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Packing for Basic [MERGED]

danteh said:
IFrom what everyone at the swearing in ceremony was told, all you need to bring is;

Razor w/ blades
Shaving Cream
Laundry Soap
civi Clothes (2 pairs of Casual Clothes, 1 pair of your regular night on the town clothes)
Battery powered alarm clock
an inexpensive watch
and a picture frame with a picture
1 Pair of running shoes

The offical list from CFLRS ST JEAN:

Annex D part 1 - Civilian Clothing List

Personal Items Men And Women Quantity
Plastic soap dish, same color as toothbrush case 1
Plastic toothbrush case, same color as soap dish 1
Toothpaste 1
Mouth wash, max size 750ml 1
Dental floss 1
Non disposable razor with blades 1
Shaving cream or gel, can 1
Deodorant 1
Shampoo, max size 750ml 1
Laundry detergent, max size 2 Liters either liquid or powder 1
Civilian sports clothing (shorts, bathing suit, T-shirts) 1 set
Inexpensive watch 1
Shower sandals 1 pair
Lint brush 1
Alarm clock 1
Facecloth, hand towel and bath towel, dark color 1
Iron 1
Wide belt 1
Photo in picture frame, 5"X 7" 1
Optionnal Items Quantity
Hair dryer 1
Letter paper 
Note: The majority of these articles can be purchased at the Canex at your expense.

Civilian Clothing Men 
Sufficient quantity for four days 
Seasonal jacket 
Casual dress pants 
Casual dress shirt with collar (short-sleeved in summer permitted) 
Casual dress shoes 
Casual sweaters   
Underwear (cotton) 
Bathing suit provided by QM 
Sports socks (cotton)   
Running shoes 
Sport shoes (non marking soles) 
T-shirts for sport) 
Sport short 
Towels (face cloth and bath towel) 

Civilian Clothing Women 
Sufficient quantity for four days 
Seasonal jacket 
Dresses, skirts (under knee) or casual dress pants 
Casual blouses (minimum 2 cm collar - no "low-cut" or transparent blouses) 
Pantyhose, bras, sports bras, nylons 
Casual sweaters 
Casual dress shoes (high heels or platform shoes not permitted) 
Underwear (cotton) 
Bathing suit (1 piece) provided by QM 
Sports socks (cotton) 
Running shoes 
Sneakers (non marking soles) 
T-shirts for sport 
Sport short 
Hygienic products 
Towels (face cloth and bath towel) 

The following is a list of material that will be purchased upon arrival of the candidate at the Canex in St-Jean Garrison.

Other Items (Available at the Canex Saint-Jean at your expense)
Shoe shine kit:
•Kiwi cloths (2)
•Black Kiwi shoe polish (one large and one small tin)
•Boot brushes (2) (soft and stiff)
•Case or bag for shoe shine items
Four combination padlocks 
One key padlock type 85/50
Safety band for glasses
Boot bands (2 pairs) 
18 to 20 plastic hangers (same style and colour) 
Hair net (for women, if required)
Sheep were good. Warm and soft. Helped you sleep when you count them. And velcro gloves work well! One of the guys had one on his rack on the ship. Said it reminded him of home. I never went there to visit!!
NFLD Sapper said:
The offical list from CFLRS ST JEAN:
Annex D part 1 - Civilian Clothing List
Personal Items Men And Women Quantity
Running shoes 
Sport shoes (non marking soles) 
Running shoes 
Sneakers (non marking soles) 

So what's the difference between running shoes, sport shoes, and sneakers?  :P 
I think it got lost in translation as the instructions are originally drawn up in french and then translated to english.

An athletic shoe is a generic name for footwear designed for sporting and physical activities.

Athletic shoes, depending on the location and the actual type of footwear, may also be referred to as trainers (British English), sandshoes, gym boots or joggers (Australian English) running shoes, runners or gutties (Canadian English, Australian English, Hiberno-English), sneakers, tennis shoes (North American English, Australian English), gym shoes, tennies, sport shoes, sneaks, or takkies (South African English) and rubber shoes (Philippine English) canvers (Nigerian English).
Loachman said:
Amusement and curiosity.

Makes sense, but I had kind of hoped there had been some sort of George Orwell type meaning behind it.
George Wallace said:

Buy a frame.  There is usually a photo of someone already in it.

Of course I will get one if it is on the list, just wondering about the purpose of it and whether it will have any use to me beyond just meeting inspection requirements. I am sure they will be able to tell that it would be a photo that came with the frame if I left it in it, hence still will have to figure what to put in it that has any personal relevance to me.
mellian said:
I am sure they will be able to tell that it would be a photo that came with the frame if I left it in it,

Yes, they will be able to tell.

No, they will not care that it is the picture that came with the frame.

They just care that you have the frame and that there is a picture in it. They dont care wether it means anything to you or not.

How many more times will we need to say this ?

Bring a fucking frame. Leave the stock photo in it if you don't have anything else.

People come here asking questions and when they get it they spend 400 gazillion posts questioning it. if you dont want to hear the answers, quit fucking asking.

CDN Aviator said:
Yes, they will be able to tell.

No, they will not care that it is the picture that came with the frame.

They just care that you have the frame and that there is a picture in it. They dont care wether it means anything to you or not.

How many more times will we need to say this ?

Bring a ******* frame. Leave the stock photo in it if you don't have anything else.

People come here asking questions and when they get it they spend 400 gazillion posts questioning it. if you dont want to hear the answers, quit ******* asking.

>:( ANGERRRRR  >:(
223ofDemocracy said:
>:( ANGERRRRR  >:(

Don't like that response?

Then learn to:

Read the instructions.

Follow the instructions.

Do not question every line, word, or letter in the instructions.

Fail to follow simple direction on course, and you are going to get the same type of response, but longer and louder.

You are not going into kindergarten. Nobody is going to hold your little hand every step.

The instructions given have seen a bazillion recruits successfully complete their courses and start their careers. The system is designed to do that.
I can not believe that that a future leader in the Canadian Forces is confused over a picture frame! How much clearer does it need to be? Buy a picture frame put a picture in it. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO THE PICTURE IS OF!!! JUST GET A PICTuRE FRAME PUT A PIDCTURE IN IT!!! When you get to BMQ put the frame on the desk just like they want you to do and in 14 weeks throw the damn thing out if you want. I can't believe we are still going over this. Ever heard the term RTFQ? Read The F'n Question. Do what it says. Go to the diollar store and get one! DO not get bent out of shape over a picture frame. There is going to be lots of other stuff to get bent over. Basic is designed to get you into a military mind set. Go with it or don't go at all. Go back to CFRC and say you don't want to go because you can't find a pictrure to put in your frame. They'll understand and you will be released as an irregular enrollment.

Although I said I was putting this thread on RLS, I'll make this post.

To the folks on here who are new to the CF/enrolling/about to leave for BMQ/BMOQ, regardless of component, environment and trade:

1.  The people trying to help you on here have mulitple years of experience in the CF.  Most, if not all, have been instructors at various levels.  When you come on here and ask a question, then get an answer and reply with "well I was told XYZ but I thought I'd come on here and clarify", if you defend the info you were given by Cpl Bloggins at CFRC "Pickaname", why are you even coming here to ask?  Better yet, why aren't you asking the questions to the folks you were talking to in the first place?????  How many posts do you think are on here that go something like "The recruiter/Sgt/Officer told me I need to bring *insert item name*, can someone confirm that for me?"  You are starting a habit of questioning directives/orders from someone who IS in an authoritive position over you (once you are sworn in, you are subject to the CSD, Code of Service Discipline);

2.  About Joining Instructions.  The CF has many unit/schools/establishments that are part of what we call "the training system".  Each of them has published their own set of JIs.  Depending on where you go, what you are doing there (staff vs student, NCM vs Officer, etc) you may have different JIs.  JIs tell you things like mailing address, living/mess facilties, kit lists.  YOUR job is to find the JIs that apply to you for the unit/base/formation etc you are going to, and follow them.  The work of "what do I need to bring?  where will I eat?  how will I get my mail? How will Mom get ahold of me if Fluffy is sick?" is already done for you.  Someone said something that the JIs haven't been updated yet this year.  So?  So that means...NOTHING HAS CHANGED OF SIGNIFICANT IMPORTANCE.  Therefore, NO requirement to update the JIs.  Simple!  See the problem is you are thinking of things WAY over the level you should be.  Let the people who run CFLRS worry about the content of the JIs for CFLRS.  YOU should be worried that you (1) are fit enough (2) have your personal affairs sorted out so as not to disrupt your ability to focus on your training and (3) have all the requirements laid out in the JIs for your respective unit/trg establishment.  YES.  It is that simple.  If it says "cotton briefs"....bring them!  If it says "pink bunny slippers x 1 pair...bring them!  Focus on the 1, 2 and 3 I have listed about.  *Breaking News Story* when I went thru Basic a *few* years ago...I was given a list of things to bring and a list of things I needed to buy when I got there.  And *gasp* I too got a pay advance to ensure I purchased the things I needed once I got to my unit.  And guess what, I took the things on the list I was supposed to have on arrival, and then I bought the other things on the list identified to be purchased on arrival.  Bottom line?  We don't care what the JIs say.  Our advice is simple. Follow yours.  Understand now that there are different directives for each base, unit etc in the CF that are specific and unique to those bases, units, etc.  Don't worry about what, say, my sub-units PT and dress policy is, much like I am not concerned with the policies that apply to CFLRS or NRTD Borden.  I have my own unit and Wing ones to follow.  Those are different from the ones of other sub-units on my Wing, also not my concern UNTIL I am working with/for/at those sub-units.  Ok?;

3.  Yes, we know you are nervous/excited/whatever.  Everyone here who is already in the CF has been thru the exact same process, either as an NCM or Officer.  We all started out as fresh recruits/OCdts in civies the first week.  How do you think we made it thru?  We learned to follow directions/orders.  Quickly, correctly.  Because of our time in and experience, we have developed above the "imposed discipline" life into the area of "self discipline".  Doing the right thing, at the right time, the right way, unsupervised and with the confidence of our superiors.  You are just starting that journey.  Start making it an easy transition by following simple orders without reading into them.  As a recruit, your job can be very simply described as this:

Do WHAT you are told, WHEN you are told, HOW you are told.

Thats it.  No more, no less need be said about it at this time.  Every task you get, that applies.  To drill.  Kit and quarters.  PT.  You name it;

4.  Understand this.  It is far more important, at this stage in your career in the CF, that you FOLLOW your orders to the letter (regardless of what they are) than it is that you understand WHY those are the orders.  The CF and your BMQ staff are trying to get you to follow orders WITHOUT QUESTION as a starting point.  Why does your pillow cover have to be 18" wide?  Who cares!  :)  The question is..is it 18"?  Do it, don't question it.  The same principle will apply to say, handling drills for your C7 service rifle.  Actually, to pretty much everything.  First and foremost is the VERY important skill of following orders.  Quickly.  Correctly;

5.  No one is getting mad that you are asking questions.  Some of us are getting frustrated that our simple answers are then pushed aside or made complicated;

6.  For the person who thought I was being a prick.  Boy.  Are you in for a shock.  I'll say this, and I hope you read and understand this BEFORE your BMQ starts.

You have volunteered for, and been selected for service in the Armed Forces of Canada.  The military.  This is not your highschool debating team.  This is not Boy Scouts, or Girl Guides.  You have made it thru the CFRG selection process and are now about to start proving you have what it takes to make it in the CF.  If a few direct words in this thread have hurt you in some way, you will need to grow some thick skin in short order; and

7.  My last comment is for all you who think you won't need a lock upon arrival.  If you don't have a lock, how will you secure your wallet/purse/cell phone/IPOds/whatever else you bring BEFORE you get to the CANEX?   CF recruits come from Canadian society, and some of those people are thieves.  Just a fact of life.  How would you like to have your wallet go missing with your credit cards/ATM cards, whatever else you have in it the Sunday you show up while you are gone for a wee-wee?  Don't think it happens?  Anyone?  Anyone?  It happened to some dummy on my Basic course in 1989, and it has happened again and again I am sure since then.  Do you think if you loose your wallet and all your ID, the course will just stop so you can call all your credit card companies, bank, etc to report them stolen?  How easy will it be for you to look after replacement cards and all that when you are busy from 0500-2300 hrs daily?  Take a lock EVEN if you have to replace it with the "Supervising Instructor Corporal" one later on.  Everytime you leave your locker/bedspace, SECURE your belongings in your locker.  That advice is regardless of what base/unit you are with.

This is all advice or opinion, which you may take, or leave. 


How I ever managed to even find my way to CFRS Cornwallis, let alone actually pass Basic Training, without the aid of 10,000 anonymous people on the Internet back in 1979 is mind boggling.
Kat Stevens said:
How I ever managed to even find my way to CFRS Cornwallis, let alone actually pass Basic Training, without the aid of 10,000 anonymous people on the Internet back in 1979 is mind boggling.

We did, because all we had to do was read the printed instructions and follow them. Everything else fell into place.


There are no more questions that need to be asked, as the above is the only answer. Follow the direction given and get used to it.


Milnet.ca Staff
I have been sworn in and need to go get all the things on Annex (a or b.. cant remember which one). Anyways these things include iron, watch, alarm clock etc etc.. it says I need to bring a pair of casual dress shirts and pants (shirt with collar).

Now I would like to know if this means a dress shirt (one that I would wear to a wedding or big event) or a actual T-Shirt with just a regular collar (to me collar means the ones on a button up shirt) and does dress pants mean Jeans, or actual dress pants that I would be wearing to church. I am just curious because I dont want to have to go out and buy shirts with collars and dress pants if they just means Jeans, shirts etc that I could bring from my current collection of clothes.

Also do I buy all my bathroom stuff (toothpaster, shaving kit etc) before I go.. or do they want me to buy it there..

Sorry I forgot to ask this at my swearing in, any help is much appreciated.

boboyer said:

Instead of mockery, how about if you shared your years of experience and wisdom, and actually pointed the guy in the right direction?  I'm sure seasoned vets such as yourself must get tired of hearing the same questions day in, day out, for years on end, but try to remember you were young once too.
Jeans are not dress pants, nor is a t-shirt a collared shirt.  If you don't already have them, I suggest khaki-type pants (think Mark's Work Warehouse) or dress pants.  No cargo pants, either.  For a collared shirt, the button-up type is fine as I am sure a golf or polo shirt is too.

Golf shirt:


Polo shirt:


Khaki pants:

My hubby left for BMQ July 31st, and there were recruits wearing jeans/t-shirts, but I would follow the instructions, and if you have khakis and button ups bring them(my husband brought a pair of jeans).  Bring your toiletries you have from home- deodarant, toothpaste/brush,shampoo, razor..etc..you usually don't get to go to the Cannex till after a few days being there. Also, it is better to bring an alarm clock with radio, because you can get pretty bored the first week. Good Luck  :yellow:
I was sworn in yesterday and I received the package and paperwork as well. One question I have is related to what i can buy before had. I understand the items in the Annex B part 1 can be bought before hand but for the Annex B part 2 it states that the following items will be purchased by candidates exclusively at Canex after their arrival at CFLRS.

The items I am more concerned about is the hygienic: Why can I not bring my own toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, shampoo, etc.

As for some other items like Kiwi stuff, starch. How come I cant bring what I already have in my possession?

I am not some kid out of high school so I have almost everything already.

Also are electric razors allowed? I did do a search and I think I can but just want to make sure. I have a nice one I got for xmas, the kind that has its own cleaning station. Is that kind acceptable or should I just bring normal razors like a mach 3?

Thanks in advance