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On the Lighter Side..... CF Rations

Teddy Ruxpin said:
My crew and I used to have one of those little expresso makers too...   Very civilized.    8)

I have one of those camping expresso makers.  Some of my most memorable breakfasts on deployment ended with the MRE chocolate brownie and a large cafe au lait made with "immortal milk".
Good thing paracowboy is too young to remember the glory days of being Mech infantry in 4CMBG or he'd seethe in righteous indignation. Reforger IIRC usually entailed â Å“little mid ex admin breaksâ ? every couple of days to allow the generals to catch up with their grease pencils and maps.

More than once I remember grabbing a wobbly pop or two and some nice schnitzel in a local Gausthoff with the bang stick tucked under the table, and the track in the parking lot. 

One evening as I recall the local Frauleins invited us out to the village disco, minus the poor schmuck who had to stay with the track. Have to admit though it is hard to boogie with 64 pattern webbing, mask, nuke bag and FN draped all over you and a quart bottle of Bavaria's finest hops and barley in your mitt.

On the downside we did have to eat American â Å“Câ ? rats, and never could find a place that served fruity umbrella drinks, camo or otherwise. ;D
Danjanou said:
Good thing paracowboy is too young to remember the glory days of being Mech infantry in 4CMBG or he'd seethe in righteous indignation. Reforger IIRC usually entailed â Å“little mid ex admin breaksâ ? every couple of days to allow the generals to catch up with their grease pencils and maps.

More than once I remember grabbing a wobbly pop or two and some nice schnitzel in a local Gausthoff with the bang stick tucked under the table, and the track in the parking lot.  

One evening as I recall the local Frauleins invited us out to the village disco, minus the poor schmuck who had to stay with the track. Have to admit though it is hard to boogie with 64 pattern webbing, mask, nuke bag and FN draped all over you and a quart bottle of Bavaria's finest hops and barley in your mitt.

On the downside we did have to eat American â Å“Câ ? rats, and never could find a place that served fruity umbrella drinks, camo or otherwise. ;D
I'm learning to hate you. You get German food, German beer, and German chicks, and I get Afghani tea, goatmeat, and some hairy mullah wanting to bugger me?! Bloody bollocks! You're all gettin' 'er!
Guys, I'm pissing myself laughing here.... :D

paracowboy said:
blind, murderous rage...bleak, soul-numbing despair...blind, murderous rage...bleak, soul-numbing despair...

Is that Homeric poetry?
Infanteer said:
Guys, I'm pissing myself laughing here.... :D

Is that Homeric poetry?

Homeric as in Homer J Simpson?

Paracowboy don't hate me. The operative word there â Å“wasâ ?, as in used to have German Beer, food, Frauleins etc. All that happened 25 years ago ( literally this month IIRC) these days I'm going through mid life crisis and I don't even want a Porsche ( did I mention how cheap they were over there?). The most excitement I get these days is a BBQ with the in laws in the burbs. :( :'(

You on the other hand may have to endure goat meat,  and mint tea yes, but from what I heard Bangkok is the preferred destination for a little R&R. Now Bangkok to a twenty something Infanteer with a few months pay in his pocket is like Amsterdam and Hamburg combined ( Actually from what little I saw of it, more like better than the two combined and throw in Cartagena, which is like South Beach on mescalin).

Poor me I got to see Bangkok with the domestic niner in tow. If it weren't for the couple of hours nap she took the first night (Thank you jet lag) I wouldn't have seen any of the fun parts. ( She won't be reading this right? :o)
For anyone interested in rations(my first one was an IRP in 1979, Select brand ham and egg omelette in a can, man size box o' crackers, and Vienna sausages) check out this site, www.mreinfo.com, has info on rations from all over the world
Ughhh...the antidiluvian bacon and eggs in a can made me so ill that my basic instructor told the others in the platoon not to touch it. Living on frozen strawberry jam, frozen sardines and crackers ( it was -14 out) made me really miss the mess hall in Farnham, horrendous as that was.

Then there was the time the British fed us while on exercise...ouch.

I really liked the Magic Pantry corned beef hash we had on Oriole when the cook was seasick or otherwise indisposed... ;)

Anyone have experience with US rats... the large section/platoon type?
In California on an ABCA ex, humping through Fort Ord and Fort Hunter Leggitt.
Any way, eating MRE's, enjoying the chicken-a-la-king..
We move in to a defensive position on top of some "hills", dig-dig-dig, (lucky I C-6 at the time, not a very big hole to dig    ;D ...),

any whooo
it is decided that we will be eating hot rats, we get excited expecting the regular haybox contents, well surprise...
Great we think, more good rats...
oops...... my mistake..

Looks like a large baking pan....open using can opener...

Hominy Grits.....    :-X

a large scrambeled egg/omlette looking thing....
OK i think not too bad.

scoop.... open mouth... insert spoon... takes all of a split second to hit the dirt...   :-X

another common nightmare....
winter ex
pulling toboggans
naptha leaks in the boggy
hmmmmm somehow gets through the packing into the rats.
ruins everything but the boil in bag...
eat the choky bars anyway...
case of the naptha tasting burps for the next 24 hours...

In case paracowboy isn't upset enough...

We used to have a CQ staff that would bring out the two burner stove and fire up hotdogs and bring out a cooler full of pops. They'd sell 2 hotdogs and a pop for 2 bucks. The Bruno special as it was known. Hotdogs can be a beautiful site after a month of hard rats.

You guys just might be going about it all wrong over there ;)
Some guy is going on a one month diet of CF rations (a'la super size me) and has a nutritionist and doctor monitoring him. I read about it in the latest Post Gazette I think, he has a website, does anyone have the web address?
Rations eh??? DOn't really want to get on this topic - makes me mad.  Every time they actually come up with a good one, they take it off the menu the following year.
Why oh why can we not scrap our rations and go the US MRE's???? They taste so much better and the menu's a heluva lot bigger?