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Packing for Basic [MERGED]

Testify said:
Cool thanks!

I was going to bring my laptop too, with movies and games.  I was told they have a tv room with tons of DVDs.  I'm assuming you can't drink in there though eh?
I am surprised that you have such mood to party during the basic  :o
Come the 4th weekend when they "turn you loose on the population" the only thing on your mind is partying, after that its not uncommon to find a half a dozen folks in the TV Room in the bistro having some "wets" (added for you navy types) shining boots and what not, it helps unit cohesiveness. You will find that course mates party together.
klee519 said:
I am surprised that you have such mood to party during the basic  :o

No beer for 4 weeks plus 5 more days until the 5th weekend.  So basically 5 weeks without a beer.  That will be a record for me so you better believe when that 5th weekend comes that I'll be slammin em back.  My friend said that when he took it they went down to Montreal on some weekends and got hotels and went out to the bars.  That's something that I am interested in as I've never been to Montreal and I hear the club scene is awesome.  Just because I am going to basic doesn't mean I still wont be 20 and want to have fun outside the MEGA if there is time.
I was reading this thread and it interested me.
I was going to put in the usually Jurassic (troll) response about how easy the kids have it today and how hard Wally World was.
But I will keep my comments about how hardcore basic was in the 1900's to myself, after all I got to go to Germany after Battle School. We had it good. Hats off to all those kids who have Afghanistan to look forward too.

Enjoy Basic. Welcome to the club.
Testify said:
No beer for 4 weeks plus 5 more days until the 5th weekend.  So basically 5 weeks without a beer.  That will be a record for me so you better believe when that 5th weekend comes that I'll be slammin em back. 

what you do, is what you do.  Remember this though:

Both the MPs and local LEOs are on speed dial at the Comfort Inn.  And that HAS been used by the hotel staff.

Not only recruits stay at the Comfort Inn.  I know of atleast 10 times I had to address recruits and their "public actions" while I was also staying there on weekends.  Yes, if you are standing in the hallway, half dressed, half drunk and cursing up a storm, you can expect to be sorted out.

The fact that you are young, have short or no hair, are not from the area (i.e. Anglo), your overuse of profanity in public that YOU don't notice, dog tags sticking out, course t-shirts or sweatshirts on with your Crse Serial # on it (that was my favorite...it makes it too easy) and the fact that there are a cluster of others looking and acting the same with you (trust me, it IS that way, not with all recruits, but with lots of them outside the Garrison), everyone will know where you are from.  This includes the CFLRS/5 GSS staff that live in the area and will also be at the mall/restaurants/etc.

The local "tough guys" also will know who you are. 

The cops will know who you are, and they know how to contact the MPs as well.  And probably the Green Desk, Duty WO, etc etc.

To top it all off, as a member of the Reg Force, the Code of Service Discipline applies to you 24/7.  That doesn't stop when you drive off the Garrison.
Good advice Mud Recce Man.  A few comments/questions.

I would think that if I go and stay at the Comfort Inn then I won't be bringing my sweaters or wearing the tags, etc.  Is this an Inn in St. Jean?
The "tough guys", will they wanna jump us or something?

Sounds like the smart thing to do when going there on weekends is to stay in your room and drink and then when you leave to go out be as quiet as possible.
Or you could wait a few more weeks until you finish basic, and not have to worry about being made an example of by the WO?
The comfort inn just happens to be the most popular for recruits (I think it's because its the first one in the phone book) and I will echo what MRM Said, those of us in uniform on courses in ST Jean are readily identifiable, just because you leave your course shirt and dog tags in the shacks doesn't change your appearance, by the time you are allowed out (4th weekend) you tak on a military bearing, everything about you exudes military bearing, until you have a race to the bottom of the bottle, in which case the staff and public know where you are from and how to get rid of you. The "tough guys" will generally leave you alone, unless you conduct makes you resemble a donkey. In 1997 we had a guy on one of the platoons who had his neck slit ear to ear for mickin off to the wrong person, he lived of course but this is an example of the extreme. Generaly what I'm saying is once the free weekends come don't use them as an opporotunity to make donkeys out of all of us in uniform.
Imbeault said:
Or you could wait a few more weeks until you finish basic, and not have to worry about being made an example of by the WO?

I think I can handle myself.  Thanks for the tip though.  There is no way that I can get in crap for having some beers in a hotel room and then going out to a bar.  I am responsible and especially when I am in a hotel, not to mention on BMQ.  I am usually the guy who is telling my buds to be quiet and to respect others in the hotel.  There is a time to have fun and be loud, and that is not in a hotel full of guests.  Doesn't mean there isn't room for fun.

As for ArtyNewbie I completely agree with you.  I will be the first guy to speak up and tell guys to keep their mouths shut.  No need to get into trouble to have some fun.
Testify said:
I would think that if I go and stay at the Comfort Inn then I won't be bringing my sweaters or wearing the tags, etc.  Is this an Inn in St. Jean?

The Comfort Inn is close to The Mega (5 minutes by car/cab) and is sort of the default place to go if you aren't going far.  TV, a break from the Mega, a swimming pool, hot tub, close to the mall, Pizza Hut, BK and things such as this.  They also give a discount to military, and probably do considerable steady business from pers in trng at the Garrison.

The "tough guys", will they wanna jump us or something?

Like any other place, if you go looking for trouble, you will likely find it.  There are some bars down by the river that you should avoid, and that will probably come in your briefings.

Sounds like the smart thing to do when going there on weekends is to stay in your room and drink and then when you leave to go out be as quiet as possible.

The smart thing to do is get out and unwind if you feel the need, but keeping the "let's be smart about being stupid" rule in the back of your head.

My point is, if you are doing things you probably shouldn't be, pretty much everyone and anyone will know where you are from.  Remember, courses go thru St-Jean all the time.  

Where I grew up, and worked as a bouncer at the bars, there was a JLS (Junior Leadership School).  Every time a new course started, you could pick them out coming down the stairs easy smeasy.  They weren't regulars, they didn't know where the bar was, the bathrooms, how much cover was, etc.  Its not hard to pick out the people who aren't from your town when you see them, is it?

Thanks for the info.  What are we looking at for our discounted rate?  Any idea?

Mud Recce Man said:
Its not hard to pick out the people who aren't from your town when you see them, is it?

Definitely not hard to pick them out and since we'll all be buzzed and mainly english speaking I'm sure it will be even easier to tell who we are.
Indeed, and Testify you have the right idea about it, police yourselves, you notice your winger headed down a one way street to trouble, you bring them back to reality. And really that will go your whole carreer. Yes folks with TI do some dumb things too (experience speaking) it helps when someones around to whip you back to reality, I've been on both ends.

I would have really enjoyed doing my BMQ in St-Jean, I know the area, I speak both languages and I live 20 minutes away! But I guess Borden will be an experience, I to will keep my eyes open and mouth shut. I was just wondering, seeing as there is so much talk about St-Jean, any people reading this post from the forum that can give me a little bit of a heads up as to things to do on weekends in Borden etc.. I imagine there are a couple of bars in the vicinity, but I definitely do not want to spend my time partying, I will go out on my time off, I will party, but in regards to other extra curricular activity's?

I am not worried, I fit in to new places quickly and I am a fast learner. In anycase, I guess I am just looking to hear some peoples opinions/ideas/thoughts or experiences from and about Borden !! Anyhow, thanks in advance!

Josh1r said:
I would have really enjoyed doing my BMQ in St-Jean, I know the area, I speak both languages and I live 20 minutes away! But I guess Borden will be an experience, I to will keep my eyes open and mouth shut. I was just wondering, seeing as there is so much talk about St-Jean, any people reading this post from the forum that can give me a little bit of a heads up as to things to do on weekends in Borden etc.. I imagine there are a couple of bars in the vicinity, but I definitely do not want to spend my time partying, I will go out on my time off, I will party, but in regards to other extra curricular activity's?

I am not worried, I fit in to new places quickly and I am a fast learner. In anycase, I guess I am just looking to hear some peoples opinions/ideas/thoughts or experiences from and about Borden !! Anyhow, thanks in advance!


I asked the same question to a former instructor. What they suggested to do was catch up on sleep since it will help you get through the next week.
Agent Zero said:
I asked the same question to a former instructor. What they suggested to do was catch up on sleep since it will help you get through the next week.

Nice was of saying, Borden = Boredom? 
ahahah that's what I have been referring to it as recently.. I hope I am wrong to assume  ::)
Josh1r said:
ahahah that's what I have been referring to it as recently.. I hope I am wrong to assume  ::)

Who knows. Maybe we'll find out that it's the exact opposite? My hopes aren't up though, haha.