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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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xboxrobynh said:
I do have Police Foundations, I'm not 100% sure if I've added it to my application.

If you didn't have it as part of your application then, that is why I would  assume it closed. If you did, then I have no clue as to why it wouldn't be continued. Perhaps MP is currently closed.
steiner0400 said:
On your application, is MP the only thing you applied for?

If so, do you have a Police Foundations course completed and passed? Did you add that?

If you do not have a police foundations and you only applied for MP you will not be looked at?

I am eligible for all aspects of the CF according to the CFAT. However, many trades are blocked off unless you have a CIVILIAN cridential for said trade. MP was one of those trades as you are basically a cop on base so they want to simply have you trained as a soldier with a knowledge of law. The CF does not want to train you from scratch on the laws.

I would suggest if you do not have a civi Police foundations course you get one before applying for MP again.

So Mr.I'm-not-even-in-the-CF. What makes you an expert in what the MPs want and don't want?

You do realize that whether you have knowledge of the laws or not, regardless if its a diploma degree or a Doctorate, they break you down, start from a clean slate, and re-teach it to you by the Canadian Forces standards. This is to break old habits and false learnings.

The education requirement is more of a "maturity check" if you will. Those with the education are less likely to misuse authority or force and tend to actually want the job and not just the gun and badge. Then the MPAC further assess your integrity, character, honesty, etc and if you don't fit the bill even with the education, they send you elsewhere.

It's really no different than any other police service... Except that you're trained as a soldier first, police officer second. Hence, big M big P not little m big P; if you catch my drift.
Got the call for the interview this week, really excited !!!
There was no mention of the medical during the phone call though, don't medicals and interviews happen the same day usually? Or are they on following day?

As far as the interview preparation,  I have found these threads so far, any other useful notes/threads you would recommend me to read through?

P.S. Interview is for logistics officer position if that matters.
Van Gogh said:
There was no mention of the medical during the phone call though, don't medicals and interviews happen the same day usually? Or are they on following day?...

It can vary. When I was at that stage, my interview and medical were originally scheduled the same day. I attended the RC prepared to do both. I was informed after my interview that the medical had been rescheduled, because medical personnel weren't available. I did it about a month later. There are many who have them together, but some don't.

Van Gogh said:
Got the call for the interview this week, really excited !!!
There was no mention of the medical during the phone call though, don't medicals and interviews happen the same day usually? Or are they on following day?

As far as the interview preparation,  I have found these threads so far, any other useful notes/threads you would recommend me to read through?

P.S. Interview is for logistics officer position if that matters.

Wear pt clothes just in case they do a medical, better safe than not, 99% they happen the same day for Regular Forces, unsure about PRes but would assume the same
marinemech said:
Wear pt clothes just in case they do a medical, better safe than not...

An addition to the above suggestion if you decide to, I'd recommend bringing a change of clothes not "wearing" them. (Although I'm sure that's what 'marinemech' intended.) It is your interview after all.

As well, it might not be a bad idea to just give your RC a call in advance to check whether one has been booked for you or not. Sometimes contact to the applicant for certain things can fall through the cracks. It has happened.
What are the pt clothes? Sports clothes you mean?

Ok guys so you advice me to take sports clothes for medical alongside business attire in case they also do the medical?
The interview is at the CFRC at Yonge Sheppard. I am wondering if they even can hold medicals at recruiting centers?

P.S. Yes I should and will call the CFRC to know if I actually have medical or not for that date.
Van Gogh said:
What are the pt clothes? Sports clothes you mean?

Ok guys so you advice me to take sports clothes for medical alongside business attire in case they also do the medical?
The interview is at the CFRC at Yonge Sheppard. I am wondering if they even can hold medicals at recruiting centers?

P.S. Yes I should and will call the CFRC to know if I actually have medical or not for that date.

My CFRC is Hamilton. My medical was basically held across the hall from where I interviewed. I can't speak for the layout of other centres, nor where they conduct the medicals for applicants. I can only assume.

Yes, when you DO have your medical you'll be instructed to wear something comfortable/easy to move in. I wore a T and sports shorts. Others wore sweats. They will give you instructions on what you'll need.

There are also some really great threads discussing the medical and what takes place.
BeyondTheNow said:
My CFRC is Hamilton. My medical was basically held across the hall from where I interviewed. I can't speak for the layout of other centres, nor where they conduct the medicals for applicants. I can only assume.

Yes, when you DO have your medical you'll be instructed to wear something comfortable/easy to move in. I wore a T and sports shorts. Others wore sweats. They will give you instructions on what you'll need.

There are also some really great threads discussing the medical and what takes place.

Thanks for the help.
Yeah I will look into those threads, meanwhile I will e-mail my file manager asking him if he know when my medical is and if it is possible that it happens on the same day !!!
Kind of somewhat sad right now. :crybaby:
Just got this e-mail from my interviewer

The e-mail says that only Pilot is open for this year that i can apply, all Logi's have been filled.
He wrote I can resume my application with pilot or cancel the interview. (at least for now, thats what I didn't really get)

This is the e-mail
"You are scheduled for an interview with me on 20 Nov 13.  Your file states that you are currently applying for a position as a Logistics Officer (LOG).  Unfortunately, all of the LOG positions have been filled for this year.  The only available officer occupation with positions remaining that your degree makes you eligible for is Pilot.
Than he lists some non-officer positions I am not interested in....
If you are not interested in other positions, that is ok, but I will cancel your interview and we will contact you in the spring when we are ready to process applicants for LOG again"

So, with last sentence, what does it mean? If I continue with my application, will I have to re-apply all over again or he will just take off from interview spot where I ended? (Will I be one step forward of other applicants if I have my interview on Spring? If I have a head start, would that mean lower chances of not getting offered the positions next year?

Really confused. Not really into piloting and NCM positions are a no-no for me  :crybaby:
You should be able to carry on in the Spring from where you paused the process. If you're not interested in what's available right now, that's okay. (I'd personally recommend sticking with only the trade(s) you have your heart set on anyway.) Your file manager can answer more specific questions on what will take place once your trade opens again.

Why are NCM trades such a "no-no?"
BeyondTheNow said:
You should be able to carry on in the Spring from where you paused the process. If you're not interested in what's available right now, that's okay. (I'd personally recommend sticking with only the trade(s) you have your heart set on anyway.) Your file manager can answer more specific questions on what will take place once your trade opens again.

Why are NCM trades such a "no-no?"

It would make no sense to not capitalize on my over 4 years of university education.
I am looking at the army as a lifelong career, that's why I want to go the commissioned road.
steiner0400 said:
You should be able to just contact a file manager at the CFRC and if they can't do anything for you then they will likely redirect you where you need to go.

Nothing regarding the application is really that complicating, don't make it complicated for yourself.

I called a file manager at the CFRC, but was unable to get a hold of him, so I left a message stating my predicament and asking what else I needed to do. I left my name and number. That was four days ago and I've received no call back. So, I contacted my primary reserve unit and, once again, I was unable to get a hold of anyone, but to be fair, it was late at night and they were closed, so I left another message explaining the same thing and asking what to do about and if they wanted me to come in to see them. That was last night and I haven't received a call back yet. I don't expect them to call back right away, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to clear all this up soon, seeing as my file will be closed on the 6th if my application doesn't begin processing.

All I want to do is change my selected occupation from Combat Engineer to ACISS and to get my application to my reserve unit. I must have made this process much more complicated than it needs to be.
Nobody_Important said:
I called a file manager at the CFRC, but was unable to get a hold of him, so I left a message stating my predicament and asking what else I needed to do. I left my name and number. That was four days ago and I've received no call back. So, I contacted my primary reserve unit and, once again, I was unable to get a hold of anyone, but to be fair, it was late at night and they were closed, so I left another message explaining the same thing and asking what to do about and if they wanted me to come in to see them. That was last night and I haven't received a call back yet. I don't expect them to call back right away, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to clear all this up soon, seeing as my file will be closed on the 6th if my application doesn't begin processing.

All I want to do is change my selected occupation from Combat Engineer to ACISS and to get my application to my reserve unit. I must have made this process much more complicated than it needs to be.

Deal with the Reserve Unit/Brigade Recruiter, first and foremost in a case like this.  Don't worry about your local CFRC or what is on your application, as your application will be driven by the Reserve Unit that you have been dealing with and they will look after it for you.
DAA said:
Deal with the Reserve Unit/Brigade Recruiter, first and foremost in a case like this.  Don't worry about your local CFRC or what is on your application, as your application will be driven by the Reserve Unit that you have been dealing with and they will look after it for you.

Should I just go in and see him? I feel like a total and complete goof for even getting in this situation.
Nobody_Important said:
Should I just go in and see him? I feel like a total and complete goof for even getting in this situation.

Today is Thursday, so they may very well be around tonight!  Can't hurt to wander on by and stick your head in and say "Hey, just wanted to check things out, see what goes on and by the way, how's my application coming?"
DAA said:
Today is Thursday, so they may very well be around tonight!  Can't hurt to wander on by and stick your head in and say "Hey, just wanted to check things out, see what goes on and by the way, how's my application coming?"

I'd swing by if I could, but I'm expecting company and it's a decent distance from me. Calgary is getting to be a big city. Will they be around tomorrow?
Nobody_Important said:
I'd swing by if I could, but I'm expecting company and it's a decent distance from me. Calgary is getting to be a big city. Will they be around tomorrow?

Thursdays are "normally" Parade Night........

If you can't make it, don't sweat it.  Contact the Unit Recruiter who you have been speaking with and or Brigade Recruiter for your area.
DAA said:
Thursdays are "normally" Parade Night........

If you can't make it, don't sweat it.  Contact the Unit Recruiter who you have been speaking with and or Brigade Recruiter for your area.

The problem is, I haven't been in contact with any recruiters, really. I think I'll go down to Mewata Armoury tomorrow and talk to someone there. If I remember correctly, the recruiter's name is [NAME GOES HERE], or something along those lines. I'll see if he or someone else is around and just ask them about my predicament.