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Packing for Basic [MERGED]

I thought the birth control glasses were the ones they used to wear with the gas mask.  VERY unattractive.  Something like this.
PMedMoe said:
I thought the birth control glasses were the ones they used to wear with the gas mask. 

And you would be correct. MedTechStudent, sorry but the term predates the BEW and certainly predates your arrival in the CF.
CDN Aviator said:
And you would be correct. MedTechStudent, sorry but the term predates the BEW and certainly predates your arrival in the CF.

And most likely predates the glimmer in your fathers eyes, that faithful day.  >:D
I was wondering is it recomended to actually bring to pairs of runners? Because I have to go and start purchasing my kit. And I am still not sure about that, because I need a pair of runners and a pair of non-marking court shoes (guessing for the gym). So would I really need 3 pairs of shoes for Basic? Plus the ones that I wear there.

You have been given a list of items to bring.  You have been given Joining Instructions.  You should know from the lists that have been provided, what to bring.  Yes, bring two pair of Runners/Sneakers. 
Rinker said:
I was wondering is it recomended to actually bring to pairs of runners? Because I have to go and start purchasing my kit. And I am still not sure about that, because I need a pair of runners and a pair of non-marking court shoes (guessing for the gym). So would I really need 3 pairs of shoes for Basic? Plus the ones that I wear there.

Yes, 3 pairs.
#1. a pair of running shoes (for outside PT)
#2. a pair of non-marking sport shoes (for indoor PT)
#3. a pair of comfortable casual shoes (a pair you'd be wearing when you come to St-Jean)

I'm headed to BMQ in a week and above is exactly what the instruction paper tells you, as far as bringing your shoes. For non-marking ones, look for the ones that specifically says "non-marking sole" on the bottom of your shoes to be sure.
Obviously George you didn't understand my question. I have read on here that people bring two pairs of runners (for outside running) as well as non-marking soles. And I was asking is it really necessary. But I know you old-timers on here get tired of the questions and questions and questions. :boring:
Rinker said:
Obviously George you didn't understand my question. I have read on here that people bring two pairs of runners (for outside running) as well as non-marking soles. And I was asking is it really necessary. But I know you old-timers on here get tired of the questions and questions and questions. :boring:

Well, Thermal posted what is written in the Joining Instructions.  So after your BMQ, trades training, etc, when you go on a course and they tell you to bring two pairs of combat boots, are you going to ask "Is that really necessary?"  ::)

If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question. You were given the correct informtion and decided to come back with a snarky, smart assed reply. I hope your curiosity is satisfied, you'll likey not find many that are willing to help you if that's tha attitude you're going to display.

The military is about doing what you're told. If you can't follow the simplest of instructions, even at this point, you're in for a very long haul.

Milnet.ca Staff
Rinker, it is obviously not necessary or they would have put 2x outdoor runners on the list, BUT from what I read on this forum (read: searched on this forum) some suggest taking a 2nd pair of outdoor runners for when it rains because running in the rain ruins your runners because the foam inside soaks up the water...or something like that. Anyway I have yet to go to BMQ so this is just what I have read on the forum.
Rinker said:
I was wondering is it recomended to actually bring to pairs of runners? Because I have to go and start purchasing my kit. And I am still not sure about that, because I need a pair of runners and a pair of non-marking court shoes (guessing for the gym). So would I really need 3 pairs of shoes for Basic? Plus the ones that I wear there.

Well, if you really want to you could show up without any runners at all. The issue what are known as "CF Cripplers", shoes that when worn for PT have the tendancy to cripple those that wear them. I would sudgest 1 set of runners for outside, 1 set for inside (non-marking). If you want want a 3rd pair of shoes to wear as casual then by all means bring them. That being said, room inspections generally only allow for 2 pairs of shoes.

You have the list, try and follow it. There is a CANEX in the Mega, if you forget something, or need to buy something, you can go there. And yes, they sell shoes.
whoa whoa whoa whoa...... in order to do well in the military i need to be able to read, and be able to  follow directions? first time, right away, as given?  uh oh  :crybaby:

if i could offer any unsolicited advice.

if its on the list bring it
if your told to do it, do it to the best of your ability everytime.
if your not told to do it, don't (careful with this one).

bring an extra hundred or so $$ just in case you need something you forgot or someone "borrows" something from you.

if you smoke bring way more than you think you need. not sure what canex privileges are like in St.Jean but when i went through in Borden if you had smokes left by week 4 you were a god.

and last but not least

a positive attitude is very infectious and well be appreciated by everyone around you.

travis seems to have read what I read. And that was all I was wondering about. And as I pronate I tend to burn up my runners rather quickly. And it was not the answer that I didn't like it was just not answering the question that I was asking due to my poor choice of words. And of course I will Pmedmoe. ;)
Rinker said:
travis seems to have read what I read. And that was all I was wondering about. And as I pronate I tend to burn up my runners rather quickly. And it was not the answer that I didn't like it was just not answering the question that I was asking due to my poor choice of words. And of course I will Pmedmoe. ;)

If you alternate the runners (outside/inside) they will actually last longer.  Also, not sure of what the rules are at the gym in St. Jean, but many places will not let you wear outdoor shoes in the gym.  So there you go, two pairs are necessary and will likely last longer.  ;) 

If you pronate, you may want to look at getting orthotics.  I wouldn't advise that on BMQ but you can go to a good sports store and they should be able to recommend insoles.
Finally a quick answer with no snide remarks, and a good answer. Thank-you. And yes orthotics would be nice but they are expensive. Luckily I am canadian and got'em already. It just wears the heals out really fast.
You will also be issued a pair of sneakers (runners) with your military kit. Ultimately, I think you will not want a lot of extra footwear, otherwise it is just going to go in civvy lock-up for post-indoc weekends. There is only so much stuff you can hide away during inspections. (We were allowed to put extra kit in a PT bag under our beds, but if they found any non-issued items in that bag, forget it.)

You will need one pair of indoor sneakers and one pair of outdoor ones for your layout, which is the exact same number you need for PT (no outdoor shoes are permitted in the gym, as someone mentioned above). Most people seem not to like the military-issued sneakers, but I thought they were perfectly adequate for indoor gym PT, especially considering we didn't have it that much...spent more time doing PT either in the pool or outside on my course. I don't think I'll bother bringing my own this time, just the one outdoor pair, and then a pair of nice yet comfy shoes for admin week (pre-uniform) and post-indoc weekends.

To the OP.....if you are on the officer course, then just take one pair of decent running shoes with you, that is all you are going to need. Take it from someone that went through the course recently with 90% infantry staff that ran you to the ground.

The same runner can be worn for the gym as you either running indoors, doing weights or yoga-like activities. The issued runner is crap and can damage your ankle if you try running with it, I have seen it happen to people. It's part of the layout ( pictures on walls ) to show you how

You do not want to take loads of stuff to basic, as you are going to be issued so much stuff, and some of it would be going back at the end, depending if you are moving onto gagetown or elsewhere.

Go to a proper sport shop like runners world or whatever it's called to have them pick a shoe that fits the way you stand or move.
Unless all of you people are going to be Course Staff on this or any course in question, your advice should be "bring what is on the kitlist", IMO. 