, the CEOTP, the SCP or the CFRP applies;
b.a lieutenant or a second lieutenant who has successfully completed the ROTP, the UTP(NCM), the CEOTP, the SCPl or the OCTP ;
c.a DEO in the rank of lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet;
d.a lieutenant or second lieutenant commissioned directly from the rank of warrant officer or below; and
e.a pilot who was appointed to the rank of officer cadet or enrolled in the DEO Program after 30 September 1998.
204.211(2) (Pay on promotion) In accordance with paragraphs (3) and (4) of CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion), an officer shall be paid on promotion at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank, pay increment and pay level as set out in the tables to this instruction.

204.211(3) (Rate of pay – ROTP) An officer to whom the ROTP applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment as follows

a.if a lieutenant or second lieutenant
i.with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level A of Table “B” or “C” to this instruction, or
ii.with former non-commissioned member service and appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private, in pay level A of Table “B” or “C” to this instruction; or
iii.with former non-commissioned member service and appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of corporal or above, in pay level D of Table “B” or “C” to this instruction; and
b.subject to QR&O 203.20 (Officers – Regular Force – Limitation of Payments) , if an officer cadet with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level A of Table "A" to this instruction.
204.211(4) (Rate of pay – UTP(NCM) and SCP) A lieutenant or second lieutenant to whom the UTP(NCM) or SCP applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer’s rank and pay increment as follows:

a.if appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private, in pay level A of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction;
b.if appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of corporal or above, in pay level D of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction.
c.if commissioned directly to the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant from a non-commissioned member rank, in pay level D of Table “B” or “C” to this instruction.(CDS 1 April 2003)
204.211(5) (Rate of pay – OCTP (No Former Service)) A lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet to whom the OCTP (No Former Service) applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment in pay level B of Table "A", "B" or "C" to this instruction.

204.211(6) (Rate of pay – OCTP (Former Service) A lieutenant or a second lieutenant to whom the OCTP (Former Service) applies, and who was appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private or above shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment in pay level D of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction.

204.211(7) (Rate of pay – CEOTP) An officer to whom the CEOTP applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer’s rank and pay increment as follows:

a.for an officer in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant
i.with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level B of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction, or
ii.with former non-commissioned member service and appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private or above, in pay level D of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction; and
b.in the rank of officer cadet with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level B of Table "A" to this instruction.
204.211(8) (Rate of pay – CFR) An officer to whom the CFR Plan applies and who was commissioned from the rank of warrant officer, sergeant, master corporal or such lower rank as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff, directly to the rank of lieutenant, or such lower rank as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff, shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment in pay level E of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction.

204.211(9) (Rate of pay – DEO) An officer to whom the DEO plan applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer’s rank and pay increment as follows:

a.in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant
i.with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level C of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction, or
ii.with former non-commissioned member service and appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private or above, in pay level D of Table “B” or “C” to this instruction; and
b.in the rank of officer cadet with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level C of Table "B" to this instruction.
204.211(9.1) (Rate of pay – officer with former non-commissioned member service on component transfer or re-enrolment) A lieutenant or second lieutenant with former non-commissioned member service on component transfer or re-enrolment to whom an entry plan in paragraph (4), (6), (7), (8) or (9) to this instruction applies shall be paid at the rate of pay in pay level D of Table “B” or “C” to this instruction for the pay increment calculated in accordance with CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments).

204.211(10) (Officer Cadet – former non-commissioned member) An officer cadet who is appointed directly to that rank from a non-commissioned rank shall be paid:

a.if the member was a non-commissioned member of the Regular Force, at the rate of pay which, including any upward adjustments to the rates of pay determined under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) that may be established from time to time, and any upward adjustments resulting from the reallocation of the last military occupation in which the member served as a non-commissioned member to a higher trade group, is the greater of the rate of pay established for:
i.the rank, pay increment, pay level and trade group held on the day immediately prior to the date of appointment to the rank of officer cadet, or
ii.any higher pay increment to which the member would have become entitled had the member remained in the former rank, pay level and trade group as a non-commissioned member; and
b.if the member was a former Regular Force member who re-enrolled or a member who transferred from the Reserve Force to the Regular Force, at the rate of pay, including any upward adjustments to the rates of pay, in CBI 204.30 (Pay – Non-commissioned members) for:
i.the rank, pay level and trade group that they would have received had they enrolled directly as a non-commissioned member as determined in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, at the pay increment determined by CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments); or
ii.any higher pay increment to which the officer would have become entitled under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) had the officer remained in the former rank, pay level and trade group as a non-commissioned member.
204.211(10.1) (Transitional provision – officer cadet pay level D to Table “A”) The rate of pay for an officer cadet, who was paid under pay level “D” to Table “A” on 31 March 2006, shall be, for each month after March 2006, the greater of:

a.the rate of pay as determined under subparagraph (10)(b) to this instruction as though the changes to that subparagraph had been in effect on the day immediately prior to the date the officer was appointed to the rank of officer cadet; and
b.the rate of pay that the officer was receiving on 31 March 2006.
204.211(10.2) (Rate of pay – Reserve Force officer on Class “C” Service) A Reserve Force lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet on Class “C” Reserve Service shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) in accordance with this table:

An officer holding the rank of ... and prior to the start of Class “C” Reserve Service was paid a rate of pay set out in CBI 204.52 at is entitled to the rate of pay in the following table to this instruction
lieutenant or second lieutenant Pay level A to Table "B" Pay level C of Table "B" or "C"
lieutenant or second lieutenant Pay level B to Table "B" Pay level D of Table "B" or "C"
lieutenant Pay level C to Table "B" Pay level E of Table "C"
lieutenant pilot Table "C" Pay level D of Table "C"
officer cadet Table "B" Pay level B of Table "A"
officer cadet former non-commissioned member rate in CBI 204.53 CBI 204.30

204.211(11) (Limitations on pay increments) Despite CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) and paragraph (12), the number of pay increment increases may not exceed the maximum number of pay increments for the applicable pay level and table to this instruction, and is further limited as follows:

a.in the case of an officer cadet who is paid under pay level B in Table "A", to a maximum of one increase; and
b.in the case of a second lieutenant who is paid under Table "B", to a maximum of one increase, and in the case of a lieutenant who is paid under Table "C", to a maximum of three increases.
204.211(12) (Completion of training) If the Chief of the Defence Staff, or any officer designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff, determines that an officer cannot complete military occupation training required for progression to the next rank solely as a result of a delay from scheduling of the training or a change in training requirements in the military occupation, and the required occupation training is not subsequent to a voluntary occupational transfer after one year of occupation training in the former military occupation, the maximum number of pay increment increases that may be provided to an officer under paragraph (11) is increased, but not to exceed the maximum number of pay increments for the applicable pay level and table, as follows:

a.in the case of a delay of one year or less, by one pay increment; and
b.in the case of a delay of more than one year, by two pay increments.
204.211(13) (Voluntary withdrawal – ROTP) An officer cadet to whom the ROTP applies, and who voluntarily withdraws from the academic portion of the ROTP, shall be paid, despite any other provisions of the CBI, for any subsequent period of obligatory service required to be performed during which the officer remains as an officer cadet, at the rate of pay to which entitled at the time of the withdrawal from the plan, including any upward adjustments to that rate of pay that may be established from time to time.

(TB, effective 22 June 2006)

BASIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Officer Cadet
A 1465 1495 1530 1558 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
B 2647 2757 3188 3312 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
D ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

(TB, effective 1 April 2009)

BASIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Second Lieutenant
A 4198 4258 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
B 3337 3533 3869 4209 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
C 3590 3894 4198 4509 4818 5429 5436 ... ... ... ...
D 4583 4718 4860 5007 5158 5311 5471 5635 5803 5976 6158
E 4638 4775 4919 5066 5220 5375 5537 5701 5874 6050 6229

(TB, effective 1 April 2009)

BASIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A 4575 4885 5197 5505 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
B 3533 3869 4209 4584 4963 ... ... ... ... ... ...
C 3947 4258 4416 4575 4731 4885 5040 5197 5352 5505 ...
D 4705 4893 5087 5293 5504 5726 5952 6192 6440 6696 6966
E 4888 5083 5287 5499 5721 5948 6186 6435 6691 6959 7238

(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
204.2111 - REPEALED BY TB ON 2 MAY 2002 EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2002
204.2112 - REPEALED BY TB ON 2 MAY 2002 EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2002
204.2113 - REPEALED BY TB ON 2 MAY 2002 EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2002
204.21135 - REPEALED BY TB ON 2 MAY 2002 EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2002
204.2114 - REPEALED BY TB ON 2 MAY 2002 EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2002
Or, in English:

If you enter with a degree, you will be a DEO.  DEO 2Lts are paid under pay level C (assuming you have no previous military service).  Your starting pay will be $3590 per month (gross), or $43080 per year (gross).  Each year, on the anniversary of your enrolment, you will move to the next incentive pay category.

Promotion to Lt depends on a number of factors, primarily related to completing training.
dapaterson said:
Or, in English:

If you enter with a degree, you will be a DEO.  DEO 2Lts are paid under pay level C (assuming you have no previous military service).  Your starting pay will be $3590 per month (gross), or $43080 per year (gross).  Each year, on the anniversary of your enrolment, you will move to the next incentive pay category.

Promotion to Lt depends on a number of factors, primarily related to completing training.

What about as an Officer Cadet?  The only two options are A (ROTP) or B (OCTP).
evanB said:
What about as an Officer Cadet?  The only two options are A (ROTP) or B (OCTP).

ROTP means you go to somewhere other than RMC and get your degree and do training in the summer. OCTP means you go to RMC to get your degree and do training during the summer.
PuckChaser said:
ROTP means you go to somewhere other than RMC and get your degree and do training in the summer. OCTP means you go to RMC to get your degree and do training during the summer.
Sorry to keep hounding you guys with questions, but where do I land since I already have my degree?  I wouldn't jump straight to Second Lieutenant without any training, would I?
Right, remember ROTP means REGUALR OFFICER TRAINING PLAN..... so you can either be going to RMC or a civy university like say MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF NEWFOUNDLAND...... (I think...)

NFLD Sapper said:
Right, remember ROTP means REGUALR OFFICER TRAINING PLAN..... so you can either be going to RMC or a civy university like say MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF NEWFOUNDLAND...... (I think...)
Then it would make sense for me to start as ROTP.  Would I then move to DEO as dapaterson mentioned?
evanB said:
Sorry to keep hounding you guys with questions, but where do I land since I already have my degree?  I wouldn't jump straight to Second Lieutenant without any training, would I?

No, but you get paid as a 2Lt / A/SLt right away.

evanB said:
Then it would make sense for me to start as ROTP.  Would I then move to DEO as dapaterson mentioned?

No, DEO and ROTP are different pay scales until you get to Capt/Lt (N).
MSEng314 said:
No, but you get paid as a 2Lt / A/SLt right away.

I don't have the CFAO accessible, but I'm pretty sure that officers enrolled under DEO are promoted 2Lt upon completion of BMOQ.  Further promotion to Lt and Capt are dependent upon phase training in their occupation.
Yes you are commissioned and promoted when you finish BMOQ, but your seniority date and your pay are retroactive to your enrollment date, hence you get paid as a 2Lt while you are doing your BMOQ.
Some DEOs are promoted 2Lt and then Lt right away/retro pay back to their enrolment date.  Nursing Officer is one that comes to mind.  I am sure there are others.