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Op UNIFIER - CAF and the Ukraine Crisis

On Twitter there were a great many Conservative politicians wondering why Canada under the Liberals did not expand the mission - why could they not do better for the Ukraine?  In my mind, those type of questions are just as you say - opposition for the sake of.  This is a mission started by the Conservaties.  That the Liberals continued their path in a situation that has remained largely the same should be a rare opportunity for them to show solidarity and applaud the government.
And back to some news -- this from UKR media, shared under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42) ...
Canada to provide Ukraine with another batch of military equipment

Canada will soon deliver to Ukraine the next batch of non-lethal military equipment.

This was stated by National Defense Minister of Canada Harjit Sajjan, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Our next delivery will include first-aid kits, training materials for the military police and ammunition disposal equipment," Sajjan said.

He reminded that Canada had been supplying various units of non-lethal military equipment to Ukraine for a long time, e.g. tactical communication systems, night vision goggles and even a mobile field hospital.

"This vital equipment will increase the capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces while reducing the financial burden on the Ukrainian government," Sajjan said.
More from the former Parliamentary Secretary for National Defence on how Ukraine needs lethal military aid, shared under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42) ...
Ukraine needs lethal weapons – James Bezan
28.03.2017 17:50 318

It has become obvious since the end of last year that the West has not been taking sufficient measures to make Russia implement the Minsk agreements.

This has been stated by James Bezan, the Official Opposition Critic for National Defence and member of Conservative Shadow Cabinet, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"As we have seen since the end of 2016, neither Russia nor the Russian-backed militants in Donetsk and Luhansk regions comply with the Minsk agreements, while Ukraine pays for that," Bezan said.

In his opinion, the regular violations of the Minsk agreements require that the West provide Ukraine with lethal weapons.
More word of coming Canadian help ...
Canada getting ready to sign defense agreement with Ukraine – Harjit Sajjan
31.03.2017 10:10 914

An agreement on cooperation between the defense ministries of Canada and Ukraine will be signed in the near future.

This was stated by National Defense Minister of Canada Harjit Sajjan, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"To move forward in the issue of the defense agreement, we and our colleagues just should determine the proper date," Sajjan said.

The National Defense Minister of Canada added that it had been planned to conclude that agreement during his trip to Ukraine last year. "During the last trip, the issue of this agreement was raised, and we could even move forward, but we had to wait until some issues on part of the Ukrainian government were solved. As of now, everything has already been settled," the Minister said.
... while the two DefMin's prepare to meet in Ottawa:
... Defence Minister Harjit S. Sajjan and his Ukrainian counterpart, Defence Minister Stepan Poltorak, will be meeting to discuss the Canada-Ukraine defence relationship and hold a photo opportunity.

Date: Monday, April 3, 2017

Time: 13:15 p.m. (EDT)

Location: National Defence Headquarters, 101 Colonel By Drive, Brigadier Malone Conference Room (formerly Conference Room D), 2 North Tower ...
Let's see how the Russian info-machine distorts this offer to help out ...
Canada and Ukraine have a long history of friendship, common values, and shared ambitions for the future of our peoples.

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan met today with Ukrainian Defence Minister Stepan Poltorak to sign the Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Arrangement.

This bilateral arrangement further exemplifies Canada’s commitment to Ukraine by identifying areas of mutual cooperation such as defence policy; defence research, development, and production; and military education. The Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Arrangement is a key part of the Canadian Government`s multifaceted support for Ukrainian territorial integrity and sovereignty, security, and stability. This arrangement is focused on providing a framework for cooperation on important defence-related issues.

In the coming days, Defence Minister Poltorak will meet Members of Parliament and Senators, and tour Canadian Armed Forces facilities such as Canadian Forces Base Petawawa.


“Today's signing of the Defence Cooperation Arrangement shows Canada's steadfast commitment to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. It strengthens the ties between our two nations and helps us continue to develop our rich, mutually beneficial relationships.  Canada remains fully committed to providing assistance to Ukraine, helping to preserve and protect its sovereignty through Operation UNIFIER, and to supporting the implementation of key reforms.”

— Harjit S. Sajjan, Defence Minister

Quick Facts

•In addition to the Canadian Government`s recent decision to renew Operation UNIFIER until the end of March 2019, the Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Arrangement reaffirms the mutual trust and common interest in international peace shared between the two countries.
•Canada has provided a broad range of assistance (development, financial, humanitarian, non-lethal military) to Ukraine, totaling more than $700 million since January 2014.
•Since September 2015, more than 3200 Ukrainian Armed Forces members have been trained by the Canadian Armed Forces ...
According to the Ukrainian Embassy in Ottawa* (in Ukrainian) ...
... According to the Ambassador of Ukraine Andriy Shevchenko agreement identifies five priority areas of cooperation: 1) defense research, development and production; 2) Financial support; 3) logistics; 4) defense policy; 5) military education ...
* - OP edit to get the envoy & embassy right.
1) defense research, development and production; 2) Financial support; 3) logistics; 4) defense policy

There is there fatal flaw, relying on Canada to assist them in this. I give the Ukrainians 3 years before they are eventually parcelled off into mother Russia.  :P
Meanwhile, in one of the many meetings UKR's DefMin held in Canada, he had a chance to chat up CCC folks - this from the UKR MoD (original in Ukrainian - Google Translation below) ...
In Ottawa ended meeting of defense ministers of Ukraine and representatives of the defense industry in Canada.

Vice President of the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) Cameron Mc Kenzie welcomed a delegation from Ukraine and stressed that interested in developing cooperation with Ukraine.

He also noted that after signing the Understanding on defense cooperation to countries new opportunities, and this cooperation can be developed for a wide range of issues.

In turn, during the meeting the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak said that Ukraine is interested in expanding cooperation in all areas for the practical implementation of the defense character.

- Given the needs of the Armed Forces and the possibility MIC is promising cooperation of domestic MIC in the aviation industry, the production of ammunition for small arms and artillery systems, armored vehicles, electronics, control systems and communications - said Stepan Poltorak.
milnews.ca said:
More from the former Parliamentary Secretary for National Defence on how Ukraine needs lethal military aid, shared under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42) ...
Ukraine needs lethal weapons – James Bezan ...
More of the same ...
Canada should finally allow Ukraine buying defensive weapons.

James Bezan, the Official Opposition Critic for National Defence and member of Conservative Shadow Cabinet, said this in an interview with Ukrinform.

"Russia is strengthening its positions in Donbas, pulling artillery and weapons there. The Minsk Agreements have failed. The militants and the Russian military continue to ignore them. Therefore, I advocate including Ukraine in this list and opening of access to the Canadian arms market," Bezan said.

According to him, the Government of Canada should also immediately begin to supply a variety of weapons to Ukraine.

The Automatic Firearms Country Control List defines the countries, which Canada allows its domestic producers to supply weapons to. Currently, there are 35 countries on the list, including Botswana, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Colombia. Ukraine is not on the list so far.
It's a real shame that bit in yellow couldn't have been done before ...
Here's a topic you can 'sink your teeth into' :)

The volunteer Dentists on the front lines of Ukraine's War...

This from the UKR MoD Info-machine ...
Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv

Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv Canadian military policemen to train Ukrainian military law enforcement staff in Lviv

A new Military Law Enforcement training centre hosted an opening ceremony of training course. Col. Vasyl Maksymenko, Deputy Chief of Central Directorate of Military Law Enforcement, stressed that the Ukrainian army was undergoing development under active support of international partners and in compliance with NATO standards.

“Canadian instructors joined their Lithuanian colleagues and train our military. A lot of things have been realized over two years such as this centre opening and staff training for future Military Police. Draft Law of Ukraine ‘On Military Police of Ukraine’ is under inter-departmental approval,” Col. Maksymenko said.

According to him, some graduates work as instructors at this centre, others stay at military law enforcement units.

During several weeks 16 Ukrainian specialists will undergo training in the framework of the course which agenda was jointly developed by Ukrainian and Canadian experts.
A few pix attached (photo credit:  UKR MoD)


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A bit of the bigger, political picture, via the Ukrainian President's information machine (statement also attached in case link doesn't work)...
President of Ukraine coordinated positions with the Prime Minister of Canada on the eve of the G7 and NATO meeting

25 May 2017 - 14:28

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko held a phone conversation with Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau.

Petro Poroshenko informed on the developments in Donbas and the ongoing violation of the Minsk agreements by Russia. The President of Ukraine expressed confidence that the leaders of NATO and G7 will deliver an appropriate assessment of the given situation, particularly in the issue of continuation of sanctions’ pressure on Moscow.

Prime Minister Trudeau assured that the G7 and NATO coalition is committed to support Ukraine.

The parties also discussed future intensification of bilateral relations. The leaders praised recent ratification of the Free Trade Agreement by the Canadian Senate that paves the way to its full application in the nearest future. Petro Poroshenko thanked Canada for its stance in the issue of development of defensive cooperation, the evidence of which is continuation of UNIFIER training mission and signature of the agreement on defensive cooperation.

Petro Poroshenko noted that the adoption of the EU’s decision as regards visa waiver for Ukrainians provides conditions for intensification of dialogue on visa liberalisation between Canada and Ukraine.

The parties coordinated the schedule of contacts at the highest level.


This via the UKR MoD info-machine (original in Ukrainian here, Google English translation below) ...
Military engineers have received qualified instructors NATO standards

Military engineers have received qualified instructors NATO-standard military engineers have gained qualifications of instructors NATO-standard military engineers qualified instructors gained by NATO standards

The center operational demining Main Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kamenetz-Podolsk Ceremony certificates completed in four two-week training course for junior officers who carried out the military forces of Canada.

Eight military engineers, who gained qualified trainers received certificates NATO standards of sample preparation and completion of the appropriate professional level.

In his speech, the deputy commander of the contingent instructors Combined Joint Task Force Canadian Forces Captain Matthew Murphy once again noted the success and high level of motivation Ukrainian military in the course of the exercise and gave the best listener Group Chief Warrant certificate Nicholas Turchenkovu best assistant trainees commander and a commemorative medal.

In turn, the acting deputy head of the Center for Demining of moral and psychological support Major Oleg Gomilko thanked foreign colleagues for their professional approach to the process of preparation of Ukrainian engineers and assured that the experience gained military demining center must use at combat missions in the area of ​​ATO and preparation of their colleagues from other units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Attached photos via Ukrainian MoD


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This from The Canadian Press, shared under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42) ...
The military has quietly expanded its footprint in Ukraine, giving commanders free rein to send their troops anywhere — except where they might run into Russian forces or separatist rebels.

Canada first deployed about 200 troops to Ukraine in the summer of 2015 to help train government forces in their fight against Russian-backed separatists in the eastern part of the country.

But the Canadians were required to stay in the western half of Ukraine, far from the conflict that has continued to rage over the intervening two years, leaving more than 10,000 people dead.

Those restrictions were eased in March when the government extended the mission for another two years, the mission’s commander, Lt.-Col. Mark Lubiniecki, said in an interview Wednesday.

While Canadian troops are still required to stay away from the border with Russia and the fighting in eastern Ukraine, he said, the rest of the country is now fair game.

The change, Lubiniecki added, has given welcome flexibility to the Canadian mission, which has so far trained nearly 4,500 Ukrainian troops, many of whom have since been sent into the conflict zone.

The number of Canadian soldiers in Ukraine remains the same.

Lubiniecki would not reveal how far his troops have to stay from the Russian border, except to say that it is far enough away to keep them safe and prevent anyone from misinterpreting they they are in Ukraine.

“We’re here to provide mentorship and training, we’re not here to be operating on the front line,” he said. “So making sure we maintain that buffer is extremely important for us.”

The training mission is set to expire in 2019.

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released a report this week on the conflict in eastern Ukraine, asserting that an end to the three-year-old war was nowhere to be seen.

Fighting continues to erupt despite the existence of a ceasefire, while more than 1.6 million people have been forced to flee their homes and another 3 million are struggling to make ends meet.

Canada’s presence in eastern Europe is actually set to expand over the next few months, as about 450 troops arrive in Latvia to lead a NATO force that will serve as a check on Russian aggression.

One of the concerns trumpeted by both Canadian and Latvian officials is that Russia, or at least pro-Russian agitators, will attempt to spread lies and false information about the mission there.

But Lubiniecki said his troops in Ukraine have so far been spared from any such information attacks, saying: “I’m just not seeing it (on the ground) right now.”

That applies to cyberattacks, as well.

Moscow and its separatist allies in eastern Ukraine aren’t the only threats that Kyiv is struggling to address: corruption is also one of several significant problems.

The Ukrainian military and its defence sector have not been spared, as outlined in recent months by various media reports as well as investigations by NGOs such as Transparency International.

Much of the concern has focused on whether Ukrainian government officials have been enriching themselves by skimming defence contracts or diverting equipment donated by countries like Canada.

Transparency International released a report last month saying improvements have been made, but more needs to be done to ensure foreign donations get to the Ukrainian troops who actually need it.

Canada has so far provided about $16-million in non-lethal equipment such as helmets, bulletproof vests and winter clothing to the Ukrainian military, and promised another $7.25-million by 2019.

Lubiniecki said he has not seen any evidence of corruption during his time in the country, and that the Ukrainian soldiers his troops are training are well equipped and motivated.
Stand by, I suppose, for more stories in the separatist/Russian media like these?
milnews.ca said:
It appears the anti-UKR info-machine is shooting out a bit more Canadian content ...
  • 9 Sept 2016:  "11 Canadian Mercenaries Go Home in Bodybags After “Master Class” in Donbass -- A master-class of “maple leaves” in the fight against militias ended in disaster. A group of at least 20 people (three reconnaissance groups) from the Canadian forces CANSOFCOM tried to attack the militia positions in the area of the Ukrainian punisher operation.  It ended in disaster for them. The operation was under development without the involvement of the Ukrainian fighters for the demonstration of a “master-class of fighting against terrorists”.  Those responsible were from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. The military attache of Canada in Ukraine Colonel Ron Ubbens was in charge of the matter. All this, of course, is unofficial ..." - original article in Russian here
  • 19 Sept 2016:  "Canadian Instructors Train UAF Fighters for Urban Combat in Donbass -- LPR reconnaissance has found that instructors from Canada are deployed with Ukrainian servicemen near the contact line in Donbass. This was said by the official representative of the LPR militia Andrey Marochko. According to him, the Canadian military work with the Kiev Armed Forces in combat tactics in an urban environment.  “According to our intelligence, in the area of the settlement Schastia, the 2nd division of the 28th battalion Guard Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces are being trained for combat in an urban environment under the leadership of Canadian instructors,” said Marochko ..." - original article in Russian here
And this from Russian-state media RIA Novosti, apparently based on an interview during some media availability with the TF boss this week, shared under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42) ...
Ukraine Battalion Tactical Groups to Start Training at Starychi in 2018
01:46 15.06.2017 (updated 03:20 15.06.2017)

Canadian training mission to Ukraine commander Lt. Col. Mark Lubiniecki said that the Starychi combat training center in Ukraine is looking to start rotations of battalion tactical groups in 2018.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The Starychi combat training center in Ukraine is looking to start rotations of battalion tactical groups in 2018, Canadian training mission to Ukraine commander Lt. Col. Mark Lubiniecki told Sputnik.

  "In 2018, they are looking at shifting towards battalion tactical groups," Lubiniecki said on Wednesday.

Lubiniecki became the commander of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Joint Task Force-Ukraine in March. He noted that the center’s current focus is on battalions, which allows about 600 soldiers to come through during a 55-day rotation. In 2018, their number can increase to 1,000.

At present, the center has no intent to start training entire brigades, Lubiniecki said. Nevertheless, it does provide training to their leadership.

"What they do touch on is staff training for the brigades, headquarters of the brigades’ staff," the commander noted.

The Ukrainian military is also planning to take over Starychi training center operations.

"They do have a plan in place to grow their [trainers] numbers over the next 18 months to a point where they will be able to take the lead on all training delivery to the Ukrainian Armed Forces," Lubiniecki said.

Currently, more than a hundred Ukrainian soldiers work at the center as its full time staff. An increased number of local trainers will allow allies to step back and play more of a mentorship role, the commander noted.

"I am not sure if there will be a decrease to the number of allies operating at Starychi and possibly allies moving to another location," Lubiniecki added.

"The intent is not to decrease the number of training days for the rotational training units as a whole, but the intent is to provide the first two to three weeks at their home garrison," Lubiniecki said talking about the training teams’ work.

He explained that at present, the first days of the 55-day training cycle comprise of individual training, while the last 33-35 days are focused on collective training.

Mobile training teams ensure that the Ukrainian troops that arrive to the Starychi center have the first part of their training complete.

Lubiniecki said the size of the mobile training teams can vary from 4-5 to 20-30 soldiers, depending on the requests of the General Staff.

The commander added that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have made "great progress" so far, and the training they receive helps to save lives during operations.

In 2015, Canada first sent 200 troops to Ukraine under Operation UNIFIER to provide training and capacity-building assistance to the country's military forces and to back their efforts to maintain sovereignty.

In March, Ottawa extended its military training mission in Ukraine through the end of March 2019.

The Canadian military has trained more than 4450 Ukrainian soldiers to date overall, according to the Canadian Department of National Defense.
And in case you don't think Canada's important enough to be targetted by RUS disinfo, this from UKR separatist media (NOTE:  in case it's not obvious, there have been no government or MSM reports of 12+ Canadians being killed in Ukraine) - text of article also attached if you don't want to hit the link ...
Over A Dozen Canadian Soldiers Killed In Donbass, Trudeau Wants More To Come Home In Flag Draped Caskets, Mission Now Extends In Ukraine !

After having lost a dozen soldiers killed fighting in Donbass this spring, Ottawa is now trying to explain it away by giving “permission” for Canadian troops to train Ukrainians killing their own citizens in Donbass. It is now only a matter of time until more Canadians go home in flag covered boxes, having died for what American officials call, “the most corrupt nation on earth.”

    This past spring a group of “expert” Canadian trainers got lost in Donbass and about a dozen men total were killed in a quick fight with DPR recon forces who mistook them for a vanguard or spearhead element of a more general NATO attack on Donetsk.

Canada’s military has quietly expanded its bootprint in Ukraine, giving commanders free rein to send their troops anywhere in efforts to run into Russian forces or separatist rebels and create an incident or excuse to further expand the conflict. Despite this being a clear violation of point 10 of the Minsk accords, which says all foreign troops are to leave the Ukraine.

The Canadians first deployed about 600 troops to Ukraine in the summer of 2015 to help train government forces in their fight against Russian-backed separatists in the eastern part of the country. Canada has a large Ukrainian population as an entire division of Ukrainian Nazi-SS men settled there ...
This appears to be a rehash of this story from the fall, with a bit of current political commentary added ...
milnews.ca said:
... 9 Sept 2016:  "11 Canadian Mercenaries Go Home in Bodybags After “Master Class” in Donbass -- A master-class of “maple leaves” in the fight against militias ended in disaster. A group of at least 20 people (three reconnaissance groups) from the Canadian forces CANSOFCOM tried to attack the militia positions in the area of the Ukrainian punisher operation.  It ended in disaster for them. The operation was under development without the involvement of the Ukrainian fighters for the demonstration of a “master-class of fighting against terrorists”.  Those responsible were from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. The military attache of Canada in Ukraine Colonel Ron Ubbens was in charge of the matter. All this, of course, is unofficial ..." - original article in Russian here ...


milnews.ca said:
  • And in case you don't think Canada's important enough to be targetted by RUS disinfo, this from UKR separatist media (NOTE:  in case it's not obvious, there have been no government or MSM reports of 12+ Canadians being killed in Ukraine) - text of article also attached if you don't want to hit the link ...This appears to be a rehash of this story from the fall, with a bit of current political commentary added ...

  • Ukrainian Nazi-SS Men in Canada?  Would You Like To Know More??  ::)
I laugh that they name both CANSOFCOM and CSIS, two completely seperate organizations. Someone didnt do their homework.

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

MilEME09 said:
I laugh that they name both CANSOFCOM and CSIS, two completely seperate organizations. Someone didnt do their homework.
And the original source "story" in September claimed the Canadian military attache to Ukraine led the ill-fated Canadian commando mission.
This from the UKR MoD info-machine in English ...
Canadian armed forces delegation visits future military law enforcement training centre in Lviv

Canadian armed forces delegation visits future military law enforcement training centre in Lviv Canadian armed forces delegation visits future military law enforcement training centre in Lviv Canadian armed forces delegation visits future military law enforcement training centre in Lviv Canadian armed forces delegation visits future military law enforcement training centre in Lviv

The Canadian armed forces delegation visited the future military law enforcement training centre in Lviv. The Ukrainian and Canadian parties discussed cooperation in the framework of activities of the Sub-Committee of Military Police of the Multinational Joint Coordination Committee on military cooperation and defence reforms.

The foreign guests also toured the infrastructure of the future military law enforcement training centre in Lviv and were briefed on its capacities and prospects of existence and functioning.
... and in Ukrainian (Google English translation in quote box):
The delegation of the Canadian Armed Forces familiarized itself with the capabilities of the Training Center of the Military Service of Law Enforcement, which is being set up in Lviv

In Lviv, the Western Territorial Department of the Military Service was visited by a delegation of the Canadian Armed Forces led by Strategic Advisor to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Mrs. Jill Sinkler*.

During the visit, a working meeting of the Chief of the Military Service of the Law Enforcement in the Armed Forces of Ukraine - Head of the Main Department of the Military Service of Law and Order of Major-General Igor Kyshtun with foreign guests took place. Representatives of the Ukrainian and Canadian parties discussed cooperation within the framework of the Military Police Subcommittee of the Multinational Joint Coordinating Committee on Military Cooperation and Defense Reform.

Representatives of the Canadian Armed Forces inspected the training facilities of the Training Center of the Military Service of Law Enforcement, which is being set up in Lviv. They got acquainted with its capabilities and prospects for further functioning on the training of military law enforcement officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, using the experience of foreign partners.
Photo credit for attached pix:  UKR MoD

* - Likely a transliteration error approximation of Jill Sinclair, appointed in January as Canada's rep to the Ukrainian Defence Reform Advisory Board.


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CAN, UKR DefMin's meet at NATO meeting in Belgium - this from the UKR MoD info-machine ...
In Brussels Stepan Poltorak holds talks with Harjit Sajjan

In Brussels Stepan Poltorak holds talks with Harjit Sajjan In Brussels Stepan Poltorak holds talks with Harjit Sajjan In Brussels Stepan Poltorak holds talks with Harjit Sajjan In Brussels Stepan Poltorak holds talks with Harjit Sajjan In Brussels Stepan Poltorak holds talks with Harjit Sajjan In Brussels Stepan Poltorak holds talks with Harjit Sajjan

In the framework of the working visit to Brussels, Minister of Defence of Ukraine General of the Army of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak participated in the meeting of the ministers of defence of NATO nations and held a range of bilateral talks.

General Poltorak met with Minister of National Defence of Canada Mr Harjit Sajjan and briefed him on situation in the east of Ukraine. He focused on discussion of prospects of defence cooperation and possibility of procurement of defence equipment in Canada next year.

Stepan Poltorak invited Mr Sajjan to visit Ukraine in August and participate in festivities on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine.
Statement in Ukrainian (with short chatting video) here - attached photos from UKR MoD.


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