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On the Lighter Side..... CF Rations

Yes I am thinking so.  I am a reservist so Cougar Salvo which is a week and a half-two weeks long, is the longest our exercises get!
armywoman said:
Yes I am thinking so.   I am a reservist so Cougar Salvo which is a week and a half-two weeks long, is the longest our exercises get!
gotcha. Too bad. You're really missing out. 2 weeks is just enough time to get uncomfortable. You don't even begin to get miserable until week 5.
Heheh but really, how many of those weeks are just sitting around grilling wieners in the coy hide?
Britney Spears said:
Brit, I'm seriously getting pissed here. You really got to do that? I can't recall ever getting to do anything like it. I know Mortar Pl and Pioneer Pl in 3 RCR sometimes brought a BBQ out on Ex. I know the Maintainers in 3 RCR and 3 VP do the same, but I never got anything like that in any of the rifle companies I've been in.
Once, in Recce Pl, while doing a 3 week Platoon level Ex, our CQ brought a bucket of chicken and some Timmy's out to us.
paracowboy said:
gotcha. Too bad. You're really missing out. 2 weeks is just enough time to get uncomfortable. You don't even begin to get miserable until week 5.

I find that training is few and far between that it would be beneficial to have longer exercises.  We usually end up trying to make sure everyone remembers how to do there job, before we can actually do it.

If I was a top notch soldier like your average PPCLI that would be different.

I am going to get farther off topic if I continue chatting about my hero worship of the PPCLI, so we will leave it there!
Brit, I'm seriously getting pissed here. You really got to do that? I can't recall ever getting to do anything like it. I know Mortar Pl and Pioneer Pl in 3 RCR sometimes brought a BBQ out on Ex. I know the Maintainers in 3 RCR and 3 VP do the same, but I never got anything like that in any of the rifle companies I've been in.
Once, in Recce Pl, while doing a 3 week Platoon level Ex, our CQ brought a bucket of chicken and some Timmy's out to us.

Oh for god's sake do I have to explain every single joke?

Ok Mr.PC police from the Maple Leaf, no, in reality you do not actually sit around the coy hide for weeks grilling wieners. I never have either. But OTOH there's been ex'es where there was, shall we say, a fairly lengthy "lull" in the action. So in reality it's a little bit of both.

There, that was fun, wasn't it? Are you happy now? We're having an absolute blast reconcilling tiny little  inconsistencies that the Income Tax Act might have with various sections of the consittution over in the "economics" thread, why don't you join us?
Britney Spears said:
Oh for god's sake do I have to explain every single joke?

Ok Mr.PC police from the Maple Leaf, no, in reality you do not actually sit around the coy hide for weeks grilling wieners. I never have either. But OTOH there's been ex'es where there was, shall we say, a fairly lengthy "lull" in the action. So in reality it's a little bit of both.

There, that was fun, wasn't it? Are you happy now? We're having an absolute blast reconcilling tiny little   inconsistencies that the Income Tax Act might have with various sections of the consittution over in the "economics" thread, why don't you join us?
dude, I know it's a friggin' joke! But, if you got to cook wieners, I got ripped off! Even in days where we did nothing, I still never got to eat anything but rats or some beef jerky. I been damn cheated! That's crap! I been discriminated against! My civil rights have been violated! I'm writing a re-dress.
Hmmm, trying to think of and Armoured guy that DOESN'T travel with a BBQ. Nope, sorry, can't think of one right now ;)
recceguy said:
Hmmm, trying to think of and Armoured guy that DOESN'T travel with a BBQ. Nope, sorry, can't think of one right now
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS TOTAL CRAP! It's blatant discrimination! I been cheated! I been robbed! It's racism! It's sexism! It's age-ism! It's bloody bollocks, is what it is! It's the White Man trying to keep me down! The Man is keeping his boot on my neck!
And use dry ice wrapped in newspaper for the cooler. It'll keep everything frozen solid for a week, without making a mess ;)
recceguy said:
Hmmm, trying to think of and Armoured guy that DOESN'T travel with a BBQ. Nope, sorry, can't think of one right now ;)

I used to hate Cbt Tm laagers with the LdSH.  They pulled out hibachis.... we infantry guys ran around setting up OPs.

It was worse when they used to throw empty beer cans at us when they rolled by in their Cougars. 
My crew and I used to have one of those little expresso makers too...  Very civilized.  8)
Coolers? COOLERS? My left arm is going numb. I think I'm having a stroke.
Coolers? COOLERS? My left arm is going numb. I think I'm having a stroke.

Now you know why barrack boxes are an operational item only, unless you're a black hatter.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
Some lawn chairs too...for those sing songs around the Coleman... ;D

I like the cammoed umbrella I picked up at Gander Mountain Sporting Goods. It kept the sun off you and stopped the rain going down the hatch. And when the Infantry were doing hide security, you could dismount it and attach it to the arm of your chaise lounge.

To bad I couldn't find little tiny cammo ones for the cocktails. ;D
blind, murderous rage...bleak, soul-numbing despair...blind, murderous rage...bleak, soul-numbing despair...