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Op UNIFIER - CAF and the Ukraine Crisis

Via the CF Info-machine:
The new commander of Joint Task Force-Ukraine (JTF-U), Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Lubiniecki, assumed command from Lieutenant-Colonel Wayne Niven today during a ceremony at the International Peacekeeping and Security Centre in Starychi, Ukraine. The ceremony marks the transition between Rotations 2 and 3 of Operation UNIFIER, Canada’s capacity building and military training mission in Ukraine.

As commander of JTF-U, Lieutenant-Colonel Lubiniecki commands approximately 200 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel with the mission to conduct training with the Ukrainian Armed Forces in areas such as tactical army skills, leadership development, explosive ordnance disposal, battlefield medical aid, military police skills, and logistics modernization ...


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milnews.ca said:
Via the CF Info-machine:
Mike Blackburn looking very stern; must be channelling his inner Foreign Legionnaire.

Much like Lubiniecki is following the Canadian Army Sergeant Major's headdress lead: "the beret shall  cover the eyelids."  ;D

But seriously folks, be safe over there.  :salute:
Some Russian response to Canada's mission extension ...
Moscow is concerned over Canada's decision to extend the stay of its military mission in Ukraine and over Canada's supplies of ammunition to Ukraine's Armed Forces, because the ammunition could later end up in the conflict zone in Donbass, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Friday.

On March 6, the government of Canada announced it will extend its military training mission in Ukraine until the end of March 2019.

"We took seriously the decision of Canada to extend by two years the military mission in Ukraine… Instead of exerting pressure on Kiev to compel it to fully implement its obligations under the Minsk agreements, Ottawa frankly plays into the hands of supporters of a military solution of the situation in Donbass, and also condones the continuation of the bloodshed," Zakharova said ...
As usual, I stand to be corrected, but I haven't read anyplace else about Canada selling/giving UKR ammo - it's certainly not mentioned in the info-machine material.
milnews.ca said:
...As usual, I stand to be corrected, but I haven't read anyplace else about Canada selling/giving UKR ammo - it's certainly not mentioned in the info-machine material.

Ukraine is listed as a customer nation on the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems - Canada Industry Canada profile, and GDOTS-C is an ammunition/ordnance manufacturer.


But I'm not sure if I've seen any data on what specifically Ukraine is buying -- GDOTS-C makes simunition rounds, 5.56/7.62, grenades, 155mm propellant bags, etc...
Thanks for that - much appreciated.

I wasn't precise enough in my language ...
milnews.ca said:
... I stand to be corrected, but I haven't read anyplace else about Canada's government selling/giving UKR ammo - it's certainly not mentioned in the info-machine material.
... although if a Canadian company is selling, one might streeeeeeeeeetch "Canada giving/selling" to include that. #MaybeFakeNews
Re:  Canada sending ammo to UKR, it must be true if the RUS Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson said it (link in Russian - Google Translate version below) ...
... On the decision of Canada to extend its military instructor mission in Ukraine

With serious concern, they took Canada's decision to extend for a period of two years its military mission in Ukraine. Within its framework, Canadian instructors are engaged in the so-called Ukrainian polygons. "Training" Ukrainian soldiers for subsequent shipment to the Donbass.

We consider such decisions and actions of the Government of Canada to be extremely dangerous. They interfere with the political settlement of the ongoing confrontation caused by the Kiev authorities. Moreover, according to the information available to us, the instructors are not limited to instructors - the Canadians began to supply ammunition for the Ukrainian armed forces, which will undoubtedly fall into the conflict zone.

Instead of exerting pressure on Kiev to compel it to fully fulfill its obligations under the Minsk agreements, Ottawa frankly favors the supporters of a forceful solution of the situation in the Donbass, and also condones the continuation of the bloodshed. In Canada, we must understand that the consequences of such policies and actions will be on their conscience ...
... and it was reported in Russian state media ...
... according to the information that we have, Canada has begun to supply the Ukrainian military with ammunition that is sure to be delivered to the conflict zone," the Russian diplomat pointed out. "Canadians should realize that the consequences of such steps will be on their conscience."
... not to mention repeated in separatist UKR media ...
Canada has begun to supply the Ukrainian military with ammunition that is sure to be delivered to the conflict zone, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova states.

By extending its military mission in Ukraine, Canada encourages the Ukrainian supporters using military force to resolve the Donbass conflict, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday ...
... and denied by Ukraine:
The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has denied reports that Canada is providing ammunition to Ukraine.

"It's not true. This statement is nothing but a cynical lie," Bohdan Sennyk, the head of the Ukrainian General Staff press service, told reporters on Friday.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova earlier said Canada had started supplying ammunition to the Ukrainian authorities.
More from the separatist info-machine ...
Many is asking why Canada is supplying ammunition and providing training for the Ukrainian Nazi battalions fighting in Donbass? Canadian newspaper Ottawa Citizen reports, that Canadian Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, has West-Ukrainian roots and her grandfather was directly connected to the German Nazi forces.

There have been a number of articles circulating about Freeland’s Ukrainian grandfather, Michael Chomiak, and his ties to the Nazis, but these reports have been stamped blatantly as "Russian propaganda".

    “American officials have publicly said, and even Angela Merkel has publicly said, that there were efforts on the Russian side to destabilize Western democracies, and I think it shouldn’t come as a surprise if these same efforts were used against Canada,” Freeland told reporters after they raised questions about the articles about her grandfather.

The Globe and Mail also reported that an official in Freeland’s office denied the minister’s grandfather was a Nazi collaborator. But as Canadian Ottawa Citizen directly reports, based on undeniable facts, that Crystia Freedland's granddad "Michael Chomiak was a Nazi collaborator".

    For starters, The Ukraine Archival Records held by the Province of Alberta. It has a whole file on Chomiak, including his own details about his days editing the newspaper Krakivski Visti. Chomiak noted he edited the paper first in Crakow (Cracow), Poland and then in Vienna. The reason he edited the paper in Vienna was because he had to flee with his Nazis colleagues as the Russians advanced into Poland. (The Russians tended to execute collaborators well as SS members).

So what was the Krakivski Visti?

It, like a number of publications, had been seized by the Nazis from their Jewish owners and then operated as propaganda outlets. Here is what the Los Angeles Holocaust Museum has to say about Krakivski Visti and a similar newspaper, Lvivski Visti, both publications associated with the Nazi regime.

    “The editorial boards carried out a policy of soliciting Ukrainian support for the German cause. It was typical, within these publications, to not to give any accounts of the German genocidal policy, and largely, the editions resorted to silencing the mass killing of Jews in Galicia. Ukrainian newspapers presented the Jewish Question in light of the official Nazi propaganda, corollary to the Jewish world conspiracy.”

“In 1943 and 1944, both Lvivski Visti and Krakivski Visti hailed the German-approved formation of the 14th Waffen SS Division Halychyna, composed of Ukrainian volunteers,” the museum pointed out.

    "So much for "Russian disinformation," the Ottawa Citizen concluded.

On Wednesday the Globe and Mail reported that, “Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland knew for more than two decades that her maternal Ukrainian grandfather was the chief editor of a Nazi newspaper.”
On the RUS Foreign Ministry's allegations that Canada's supplying ammo to the Ukrainians, this from a DND spokesperson by email:
... Regarding allegations of a Canadian donation of ammunition to Ukraine, it is false. Here what the Ukrainian military had to say: https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/ukrainian-military-denies-receiving-ammo-canada.html ...
We barely have ammo for us, let alone to donate

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

MilEME09 said:
We barely have ammo for us, let alone to donate

Pretty sure we don't use a whole lot of 7.62x39mm, 7.62x54mmR or 12.7x108mm ammunition in regular training in Canada, so your allotment of 25 rounds for the year wouldn't be touched by donating lethal aid to the Ukrainians.
Ukrainian forces have started using licence built M16s so 5.56 is needed

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

That ammo isn't going to come out of DND stocks, it'd be a Global Affairs Canada purchase with their cash out of whatever lowest bidder 5.56mm company can deliver to Ukraine. The CAF can advise on what lethal aid would be useful, but its GAC that makes the call and finds the rounds.
PuckChaser said:
That ammo isn't going to come out of DND stocks, it'd be a Global Affairs Canada purchase with their cash out of whatever lowest bidder 5.56mm company can deliver to Ukraine. The CAF can advise on what lethal aid would be useful, but its GAC that makes the call and finds the rounds.

oh i am well aware this story is full of baloney, only way we are providing ammo to Ukraine is by us going to a company to buy and ship to ukraine, like you said
PuckChaser said:
That ammo isn't going to come out of DND stocks, it'd be a Global Affairs Canada purchase with their cash out of whatever lowest bidder 5.56mm company can deliver to Ukraine ...
And they haven't replied to my email yet  ;D
MilEME09 said:
Ukrainian forces have started using licence built M16s so 5.56 is needed

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

Looking at the pictures released by the CAF about Op UNIFIER, the soldiers are all using Warsaw Pact weapons (AK-74, PKM)
Meanwhile, MP's drop by and discover there's a war on ...
Canada extended its military training mission in Ukraine this week, but the country needs more help to help ease the escalating humanitarian crisis, say an MP and a human rights advocate who just returned from the country.

Ontario Conservative MP Tony Clement travelled to Kyiv last week to meet with government officials and others and was surprised to learn of the huge scale of the crisis caused by the four-year conflict.

"This is a hot war, not a cold war, in Eastern Ukraine," Clement told CBC News. "There are casualties every day, soldiers and civilians. A lot of the world's attention is focused on Mosul, Syria and Iraq, but this war is a war, as well, and there are many people affected." ...
Dimsum said:
So, a reverse-racism assumption?  As in "oh...those are white (Orthodox) Christian folks shooting at each other, it can't be *that* bad"?
I'll take "Former Yugoslavia for $400, Alex ..."
A new-ish (up as of 21 March 2017) e-petition is up @ the Parliament of Canada page ...
Petition to the House of Commons


    The violence and tensions in Eastern Ukraine have continued to escalate over the past three years and show no sign of abating;
    The conflict in Eastern Ukraine has led to the death of nearly 10,000 individuals, displaced more than 1.6 million individuals internally, and left over 3 million in need of humanitarian aid;
  The Government of Canada has failed to sign the Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Agreement;
    The Government of Canada has cut the supply of life-saving RADARSAT-2 imagery to the Ukrainian military;
    The Government of Canada has ignored Ukraine’s calls for lethal defensive military equipment, while providing the same support to the Kurdish military; and
    The Government of Canada has failed to add Ukraine to the Automatic Firearms Country Control List.

We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to add Ukraine to the Automatic Firearms Country Control List, sign the Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Agreement and supply the Ukrainian military with lethal defensive equipment.
Re:  the bits in yellow, it's interesting that the parliamentary sponsor for this petition was once the Parliamentary Secretary for National Defence for the governing party that failed to sign, cut the supply, ignored Ukraine's calls and failed to add


You have until 19 July to sign the petition if you're interested.