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Op UNIFIER - CAF and the Ukraine Crisis

More allegations of "Canadian instructors/mercenaries" being in Eastern UKR via rebel sitrep briefings ...
Canadian military instructors detected in AFU ranks in Avdeyevka
Thursday, July 27, 2017 - 15:54

The DPR reconnaissance have detected instructors from Canada at the Ukrainian Armed Forces' positions near Avdeyevka, reported the Vice-Commander of the DPR Operational Command, Eduard Bazurin.

    "Our reconnaissance detected the presence of instructors from canada outside Avdeyevka in the responsibility zone of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade," said the Vice-Commander.

In addition, according to the Republic's reconnaissance, a platoon of snipers of the 128th separate mountain infantry brigade arrived to the area of ​​the Majorsk railway station near Gorlovka to carry out the combat mission.

Earlier the DPR Operational Command has repeatedly stated the presence of foreign servicemen at the AFU positions in the conflict zone in the Donbass. In particular, the presence of the Georgian Legion and mercenaries from the United States was noted.

DONi News Agency
Source - Alternate SAFER source**
Canadian Instructors/Mercenaries Spotted Outside Avdeevka , And Attempted Rape Of A Young Girl By Nazi Ukraine Scum Soldiers In Druzhkovka ! (VIDEO)
on: July 28, 2017


Our reconnaissance detected the presence of instructors from canada outside Avdeevka in the responsibility zone of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade. In addition, a platoon of snipers of the 128th separate mountain infantry brigade arrived at the vicinity of the Mayorsk railway station to carry out a combat mission.

The so-called Ukrainian patriots, who had formally joined the AFU staff, did not change their negative attitude towards the population of Donbass, even citizens residing in the territory temporarily occupied by Nazi Kiev. Nationalists still consider civilians to be third-class people and with impunity commit against them nearly all the crimes prewritten by the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

For instance, on July 22, several servicemen of the 81st separate air mobile brigade, spending their time in the village of Druzhkovka in a state of intoxication, molested a young girl and attempted rape. Having seen this, concerned citizens of Druzhkovka prevented the arbitrariness of the Ukrainian armed forces’ ‘elite’ by applying physical force to them. Currently, the failed abusers are hospitalized at Chasov-Yar with numerous injuries. One of the paratroopers Krysov is in a serious condition with a traumatic brain injury and concussion.

On the evening of July 24, three servicemen of the 28th separate mechanized brigade, having taken a good portion of alcohol, decided to continue drinking in the vicinity of Bogdanovka locality. Having arrived at a local store, Nazi Ukrainian soldiers demanded from a shop-assistant to sell them vodka and food as a donation to the ‘defenders of Ukraine.’ Refusing to fulfill their demands, a woman was brutally beaten, after what the soldiers robbed the store. In addition, the so-called ‘defenders’ from the 28th separate mechanized brigade caused serious bodily harm to a customer who came at that moment, took his money and quietly returned to the deployment area.


The Ukrainian Junta Military keeps violating the ceasefire.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy actively resorted to tanks, mortars, and small arms. 11 localities’ areas were targeted with 16tank rounds and 41 mortar shells of 120mm calibre and 21 of 82mm calibre.

In the Gorlovka and Mariupol directions, the enemy actively applied grenade launchers and small arms against five localities’ areas.

One soldier was wounded, defending the Republic.

The locality of Dokuchayevsk having been shelled by the AFU, five houses sustained damages.

In addition, a low-pressure gas pipeline was broken on Tsentralnaya Street. Repair works are underway.

A total of three violations of the ceasefire regime by the Armed Forces of Ukraine were registered over the past day.

Vice-Commander of the DPR Defense Ministry operative command Donetsk,Colonel Eduard Basurin
Source - Alternate SAFER source**

* - links to 3 1/2 minute briefing in Russian (no subtitles) on Youtube
**[/sup] - Alternate link is via archive.org in case you worry about sharing your information with, or the potential of malware or other nasties coming from UKR separatist web pages
With headlines like Nazi Ukraine Scum, I wonder how unbiased their reporting would be  >:D

Those look like headlines from The_Donald subreddit.
Dimsum said:
With headlines like Nazi Ukraine Scum, I wonder how unbiased their reporting would be  >:D
That, and all the exclamation marks in the headlines, gives it away as more of an un-fact-checking fan boy repeater site.

Meanwhile, this, for the record, from the CAF on this one:
While CAF personnel are involved in training activities in different locations in Ukraine, they are always a significant distance from conflict areas in eastern Ukraine, including Donetsk and Avdiivka.
So, if Canadians ARE doing any military training there, it doesn't seem to be Canadian military doing the training.

Keep enjoying the separatist lies creativity!
Shared under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42) ...
Ukrainian Armed Forces adopts many NATO-like safety standards – Canadian military instructor
ukrinform.net, 11.08.2017 10:57

The Ukrainian military command requested Canada to help introduce the NATO-like safety standards in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Canadian Army Major Chris Hartwick, who oversees one of the training courses within the UNIFIER Canadian training mission to Ukraine, said this in an interview with the Army news.

"Some might ask why we are imposing our safety standards on them [Ukrainian servicemen], but this is actually something the Ukrainian Armed Forces has requested of us. They wish to adopt more NATO-like safety standards and their leaders strive to learn as much from Canada and the U.S. as possible in this regard," Hartwick said.

According to him, the absence of a separate training structure in the Armed Forces of Ukraine creates certain problems for Canadian mission.

"Unlike us, the Ukrainian Armed Forces does not have a standardized training structure. So, many of their instructors have never undergone training on how to teach a class or run a firing range," the Canadian Army Major said.

He added that Canada “exercises a strict set of safety guidelines when planning and conducting training and the Ukrainian Armed Forces functions differently.”

As reported, the Canadian government announced early March its decision to extend the UNIFIER military training mission to Ukraine for another two years until March 31, 2019. About 200 Canadian military instructors have been training Ukrainian servicemen within the framework of this mission.
Some screen captures of Canadian troops parading during today's UKR Independence Day parade (source) - first foreign formation after UKR's troops.


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milnews.ca said:
Some screen captures of Canadian troops parading during today's UKR Independence Day parade (source) - first foreign formation after UKR's troops.
And one more from the Ukrainian MoD info-machine (source, in Ukrainian).


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Curious that none of their name tapes have names on them, must be a concern of the otherside IDing soldiers and using their names for evil
milnews.ca said:
And one more from the Ukrainian MoD info-machine (source, in Ukrainian).
And yet another photo from Ukrainian media (source) ...


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UKR separatist media*:  Canadian cop trainer hit up for bribe by UKR colleagues?
Ukrainian policemen rob Canadian instructor who came to teach them
Saturday, September 2, 2017 - 15:13

In Kiev, the police robbed their colleague from Canada, who came to Ukraine to train law enforcement officers, reported by "Strana.ua".

According to the publication, the crime occurred back on April 22, but a notification of suspicion was handed to one of the Ukrainian police officers only in August.

The incident occurred with the participation of the employees of the Pechersk district department of the Kiev police protection department. The police, on a far-fetched occasion, checked the documents of a Canadian citizen. Then one of them invited the foreigner to the office car, where he took away his money and a credit card. After that, the attackers left, leaving the man on the street.

As it turned out, the Canadian came to Ukraine as part of a police mission, which trains cadres for the patrol police. The Ukrainian guards, according to the investigation, have stolen about 1400 grivnas (about 3150 rbl. - ed.) from their colleague. The criminal case was initiated under the article "Robbery". This investigation is monitored by the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine.

DONi News Agency
Test of original Strana.ua source article (in Russian and Google English) attached - no other open source media confirmation at this point.

* - This links to an archived version of the story in question, saving you from clicking on a site that, 1) gets your info and 2) "shares" who knows what.


1)  Canadian Senior Advisor meets with UKR's Def Min -- this from UKR MoD's info-machine ...
Stepan Poltorak: All activities supported by Canada are very successful in Ukraine

Defence Minister Stepan Poltorak held talks with Senior Adviser Jill Sinclair (Canada) in Kyiv.

“All activities supported by Canada are very successful in Ukraine,” General Poltorak stressed, “Particularly, I would like to praise the operation UNIFIER and material support Ukraine receives from Canada. There is a very high level of confidence between our countries and we hope for development of cooperation.”

He also announced that during visit of the Minister of National Defence of Canada to Ukraine this month they will discuss further cooperation and practical aspects of realization of Agreement on Defence Cooperation between Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and Ministry of National Defence of Canada and Armed Forces of Canada.
... and this:
Senior Adviser Jill Sinclair: Canada supports Ukraine and welcomes Ukraine’s efforts to approach NATO

Minister of Defence of Ukraine General of the Army of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak held talks with Senior Adviser Jill Sinclair (Canada). The parties discussed the reforms of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry and further cooperation between Ukraine and Canada. The Defence Minister stressed that all initiated reforms were implemented as scheduled. “Currently, we are developing the infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Gen. Poltorak said, “Financial reform will also allow us to raise the interest of people to military service.” Stepan Poltorak thanked Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Mr Roman Waschuk assistance provided by Canada for construction of the Law Enforcement Training Centre in Lviv. Jill Sinclair underscored that Canada supported Ukraine and welcomes Ukraine’s efforts to approach NATO.

2)  Translation services contract awarded to UK firm ...
Leeds language communications firm wins Canadian Armed Forces contract
Nick Hill, bdaily.co.uk, 13 Sept 2017

thebigword, the Leeds-based language services provider, has secured a new contract to deliver interpreting services to the Canadian Armed Forces in Ukraine.

From October, thebigword will provide interpreters to support a CAF mission to train Ukrainian troops.

Operation UNIFIER was launched in response to requests from the Ukraine government to assist Ukrainian armed forces with military training and help improve and build military capacity.

The tech company’s linguists will be on hand 365 days per year and will also have the scope of linguists to cover any surge requirements.

The Canadian government has deployed 200 CAF members to the Ukraine and will continue to provide training until March 2019.

UNIFIER’S intent is to help Ukraine remain sovereign, secure and stable.

Larry Gould, CEO of thebigword, said: “Our defence division is in now in its sixth year and we provide organisations and governments with the specialist language support they need in often challenging circumstances.

“We know that our work helps to save lives and so I am delighted that we are able to support the Canadian Armed Forces in this important training mission in Ukraine.”

thebigword founded its defence division in 2012. It provides trained and security cleared expert linguists for sensitive and difficult assignments in conflict zones across the world.

The defence division serves clients including NATO, the UK Ministry of Defence, the US Department of Defense and BAE Systems.
Company's 11 Sept 2017 news release also attached.


New commander takes over ...
Today (16 Sept 2017), Joint Task Force-Ukraine (JTF-U) held a ceremony to welcome Lieutenant-Colonel Kristopher Reeves, who assumed command from Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Lubiniecki at the International Peacekeeping and Security Centre in Starychi, Ukraine.

As commander of JTF-U, Lieutenant-Colonel Reeves commands approximately 200 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel with the mission to conduct training with the Ukrainian Armed Forces in areas such as tactical army skills, leadership development, explosive ordnance disposal, battlefield medical aid, military police skills, and logistics modernization. Since the start of the mission in September 2015, more than 5580 Ukrainian Armed Forces members have participated in training provided by the CAF via some 140 course serials.

Operation UNIFIER is providing military training and capacity building to Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel to support Ukraine in its efforts to maintain sovereignty, security, and stability.


    “I’m proud to welcome Lieutenant-Colonel Kristopher Reeves, the incoming Commander of Operation UNIFIER. The Canadian Armed Forces men and women deployed in Ukraine will benefit from his leadership and experience to continue delivering outstanding training to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. I would also like to commend Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Lubiniecki and his troops for their dedication to this training mission and for their professionalism during their deployment in Ukraine.”

        —    Lieutenant-General Stephen Bowes, Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command

    “After months of preparation, this new Task Force brings together motivated and highly experienced soldiers from across the Canadian Armed Forces who are ready to face head on the challenges and opportunities of this training mission in Ukraine. We look forward to building on the exceptional work of our Canadian colleagues in promoting security in the region through the capacity building and training of our friends and partners in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”

        —  Lieutenant-Colonel Kristopher Reeves, incoming Commander, Joint Task Force - Ukraine

    “For almost seven months, Chief Warrant Officer Rob Clarke and I have had the honour and privilege of leading Canadian soldiers during Operation UNIFIER. We are deeply proud of the progress that has been achieved by the men and women of this Task Force. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are well on their way to NATO compatibility, in part because of the hard work of our Canadian Armed Forces members here in Ukraine, and that is an outstanding legacy to be a part of.”

        —  Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Lubiniecki, outgoing Commander, Joint Task Force - Ukraine

Quick Facts

    Deployed members come from all parts of Canada to leverage specific skillsets and capabilities to ensure the success of the training program. Today’s ceremony marks the transition between Rotations 3 and 4, with this rotation being comprised of CAF members primarily from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, based in Petawawa, Ontario.

    The training provided by the CAF, in coordination with our allies, contributes to enhance the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ self-sufficiency in training delivery and their ability to conduct military operations across the full spectrum of conflict.

    By participating in this training mission, the CAF is helping to develop the professionalism and modernize the capacity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, supporting Ukrainian aspirations to achieve NATO interoperability by 2020.

    Canada’s new defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, ensures the CAF is prepared to engage in capacity building to support the security of other nations and their ability to contribute to security abroad.

    Lieutenant-Colonel Kristopher Reeves is an Infantry Officer and a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada and of the Joint Command and Staff Program. He is currently the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment. He has previously deployed on large domestic support operations here in Canada, a unit exchange to the UK, major international exercises in the US, and two Battle Group rotations to Afghanistan ...
Pix (second photo - incoming commander speaking by podium -- Photo credit:  Joint Task Force - Ukraine) attached.


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Some photos from the 15 Sept 2017 opening of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Military Law and Order Service Academy in Lviv attached (photo credit:  CAF Joint Task Force - Ukraine).
Info-machine captions:
1 -- "Canadian Armed Forces Major N. Flight, Deputy Commanding Officer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Military Law and Order Service Academy is shown during the academy’s opening ceremony on September 15, 2017 in Lviv, Ukraine."
2 -- "Canadian Armed Forces members take part in the opening ceremony of the new Academy of Military Law and Order Service in Lviv, Ukraine, on Friday, 15 September 2017. "
3 -- "Commander Joint Task Force-Ukraine, LCol K. Reeves (R) and  Major N. Flight (L), Deputy Commanding Officer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Military Law and Order Service Academy during briefings following the academy’s opening ceremony on September 15, 2017 in Lviv, Ukraine."
4 -- " Ukrainian Military Police Use of Force Training demonstration following the opening ceremony of the new Academy of Military Law and Order Service in Lviv, Ukraine, on Friday, 15 September 2017. "


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Since SAT INT was mentioned earlier in this thread, I'm sharing this here ...

A touch of backstory:  Team Blue started sharing satellite with UKR (in spite of some worries it could end up in RUS hands) in early 2015Team Red stopped the flow of sat imagery as of May 2016 reportedly due to, depending on who you believe, "carefully considering the utility of this contribution — compared to Canada’s many other forms of assistance to Ukraine" (Global Affairs info-machine) or "budgetary constaints" (UKR envoy to CAN quoted in UKR media).

Now, here's the latest ...

In other developments, CAN's reportedly helping develop a policing school in UKR (links to UKR MoD info-machine article in Ukrainian), CAN's DefMin's dropping by UKR this week, and members of the Commons Standing Committee on National Defence met with #UKR's DefMin & visited some facilities - more on the latter here, here (UKR MoD info-machine photos attached), here and here.


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From the joint info-machines ...
The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence - Joint Statement to Ukrainian Media with Ukraine’s Minister of Defence
From National Defence
Please check against delivery
Kyiv, Ukraine
September 26, 2017

General Poltorak, Members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Members of the media.

Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon. 

It is a great pleasure to be back in Ukraine.

This is my second visit to your beautiful country as Canada’s Minister of National Defence. 
I would first like to thank my friend and counterpart, General Poltorak, for the very warm welcome I’ve received here today in Kyiv. Thank you, General.

The General and I had a very productive discussion today. We talked about the shared values and strong bonds of friendship between our two countries.

We also spoke about areas where we can expand our defence cooperation.

These bonds of friendship are rooted in generations of Ukrainian migration to Canada. For more than 125 years, almost our entire history as a country, Ukrainians have settled across Canada.

And today, there are roughly 1.3 million Canadians of Ukrainian descent living in Canada. That’s why Canada is one of the most Ukrainian countries in the world—outside of Ukraine itself.

Personally, I have been learning more about Ukrainian culture by getting to know members of the Ukrainian-Canadian community. I have had the pleasure seeing first-hand just how much Ukrainians enrich Canada’s cultural life.

You have a great friend in Canada, and we are proud to call your country a valued partner and trusted ally.

25 years have passed since our two countries established diplomatic ties. Today they are stronger than ever.

And we will continue to build that bond of fellowship by strenghthening these historic ties — economically, diplomatically and militarily.

For example…

Last month, the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement took effect. That is great news for both of our countries. The Agreement creates jobs and opportunities in vital sectors of our economies, like Information Technology.

In April, General Poltorak and I signed the Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Arrangement in Ottawa.

This Arrangement allows us to work more closely on issues of mutual security and defence, and better support each other. It also shows Canada’s steadfast commitment to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

Back in March, I was proud to announce the extension of Operation UNIFIER. This Canadian Armed Forces mission in western Ukraine has trained nearly 6,000 Ukrainian soldiers. Its mandate runs until the end of March 2019.

This operation is not a one-way transfer of knowledge.

Our two militaries are learning from each other every day.

And we are also providing strategic advice on Ukraine’s defence reform process through our participation in the Defence Reform Advisory Board.

Canada remains fully committed to providing assistance to Ukraine, helping to preserve and protect its sovereignty through Operation UNIFIER and through our defence reform assistance efforts.

Canada’s support for Ukraine is in complete alignment with our government’s new defence policy…

…a policy that promotes active engagement for a better world beyond our shores.

…a policy that supports nations like Ukraine in your efforts to secure your borders and strengthen your civil society.

Ladies and gentlemen, President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Trudeau issued a joint statement last Friday. It reaffirmed the strong and enduring ties between our two countries, and it reinforced our shared commitment to continue deepening our relationship.

The people of Ukraine can count on Canada’s unwavering support.

You have been an integral part of our country for the last 125 years, and we are proud to help you build your future.

We will continue to stand in full solidarity with you.

Because that’s what good friends and trusted partners do.

Thank you.
Russians trying to stir things up a bit...

Feds deny Russian rumours that 3 Canadian soldiers were killed in Ukraine
CTVNews.ca Staff
Published Friday, May 18, 2018 7:01PM EDT

Federal officials have flatly denied online rumours circulated by Russian social media accounts that three Canadian soldiers working in Ukraine were killed by a landmine.

The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces told CTV News that the claims are totally false, and that there are no Canadians who have been injured or killed.

The false claim appears to have been first reported on a Russian-language website that cites the pro-Russian group the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). The separatist group, which receives financial backing from Russia, was declared a terrorist group by Ukraine in 2015.

The report falsely claims that three NATO servicemen from Canada were killed by a landmine near Avdeyevka, a Ukrainian community near the Russian border. The report also claims that two American soldiers were injured in the blast.

More at link...
I was just reading about the war in Donbass and couldn't help but be flabbergasted by the how soundly it seemed like the Ukrainian military got it's ass handed to it by a the rebels (acknowledging that the rebels were heavily supported by Russia).

That being said, I was wondering if anyone who's deployed to Op UNIFIER had any anecdotes about the Ukrainian Armed Forces? Any stories about things they did really well or really BAD, or just interesting things about how they do business?

Lumber said:
I was just reading about the war in Donbass and couldn't help but be flabbergasted by the how soundly it seemed like the Ukrainian military got it's *** handed to it by a the rebels (acknowledging that the rebels were heavily supported by Russia).

That being said, I was wondering if anyone who's deployed to Op UNIFIER had any anecdotes about the Ukrainian Armed Forces? Any stories about things they did really well or really BAD, or just interesting things about how they do business?

This is second hand, but I heard a story that we trained a ukrainian company on what do to when coming under artillery attack, most of them apparently fucked us off and said we didn't know what we were talking about. That company went went to Donbas, got hit by arty, and only a handful came back uninjured or not killed. They came back to reinforce that the Canadians should be listened to.
MilEME09 said:
This is second hand, but I heard a story that we trained a ukrainian company on what do to when coming under artillery attack, most of them apparently ****ed us off and said we didn't know what we were talking about. That company went went to Donbas, got hit by arty, and only a handful came back uninjured or not killed. They came back to reinforce that the Canadians should be listened to.

You can lead a horse to water....  :facepalm:
From the UKR Defence Intelligence info-machine -- in Ukrainian, and in Google English ...
The intelligence training program will be updated
January 16, 2019

In the latest methods of training soldiers taken into account the combat experience of the leading armies of the world

A specially created working group is involved in the development of qualification standards and the training program for the professional training of intelligence officers in the military intelligence training center. The work continues, in particular, with the support of the mission of the Canadian Forces "Op UNIFIER".

According to the latest techniques that take into account the combat experience of the use of intelligence units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the leading armies of the world, individual training of soldiers and training in units will be carried out.
UKR-supplied photo attached


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