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Op UNIFIER - CAF and the Ukraine Crisis

You mean relative from Russia's Communist Party media saying week ago it was putting the majority of its SSBN fleet to sea?
If you mean this, FTFY 😉 If you mean another ref, I stand corrected ...
What if people just ignored the Russian propaganda…
We'd have half the laughs and far less tea-leaf reading on these threads :D
Can't complain about old equipment if you don't have any equipment

Think About It GIF by Arby's's
Yup. How's that old Advancing with Purpose thing working out for us?

Did we ever state what the purpose was?
Sure they did. AwP 4th Ed states:
The purpose of The Canadian Army Modernization Strategy is to ensure the Army is positioned to address the numerous challenges in our turbulent security environment. It builds on the strategic guidance provided in Advancing with Purpose: The Army Strategy 3rd Edition, placing a pronounced emphasis on the multi-horizon modernization effort that we must undertake. Moreover, it is fully nested under our defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE). Fundamentally, this strategy serves as a critical statement of philosophy and principle, serving to achieve alignment across all elements of the Canadian Army by defining a common vision and end-state, and in so doing it better enables the Canadian Army to fulfill its role as a central component of our joint force. Concurrently, it will help achieve similar alignment with our allies.
There you go.

The purpose of The Canadian Army Modernization Strategy is to ensure the Army is positioned to address the numerous challenges in our turbulent security environment. It builds on the strategic guidance provided in Advancing with Purpose: The Army Strategy 3rd Edition, placing a pronounced emphasis on the multi-horizon modernization effort that we must undertake. Moreover, it is fully nested under our defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE). Fundamentally, this strategy serves as a critical statement of philosophy and principle, serving to achieve alignment across all elements of the Canadian Army by defining a common vision and end-state, and in so doing it better enables the Canadian Army to fulfill its role as a central component of our joint force. Concurrently, it will help achieve similar alignment with our allies.
The purpose of The Canadian Army Modernization Strategy is to ensure the Army is positioned to address the numerous challenges in our turbulent security environment. It builds on the strategic guidance provided in Advancing with Purpose: The Army Strategy 3rd Edition, placing a pronounced emphasis on the multi-horizon modernization effort that we must undertake. Moreover, it is fully nested under our defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE). Fundamentally, this strategy serves as a critical statement of philosophy and principle, serving to achieve alignment across all elements of the Canadian Army by defining a common vision and end-state, and in so doing it better enables the Canadian Army to fulfill its role as a central component of our joint force. Concurrently, it will help achieve similar alignment with our allies.
Dick & Jane version, at no cost to the Info-machine (and worth every penny) :D
Canada's army modernization plan will make sure the army's good to go in shitty times like ours. It does stuff we already started with other plans, and is part of bigger plans already in place. The plan says why we want to do things, making sure everyone sings from the same song sheet on why we should do things in a way where Big Army takes centre stage. This'll help us do stuff for the same reasons as other countries' armies.
I used to write stuff like that when I was working in the government. It's a (low) art. You need to satisfy the needs of the bureaucratic and political classes to say both something and nothing at the same time. Inserting as many currently popular buzzwords gets you added points.
I used to write stuff like that when I was working in the government. It's a (low) art. You need to satisfy the needs of the bureaucratic and political classes to say both something and nothing at the same time. Inserting as many currently popular buzzwords gets you added points.
And this you really don't make a statement at all
I used to write stuff like that when I was working in the government. It's a (low) art. You need to satisfy the needs of the bureaucratic and political classes to say both something and nothing at the same time. Inserting as many currently popular buzzwords gets you added points.
I still use this tag line on my emails & nobody's called me on it yet: “The risk of insult is the price of clarity.”
From the Globe & Mail
Defence Minister Anita Anand says all Canadian troops stationed in Ukraine have been moved west of the country’s Dnieper River as worries about a possible Russian invasion continue to grow.


Ms. Anand said that, for security reasons, she couldn’t discuss why or when the decision had been made to pull all troops west of the Dnieper, which roughly bisects Ukraine – and the capital city of Kyiv – in two. But her comments lines up with the assessments of some Western military analysts, who believe any Russian attack could focus on capturing the territory east of the Dnieper, where much of the population speaks Russian as a first language.

“It’s generally well-known to be the case that there is Russian aggression at the Ukrainian border and in Belarus, and we are acting accordingly. Our CAF, for example, have moved west of the Dnieper River, and we will continued to take all precautions necessary to keep our Canadian armed forces safe and secure,” Ms. Anand told a press conference in Kyiv following her meeting with Lieutenant Colonel Luc-Frédéric Gilbert, the head of Operation Unifier.

While Operation Unifier is headquartered near the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, hundreds of kilometres from the Russian border, Canadian trainers have routinely conducted training sessions in other cities around Ukraine such as Kharkiv, less than 50 kilometres from the frontier ...

No doubt this is one of the main reasons why:

U.S. Says Russia Sent Saboteurs Into Ukraine to Create Pretext for Invasion​

The Biden administration said the operatives were trained in urban warfare and explosives and could try to stage an incident.

WASHINGTON — The White House accused Moscow on Friday of sending saboteurs into eastern Ukraine to stage an incident that could provide President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with a pretext for ordering an invasion of the country.

The administration did not release details of the evidence it had collected, but Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said the operatives were trained in urban warfare and explosives.

“Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for invasion,” Ms. Psaki said, “including through sabotage activities and information operations, by accusing Ukraine of preparing an imminent attack against Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.”

She said the Russian military planned to begin these activities several weeks before a military invasion, which could begin between mid-January and mid-February. She said Moscow was using the same playbook as it did in 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula, a part of Ukraine.

No doubt this is one of the main reasons why:

U.S. Says Russia Sent Saboteurs Into Ukraine to Create Pretext for Invasion ...​

Funny that - the other side says the same thing about Ukraine/the West 😉