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Packing for Basic [MERGED]

From what i was told the underwear you bring with you is for your personal time so i don't really think it matters. They provide you with military underwear from what i was told but this is not first hand information so take it with a grain of salt.
Jesus H fuckin' christ!

Bring what is on the list.  Whatever it says on the list...BRING IT!  Whether you wear it or not, it will be part of your kit layout for inspections. 

Example:  On my CLC course we had to have 2 x underwear, briefs for our layout (with NO action-tracks on them I'll add  :o) for our locker layout.  I wore spandex biker shorts under my combat pants (it was really hot, sweaty and those rock for not having chaffing problems).  Whether or not I wore them, they didn't check...other than what was in my locker for inspection, to which uniformity was the goal.

Don't start questioning everything.  IF the staff says "you will have your PT gear, including swimwear and your fighting order in your green locker for tomorrow"...don't think...just fuckin' do it!!

The staff from the Commanding Officer on down to Pte Bloggins in the Orderly Room have put lots of time into running BMQs/supporting the trg at CFLRS.  Just go with the goddamn Joining Instructions word for word, m'k?

Well I just came back from my swearing-in ceremony and we talked with the corporal for a good 4 hours and one thing that we talked alot about was what to bring and what to wait to buy there. Really he only said to bring your civi clothes and your bathroom stuff like shaving cream, razors, shampoo etc. He said DO NOT buy locks, bootshin kits, towels or any of that stuff because they will just tell you to put them in your lockup because they need to be the right type. I was surprised about the locks but he said they want their locks. Mind you this is for me going to Borden in 3 days, I dont know about St. Jean.

One question I have which I didnt think to ask was, for the classroom bits do we need to bring our own binders with paper and stuff or do they provide them?
So, this Cpl is staff at CFLRS or NRTD Borden?  NOT.  I am sure if the Commandant at CFLRS and his staff wanted you to do that stuff, that would be in the Joining Instructions.  Let me ask you this, if you tell Sgt Mean-Guy, who is your Platoon 2 i/c, "Well, Cpl Bloggins at the CFRC said..." he or she WILL tell you...

"I don't GIVE A FUCK what Cpl Bloggins told you!"

They will provide you with your PP & S (pens, pencils & stationary).  Was binders and stuff on the Joining Instructions???? 







I do not understand why you are acting like a prick. For your information, the corporal was a supervising instructor at St. Jean he told us that there are stuff in the joining instructions like Locks, bootshine kit towels, iron, bootstraps, lint brushes etc that they are ALL a waste of money to buy before you goto BMQ because they need to be the right locks, the right bootshine kit, the right towels, irons (because I am going to Borden he told us dont even bother bringing one because they have a whole room full of irons). I dont want to start anything, but I would rather listen to the person who is explaining from his experience from the past two months at the recruit school rather than a document that has not been updated to this year. The reason why everyone is given an advance on their first paycheck is because you will have to buy, or re-buy 90% of the stuff you brought along with you because it needs to be right.

By all means, buy everything on your list but from what I was told yesterday, while there were 3 other MCCs to confirm, you only need the essentials like your bathroom stuff and clothes. There was a guy there who said in a question that he was asking about what is available to buy at the canex because he bought everything execpt one item, the corporal AND the 3 MCCs said that was a bad idea and a waste of money because you will have to re-buy almost everything to match your other platoon mates.

From what everyone at the swearing in ceremony was told, all you need to bring is;

Razor w/ blades
Shaving Cream
Laundry Soap
civi Clothes (2 pairs of Casual Clothes, 1 pair of your regular night on the town clothes)
Battery powered alarm clock
an inexpensive watch
and a picture frame with a picture
1 Pair of running shoes

These were all the things that were stared on my sheet to bring and the rest are labeled to be bought at the canex to match everyone else.

Again, you all should do what you want, I am just offering assistance from what I was told at my information and enrollment ceremony.
danteh said:
For your information, the corporal was a supervising instructor at St. Jean

I guess he remustered because Corporals are not supervising instructors.
danteh:  go with whatever feels right.  You'll find out soon enough that even when you're right, you're wrong.  I'm curious though - if the Cpl was such an impeccable source of information, what made you come to this thread for information?  (Don't bother answering).

EITS & Cdn Aviator:  drop it - it's not worth it.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
danteh said:
I do not understand why you are acting like a prick.

Hes not. Just stating the cold hard truth.

The reason why everyone is given an advance on their first paycheck is

They gave us an advance back when i joined in 1993, but thanks for the lesson on what its for...... ::)

I was staff at CFLRS a few years ago.  Although I was not a Supervising Instructor Corporal  :blotto: I was a Sergeant on BMQ staff.  FYI...Cpl's aren't running the show at CFLRS or NRTD Borden.  In fact, when I was there, I don't recall there being ANY instructors that were Cpls.  But, I was in 1 of 3 Divisions so...

Buddy, if you think I am being a prick...well, man you are in for an awakening.  I am trying to HELP you by applying the KISS principle to this for you. 

I am still laughing at...

For your information, the corporal was a supervising instructor at St. Jean

Man that was a good one...thanks for that!  ;D

You might think I am a prick.  I am thinking you are making something REALLY simple into something REALLY complicated.  But...what do I know.  :blotto:


Ack.  I'll go to RLS on this one.
I have to add...*if* the powers that be ARE making everyone re-buy kit at CFLRS/NRTD Borden...HOT DAMN!  How can I get some of those CANEX shares??  8)

Atleast 1 platoon per week at each loc of just BMQ, not including all Res trg, BMOQs, call it 60ish people per serial...roughly $150-$200 per candidate...ching ching!!
How are you helping by crapping on my question?
I asked a simple question and you have to go on a steroid induced rampage!
Sometimes things are presented too simple and need clarification.
In order to clear up any bad blood or confusion.

rdubbed said:
Thanks, that helped...NOT!

Take fruit of the loom, multi-coloured, 10% lycra, 90% cotton, breifs....

Feel better now ?

WTF is it with you people and over-thinking shit ?
I always been wondering about the photo frame. Like whose picture I am going to put in? I don't even have pictures out and about my room or home, and I have no partner/SO/whatever to put in. Maybe my roller derby team? Hmm.
mellian said:
I always been wondering about the photo frame. Like whose picture I am going to put in? I don't even have pictures out and about my room or home, and I have no partner/SO/whatever to put in. Maybe my roller derby team? Hmm.


Buy a frame.  There is usually a photo of someone already in it.
A bunch of guys I was on course with just left the stock photo that came with the picture in it, mine had Darth Vader in it. The real brave one took pictures out of 40+ magazines (I would not recommend going that route).  In the end it does not really matter who's picture you have in a frame.  I would suggest something as it is easier than explaining why you don't have a picture.
Some of us, many years ago, put sheep in ours.