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On the Lighter Side..... CF Rations

open the bag from the side.....McG that‘s pure GENIUS!!!!!!
im gonna try that next time im eatin IMPS(which will probably be next week).
thanks for the tip.
Also try cutting/tearing the cardboard box the hot meal comes in in half and put your hot meal package in there after you boil it.
Makes it "cooler to the touch" while you eat...
I want to know in what ration pack does the Recce Guy get the rum in??? :confused: Knowing him as I do, he‘s probably sitting on the Regimental allotment! :blotto:
I just registered on the site and finished reading this whole list of posts. Four words is all I have ... Hungarian goulash, ham omelette.
Here we go again with a five year old string.

Does any one remember the British Rations we use to get while in Germany, Heck after eating a Steak & kidney Stew we deserved a SSM. LOL, Chocolates that had turned powder and white, hard tack that was so old it wouldn't soak water any more. Sardines in tomato sauce where the tin was almost eaten through by the sauce.

The only good thing about then was that you could trade some of the stuff with the locals for real food, Chickens, eggs and Veg.

In 69 we were still getting rations dated 1942
Oh almost forgot. By the sound of the bitching I would guess that you no longer get the metal Fork, Knife and spoon sets aspart of your kit.
Another Recce Guy said:
Sounds like you guys remember the good OLD days hunting mammouths.  While we're at it, how about those neat little can openers we used to get?

The hunting part wasn't that bad as I recall. Now jamming them into the hay boxes took a bit of work ;D.

Mammoth, Wooly ( individual for the use of), NSN 00000001,
they hand out food in the Canadian Amry?  ;D

Aww C-rations, them are the days....  You'd be supprised at what a few of those got you in Korea in the late 1970's..... Oscar, Kimchee, Soju anyone?

seems it wasn't a well kept secret, first weekend on ops we raided the 5-ton truck carrying our c-rats... by the middle of the next week it was empty... oops...
The poor Second Lt in chagre of them was pissed..... seems we forgot to sign for them on our meal tickets, yeah the USMC charged us to eat them, nice sense of humor...
After the resupply there was a 24/7 guard around the truck....  "it was them Sneaky-boys Lt"  thank god for the mama-sans bringing ramen and coke.... so much for operational security, they where always waiting for us at the next position....

Only thing that went faster then the c-rats was the Corpsman's supply of condoms, those we didn't have to pay for.... but there are kids reading this.....
pappy said:
Only thing that went faster then the c-rats was the Corpsman's supply of condoms, those we didn't have to pay for.... but there are kids reading this.....

Why? Shouldn't they know they made great muzzle protectors for the Browning .30 (GPMG)  ;)
Young KH said:
Oh almost forgot. By the sound of the bitching I would guess that you no longer get the metal Fork, Knife and spoon sets aspart of your kit.
sure we do. I got 4 sets. We just don't use 'em much anymore, due to sanitation/hygeine issues. Mostly we use paper plates and plastic gutwrenches. (Okay, mostly we use our fingers and teeth.)
Young KH said:
Oh almost forgot. By the sound of the bitching I would guess that you no longer get the metal Fork, Knife and spoon sets aspart of your kit.

Anthing goes...I've seen a buddy use the swab holder of a pull-through from a C7 cleaning kit to twist his peanut butter tube so as to get the most out of it.
Ya but with the old jeeps gone (I think) with their 626 beer bottle openers. What do the troops do now, when in countries without twist tops?
Young KH said:
Ya but with the old jeeps gone (I think) with their 626 beer bottle openers. What do the troops do now, when in countries without twist tops?

Drinking on duty? Whatever could you be thinking? ::) Although I suppose, if 'somebody' approached you and asked you to open his beer, you could use one of the various tools on your issued Gerber or whatever else you choose to carry. And remember, it's not illegal to keep a bottle opener on your keychain...
That's not drinking it's liquid Bread and if you add Tomato juice (Calgary Red Eye) it's a tomato sandwich, field rations.
it's illegal and I'll charge the sumbitch I catch doin' it. After I kick his ass.
Elsewhere, Mr. Young, you said we (army.ca)needed input from people on the ground; you just got it.

Things have changed since you were in Cyprus in 66.  Canadian soldiers, like paracowboy, are, as they must be, alert and ready 24/7 when they are in Kabul or Kandahar.  Attitudes - especially towards drinking - have changed, a lot and for the better.  They work hard and they train hard and they expect all ranks to shape up.

You have given us considerable evidence of the fact that you have been away from soldiers and soldiering for a long, long time; me too, but not quite as long.  There is a lot of good, easy to find information here, on army.ca about the modern Canadian Army.  I have learned a lot here; you might, too, if you will go off 'send' for a bit.
Young KH said:
Ya but with the old jeeps gone (I think) with their 626 beer bottle openers. What do the troops do now, when in countries without twist tops?

The issue Buckle, Belt, Khaki the USMC issues works wonderful as a bottle opener......  ;D  never need to carry a church key (aka bottle opener)
Man, I love the Salmon IMPs. Always some shmuck will trade for 'em.

And if you do get condoms for your rifle, make sure they're NOT lubricated. ;D