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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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Nobody_Important said:
The problem is, I haven't been in contact with any recruiters, really. I think I'll go down to Mewata Armoury tomorrow and talk to someone there. If I remember correctly, the recruiter's name is XXXXXXXXXXX, or something along those lines. I'll see if he or someone else is around and just ask them about my predicament.

Recruiter might not like his/her name on a public forum without their knowledge....
Nobody_Important said:
The problem is, I haven't been in contact with any recruiters, really. I think I'll go down to Mewata Armoury tomorrow and talk to someone there. If I remember correctly, the recruiter's name is [NAME GOES HERE], or something along those lines. I'll see if he or someone else is around and just ask them about my predicament.

Here is the current status of your application to the CF....

One question guys.
So I have applied to the Canadian army as a logistics officer. By the time I was done my security clearance I guess they have conducted all the interviews already.
I know that because while one corporal called me to arrange the interview my interviewer later e-mailed me saying that all positions have been filled already for this selection.
He recommends me to either wait till the coming spring and then I will be called for the interview (if they call me will be priority based based on my CFAT/ and other test scores) or apply to pilot position, another officer position that's actually in demand.

I am leaning towards sticking with my logistics officer choice waiting for spring for interview call again. That said, is it possible that next spring they hire very few candidates so I don't make it in again? What happens in that case? Wouldn't having the fact that i have already passed my security clearance/tests as well as being on their waiting list for so long give me any advantage/head start over other applicants?
Also if I don't make it in for some time do they keep my file, and I just wait for the right moment when they need logistic officers?

DAA said:
Here is the current status of your application to the CF....

I know. It's disheartening to have messed up this bad. I just hope that the recruiter won't laugh in my face when I explain it all.
Hello everyone,

I have just finished my online application for infantry regular force and was wondering what is the next step?

Do I wait until I get an email back from CF before sending in my documents or just send it off as soon as possible?

What type of documents do I send and to what address?

How long will I have to wait until they get in touch with me after my online application?

Thanks  :salute:
Please use the search function as it would answer most of those questions.

In short form (in order) answers to your questions.

1) Wait until they call, email you.
2) Wait until they call, email you.
3) They'll tell you when they call, email you.
4) You'll find out when they call, email you.

Sorry I can't be more help, but when it comes to that, we know as much as you do.
dvuong said:
Hello everyone,
I have just finished my online application for infantry regular force and was wondering what is the next step?
Do I wait until I get an email back from CF before sending in my documents or just send it off as soon as possible?
What type of documents do I send and to what address?
How long will I have to wait until they get in touch with me after my online application?
Thanks  :salute:

They will probably get in touch with you by the middle/end of next week by email.  You don't have to send anything in now but rather just wait for the email which has more instructions on what to do next.

Good luc!
The selection board for DEO applicants has sat and some messages have been sent out already for Jan BMOQ intake. My question is that I have been granted a bypass for the first half of the course , the IAP I think is what they call it.  Is this likely to have any impact on when I may get a call. Or is it normal for a call to be recieved months in advance of swearing in.
Things don't look too promising.
Went to write the TSD today, and before the test started I talked with other applicants writing it as well.

Some of them said they have been in the process for over 2 years (with reasons being as bad as their application being closed)

Van Gogh said:
Things don't look too promising.
Went to write the TSD today, and before the test started I talked with other applicants writing it as well.

Some of them said they have been in the process for over 2 years (with reasons being as bad as their application being closed)


Don't let it get to you. There will be ups and downs during your process, guaranteed. Practically everyone experiences them to varying degrees. Just keep plugging away. Everyone's process is different, but even some of the stories which seem impossibly frustrating for the applicant have worked out in the end. Best of luck.
First off, I apologize if this application comes off as stupid.

So I spoke to a reserve recruiter who gave me a list of the available trades I can apply for in Hamilton and I chose my trade. Don't care what unit I end up in but I do prefer Army. The recruiter told me to then apply online at forces.ca which I did. Not a problem at all.

My question is what's next? I know I have to do a reliability screening as stated on forces.ca but it doesn't tell you how to get that done. I saw the forms I have to fill out but when I fill them out, where do I send them. How do I move on to the next step?

Again, I'm sorry if this comes off as stupid but I'm actually pretty lost right now. Could any of you be so kind as to push me in the right direction? It would be greatly appreciated :)
Were you given a set of paper forms to fill in, in addition to the online form?

When I filled in the paper forms I made an appointment to physically hand them in to my recruiter (along with ID, birth certificate, transcript etc). The recruiter told me that the reliability screening would be done automatically behind the scenes during the application process.

jayemsee said:
First off, I apologize if this application comes off as stupid.

So I spoke to a reserve recruiter who gave me a list of the available trades I can apply for in Hamilton and I chose my trade. Don't care what unit I end up in but I do prefer Army. The recruiter told me to then apply online at forces.ca which I did. Not a problem at all.

My question is what's next? I know I have to do a reliability screening as stated on forces.ca but it doesn't tell you how to get that done. I saw the forms I have to fill out but when I fill them out, where do I send them. How do I move on to the next step?

Again, I'm sorry if this comes off as stupid but I'm actually pretty lost right now. Could any of you be so kind as to push me in the right direction? It would be greatly appreciated :)

The reliability screening is basically your references, which is done by a third party company. You generally wait until they [the cf] asks you to fill out these forms unless someone who will be dealing with told you otherwise..
BeyondTheNow said:
Don't let it get to you. There will be ups and downs during your process, guaranteed. Practically everyone experiences them to varying degrees. Just keep plugging away. Everyone's process is different, but even some of the stories which seem impossibly frustrating for the applicant have worked out in the end. Best of luck.

Thanks for the encouraging words !!! 
I have been in the process for over 2 years myself (Over 1 year security clearance process as I was in Canada for less than 10 years) and as such, I guess what I heard in the recruiting center is maybe even good (that I am not the only one in the process for a while).

If most applications eventually work out, than its more than good for me.
As long as I eventually make it in I will be a happy camper  ;D

First some background. I'm an engineering student who graduated last August (2013) and applied about mid September. I sent my forms out that same week. I was never notified if they had arrived. About late October I e-mailed my local centre with a question and it was then that they told my forms had been received. In December, I e-mailed inquiring whether I could still make a change to one of the occupation preferences. I was informed that my file had been closed. The Canadian Forces website indicated that my preferred occupation was open, so I'm wondering what would some reasons be for my file being closed?

Smart Bomb said:
First some background. I'm an engineering student who graduated last August (2013) and applied about mid September. I sent my forms out that same week. I was never notified if they had arrived. About late October I e-mailed my local centre with a question and it was then that they told my forms had been received. In December, I e-mailed inquiring whether I could still make a change to one of the occupation preferences. I was informed that my file had been closed. The Canadian Forces website indicated that my preferred occupation was open, so I'm wondering what would some reasons be for my file being closed?


Not surprising.........so here is my guess which is probably right.

You applied online, North Bay processed your application and sent it to your local CFRC.  Your local CFRC in turn emailed you a bunch of unecessary junk forms to fill out and send back to them and when you didn't do that within "30 days", they just close your file and say "No further contact.  File closed."

So they tried to contact you by email ONLY and got no response back.  Have a look at the email account you used when you applied and check your "Junk" email folder.

On the dumb side, the next thing they will probably tell you is to re-apply online, when they already have your file.    :facepalm:

Don't tell me you are dealing with CFRC Ottawa?
DAA said:
Not surprising.........so here is my guess which is probably right.

You applied online, North Bay processed your application and sent it to your local CFRC.  Your local CFRC in turn emailed you a bunch of unecessary junk forms to fill out and send back to them and when you didn't do that within "30 days", they just close your file and say "No further contact.  File closed."

So they tried to contact you by email ONLY and got no response back.  Have a look at the email account you used when you applied and check your "Junk" email folder.

On the dumb side, the next thing they will probably tell you is to re-apply online, when they already have your file.    :facepalm:

Don't tell me you are dealing with CFRC Ottawa?

I was actually dealing with Vancouver. I checked my junk mail folder and nothing. Every e-mail I got from them was sent to my inbox. I had no contact from anyone about anything. Neither North Bay nor Vancouver even confirmed that my documents even made it. I only found out they made it to Vancouver when I asked them a question. The only occupation I had initially listed was Aerospace Engineer. In early December I was wanting to add, as my second choice, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer. This was when I found out the application was closed. Vancouver told me to call North Bay and North Bay told me to re-apply again online, which I did. So that's where I'm at right now: waiting for an appointment to begin initial processing on the second application.
From information, I have gotten from an insider, YOU will (probably) need to make that initial contact to schedule an interview.  Read the emails you get very carefully, to ensure if this is the case or not.
Smart Bomb said:
I was actually dealing with Vancouver. I checked my junk mail folder and nothing. Every e-mail I got from them was sent to my inbox. I had no contact from anyone about anything. Neither North Bay nor Vancouver even confirmed that my documents even made it. I only found out they made it to Vancouver when I asked them a question. The only occupation I had initially listed was Aerospace Engineer. In early December I was wanting to add, as my second choice, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer. This was when I found out the application was closed. Vancouver told me to call North Bay and North Bay told me to re-apply again online, which I did. So that's where I'm at right now: waiting for an appointment to begin initial processing on the second application.

You will have to contact the recruitment center yourself, but if its the Vancouver one good luck actually getting a date scheduled right now, as apparently a new processing method has been put in place where ROTP and Aboriginal applicants have taken priority.