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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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Singing isn't allowed.

Skeadboy, welcome to army.ca. We highly encourage the use of proper writing skills as well as a little more "meat" to your questions. [ie. trade, your skillset, etc.]

Actually, rumour has it the music branch may now recruit singers as well as musicians.  To my knowledge, though, there are no signing bonuses for singing.

However, some messes do have karaoke nights.
dapaterson said:
Actually, rumour has it the music branch may now recruit singers as well as musicians.  To my knowledge, though, there are no signing bonuses for singing.

However, some messes do have karaoke nights.

And Rock Band competitions!


As long as I don't get stuck on the drums.
Also, I'm nose-deep in student debt, and the former bonus of $40k would greatly help. I've seen what student debts can do to someone (my sis pays $850/month, interest only), and I'm debating whether or not to delay my application a year so I'd get the bonus, so that's definitely a factor as well. I'm planning on staying with the Navy for something like 10 years anyway, so what's another year if I could squash my student loan problem within the first year or so of that time instead of paying off the student loan for all of those 10 years.

In this page
I'd like to be clarified what pay increment levels basic, 1-10 mean. How does one get paid more than a other people in the same entry plan and rank? I am confuse.
TcDohl said:
In this page
I'd like to be clarified what pay increment levels basic, 1-10 mean. How does one get paid more than a other people in the same entry plan and rank? I am confuse.

Each increment is a year in rank.  First year:  Basic, second year:  Pay level 1 and so on.  If you get to the last increment of a pay level and are not promoted, you stay at the same pay level until you get promoted (or we get a raise economic adjustment).

Not sure what trade you're going for or why waiting a year would get you a signing bonus.  If it's not offered now, it may not be offered next year, either.  However, SISIP has some great loan plans at very low interest rates.
PMedMoe said:
Not sure what trade you're going for or why waiting a year would get you a signing bonus.  If it's not offered now, it may not be offered next year, either.  However, SISIP has some great loan plans at very low interest rates.

Engineering, either one of the Navy's engie MOCs. I have heard around here that it may come back in 2011. Logical, since that's about the time that the Navy gets their centennial monies.
Recruiting bonuses are offered when the CDS designates trades as sufficiently understrength that incentives are needed to close the gap.

"Centennial monies" have nothing to do with it - the Navy does not pay recruiting incentives fro mtheir funds; they come from central CF funds, managed by the Chief of Military Personnel.

Incentives will only come back if the occupational strength dips significantly below PML again.  Counting on that is a crapshoot.

Besides, delaying entry by antoher year will give you one less year of pensionable time (assuming you wish to serve a full career); one less year for promotion and thus more money, one less year for creidt for Sea Duty Allowance and Foregn Service Premium, one more year to accumulate interest on your loans...

In short, waiting a year has a large opportunity cost.  You have to make the choice, but be sure it's an informed one.
dapaterson said:
Recruiting bonuses are offered when the CDS designates trades as sufficiently understrength that incentives are needed to close the gap.

"Centennial monies" have nothing to do with it - the Navy does not pay recruiting incentives fro mtheir funds; they come from central CF funds, managed by the Chief of Military Personnel.

Incentives will only come back if the occupational strength dips significantly below PML again.  Counting on that is a crapshoot.

Besides, delaying entry by antoher year will give you one less year of pensionable time (assuming you wish to serve a full career); one less year for promotion and thus more money, one less year for creidt for Sea Duty Allowance and Foregn Service Premium, one more year to accumulate interest on your loans...

In short, waiting a year has a large opportunity cost.  You have to make the choice, but be sure it's an informed one.

Frankly, I don't see why, at the very least CSE shouldn't be getting said bonus. Last time I checked, we were the 3rd most understrength officer trade in the CF. And I don't think MSE is in the green either.

gcclarke said:
Frankly, I don't see why, at the very least CSE shouldn't be getting said bonus. Last time I checked, we were the 3rd most understrength officer trade in the CF. And I don't think MSE is in the green either.

Frankly, I don't see why I can't be a pilot, either.........but such is life.
I was looking at the pay scale shown on the recruiting web site, and it shows a Corporal earning more than a Lieutenant!  :o

It also shows an increase of 20k when going from Private to Corporal...
Maelstrom said:
I was looking at the pay scale shown on the recruiting web site, and it shows a Corporal earning more than a Lieutenant!  :o

It also shows an increase of 20k when going from Private to Corporal...

That is quite possible.  Depending on the Trade, a NCM can make more with Spec Pay than a Junior Officer.  That, however, will become less and less likely as an officer gets promoted into the Capt and Major ranks. 
TcDohl said:
Also, I'm nose-deep in student debt, and the former bonus of $40k would greatly help. I've seen what student debts can do to someone (my sis pays $850/month, interest only), and I'm debating whether or not to delay my application a year so I'd get the bonus, so that's definitely a factor as well. I'm planning on staying with the Navy for something like 10 years anyway, so what's another year if I could squash my student loan problem within the first year or so of that time instead of paying off the student loan for all of those 10 years.

If you've got an engineering degree adn you're that concerned about your student loans, go to Fort Crack for a year and sign a one-year contract with Syncrude or Suncor. It's not harder done than said. You'll get a signing bonus of around 20-30k plus a 120k a year or so job.

You'll more than pay off your debts and then join the Forces when that contract is up and whether or not you get a signing bonus then, you won't care :nod: If you really want to join the Forces, you still will, if not, have fun in the tar.
Finishing a B. Civil Engineering degree program this week and looking into the military Construction Engineer Officer (CEO... I wish!) air force position.

I had an elongated talk with a recruiting officer who is a construction engineer and I wanted some input on his comments. I feel he was candid and straightforward in his responses so I have little reason to doubt their credibility. But I want more opinions and experiences to rely on if I decide to make this my career.

#1 - Time frame until captain:
My understanding is that I would go through basic training, then language training and then other training at Gagetown. This whole duration is nearly 1 1/2 yrs. At the end of the training I get the Lt. bar and a half. The officer said the typical duration from the beginning of training (ie. basic) to the double bar is about 4 years. Is this typical/average?

Essentially it sounds like the duration at each rank is as follows:
1 1/2 yr- 2Lt
2 yrs - Lt
Then at the 3 1/2 to 4 yr mark to Capt.

Is this realistic or is the recruiter sugar coating?

#2 - Pay scales:
I have a hard time deciphering between the Class A/B/C/D/E as shown here:

A - ROTP (former CBI 204.2111 & 204.2151)
B - OCTP-NFS (former CBI 204.2113 & 204.2153)
C - DEO (former CBI 204.2114 & 204.2154)
D - UTP-NCM / OCTP-FS (former CBI 204.2112, 204.21135, 204.2152 & 204.21535)
E - CFR (former CBI 204.212)

Now the recruiter told me class A pay is typically for people with, say Masters degrees or who have gone through the ROTP/RMC training.
I imagine DEO is direct entry officer and I'm wondering if that would be applicable to me. I tried reading through the CBI references but nothing I have found clarifies what the distinctions are.

#3 - If you sign your contract at the 2009 pay scales, and in 2010 the pay in your category is increased, then do you receive the increased pay or are you paid according to the 2009 scales?

#4 - How much freedom do you get through basic and then occupational training? Do they train you throughout the weekends or are you allowed to do whatever you want?

#5 - If you sign as a Direct Entry Officer how long is your typical contract? What are the penalties of quitting and breaking the contact?

If my questions about finances make me seem like I want to join for the cash I want to clarify that is not the case. It is however an important issue to me. I went through the army cadet program for over 5 years, got my jump wings and joined the reserve unit my last year of high school. My understanding and enjoyment of the military culture and structure is healthy - so my motivations are not financial. However my responsibilities to dependents requires some financial prudence and planning.

I left the reserves because during my schooling I moved twice and being attached to another reserve unit without my trade training was a mess. I enjoyed playing pool, shredding paper and moving a little bit of furniture around the office. But it was becoming too much of a hassle to deal with all the bureaucracy. Looking back I should have gone the ROTP route but at the time I didn't want to tie myself into any contractual obligations for after I finished school.

Anyways, thanks for any help or information offered. I'm going to try and get into contact with some local engineers and pick their brains. Thought I might try here to see what you all have to say.

Well oats, you have come to the right place.  Each and every one of your questions has been asked many times before and answered in topics that are solely dedicated to them.  You will find several topics on Pay, Pay Scales, etc.  they will answer those questions.  You may want to SEARCH "weekends" and see what you find.  It could clear up a lot of things.  "Lengths of contracts" for the various Entry Plans are discussed, but it may be best to get the final word from your CFRC, as they will know exactly what Entry Plan you may be using. 

As for point # 3: I signed on the dotted line in Dec 1979, and I definitely am not getting paid at the 1979 pay rates.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found some posts including answers from you.

Q1 - I found somewhere that the typical requirements for captain is 3 years of commissioned service and the required training and courses for your trade. So assuming there are no huge gaps, or courses failed, the average time would probably be about 3 1/2 years (1 1/2 initial training and then 2~ years as LT). This falls in line with what the recruiter said.

Q 2/3
  DEO 2LTs come in at a higher rate of pay, as they are usually more trained than those entering under other Officer Entry Plans.  That is, they usually have paid for their Degree/Certificate/Education out of their own pockets and are entering the CF with some skills vis the person entering under another Plan and having the CF then pay for them to gain those skills.

My situation falls under pay level C. Are you insinuating that they may start DEO officers at a higher Pay Increment level than Basic?

What most affects the pay increment level offered to DEOs? Grades at school, time in the reserves or how much cash the CF has to throw around? I searched for this for DEOs but found essentially nothing.

A 2LT reaching a Pay Level, like a Cpl reaching a certain Pay Level, will upon promotion to LT, like the Cpl to MCpl, go into the same Pay Level.  For example a 2LT getting paid Lvl 3 will upon promotion be paid LT Lvl 3.  In some cases you will see that the LT Lvl 1 will be less than 2LT Lvl 3, as you may notice when looking at all of the other ranks Pay Scales.

If I understand right then the progression on the pay scale to captain may look as follows:

Start as 2LT at Basic pay increment.
After a year or so get boosted to 2LT pay increment 1.
After req. training (1 1/2 yrs~ if there are no big gaps) promoted to LT and maintain pay increment 1 (not basic pay).
After another year get boosted to PI 2 for LT?
Then get promoted to captain and start back at the basic PI?

Does that sound right?

4 - There was not much on the BOMQ on the training forum. I am led to believe that it is just like BMQ where everyone is babied and cultured into military mode all the way through. Not looking forward to doing all that again.

5 - I failed to find any information about what the contracts for a DEO includes. If nobody has input on this then I will make sure to document the process and what I find, if move forward in my application and tests.

IIRC you would start at the basic lvl when you move up in pay scale.

The only variation I know of is the NCM route from Cpl (A) to MCpl (listed as Cpl (B)) is that you go to the same IPC you had when you where a Cpl.
That was my impression but I didn't know how to square that away with, say a 2Lt with PI 3 getting promoted to Lt with Basic - a pay cut. I assume they just put you to the PI necessary to avoid a paycut.

Ok, well thanks for help on payscales. I feel like I've got a workable idea of how they work. If I do the process and they give me an offer then I'll try and get it cleared up more.

If anyone has any input on what the signing contracts for DEOs entail shout it out :)

I feel like I'm just taking and giving nothing on this board right now. You'll get back ten-fold whatever information you give me in time.
oats said:
What most affects the pay increment level offered to DEOs? Grades at school, time in the reserves or how much cash the CF has to throw around? I searched for this for DEOs but found essentially nothing.

According to the CFRC personnel unlike the corporate structure, CF is based on RANKs.  So grades may be affected on your initial pay and increase accordingly. You will only know this information for sure when you get your employment offer.

oats said:
4 - There was not much on the BOMQ on the training forum. I am led to believe that it is just like BMQ where everyone is babied and cultured into military mode all the way through. Not looking forward to doing all that again.

Yes, BMOQ is quite same as the BMQ. Its only for officer candidates, and have more contents that will shape you as a leader/Officer.

oats said:
5 - I failed to find any information about what the contracts for a DEO includes. If nobody has input on this then I will make sure to document the process and what I find, if move forward in my application and tests.

If your trade is HOT, and CF is in need of people to fill in then they will offer you a signing bonus. And according to CFRC personnel, as a DEO your contract will be 5/6 years.  Since you have applied for Construction Eng for airforce, you only have to do the regular tests (Medical, interview etc...). 