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Not-so Smarty's thread on C7 theft.

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lol, someone's been on the reef... ;D
But seriously though, i was just reading through the thread and cadets was brought up. i really did not understand this, as most of us cadet, from my own experience, are nice, decent, young gentlemen and ladies. I dont understand why when someone unbecoming comes on here, fingers are pointed in our direction.
There is no other way to put ths other than: This is insulting to us cadets, it hurts our feelings. I really hate seeing the system that i grew up in, and love dearly, to be put down like this!
So he had multiple personalities?  Maybe he didn't really loose his rifle after all; just another one of his personalities took it and never told the other....  :o
rifle_team_captain_13 said:
lol, someone's been on the reef... ;D
But seriously though, i was just reading through the thread and cadets was brought up. i really did not understand this, as most of us cadet, from my own experience, are nice, decent, young gentlemen and ladies. I dont understand why when someone unbecoming comes on here, fingers are pointed in our direction.
There is no other way to put ths other than: This is insulting to us cadets, it hurts our feelings. I really hate seeing the system that i grew up in, and love dearly, to be put down like this!

There was the disclaimer that "if he were a cadet then he was the sort that gives cadets a bad name" (Not verbatim) The rest, as I saw it, was just some good natured teasing.
rifle_team_captain_13 said:
lol, someone's been on the reef... ;D
But seriously though, i was just reading through the thread and cadets was brought up. i really did not understand this, as most of us cadet, from my own experience, are nice, decent, young gentlemen and ladies. I dont understand why when someone unbecoming comes on here, fingers are pointed in our direction.
There is no other way to put ths other than: This is insulting to us cadets, it hurts our feelings. I really hate seeing the system that i grew up in, and love dearly, to be put down like this!

To elaborate on what rifle_team_captain_13 said slightly...

Wesley H. Allen said:
No worries Malik  ;D

Well Smarty, you've been caught in a lie, and I even doubt if you are a serving member, and if you are a cadet, its cadets like you who give the good ones a bad name.

Wesley, I remember reading alot of your posts, you even answered one or 2 of my questions you had my respect, you seemed like a smart guy. You just slipped a couple on my respect scale. I hate when cadets get bashed (something that happens way too often on this site by the occasional person). I don't see why it had to come to making fun of cadets. Morons come in all ages (this guy's probally 15 or 16) and believe it or not some dumb asses don't wear a cadet uniform. I put in 3 nights a week at cadets, I go in try my best and usually end up doing some good. I don't appreciate something that I devote my life to being bashed because you came across a couple 14 year olds who pissed you off.
As I said in my last I think it was more directed at Smarty than to you Cadets, that's just the way I read it and I will not endeavor to put words into Wes's mouth.

Cameron Kessler said:
To elaborate on what rifle_team_captain_13 said slightly...

Wesley, I remember reading alot of your posts, you even answered one or 2 of my questions you had my respect, you seemed like a smart guy. You just slipped a couple on my respect scale. I hate when cadets get bashed (something that happens way too often on this site by the occasional person). I don't see why it had to come to making fun of cadets. Morons come in all ages (this guy's probally 15 or 16) and believe it or not some dumb asses don't wear a cadet uniform. I put in 3 nights a week at cadets, I go in try my best and usually end up doing some good. I don't appreciate something that I devote my life to being bashed because you came across a couple 14 year olds who pissed you off.

If you take offense to him saying that a bad apple gives all the good cadets a bad name when he stated:  
and if you are a cadet, its cadets like you who give the good ones a bad name.

then you have a reading problem.  He did not in anyway insult cadets, however, you implied a lot worse.

I said
 The only way I can see his story being true, is if it were one of those Rubber drill rifles, and it was a cadet course.
 in the sense that there would not have been as serious a concern about the training, and no serious breech of Weapons Security.  If you guys feel that you have been insulted.....
But why jump to conclusions that he's a cadet? Seeing obvious BS and making the assumption that it may be a cadet is in my opinion not showing great respect towards cadets. It would be like me jumping to conclusions and assuming he's an ex airborne guy with an axe to pick just cause he's from petawawa (which I would never do) (and I also realize the airborne was bisbannded more than 2 years ago).
Okay, I think this thread has run its course.

One post mentioned cadets in an innocent fashion and it is possible that cadets got into Wesley's thought process at that time.  If he wants a window to reply, I'll reopen the thread temporarily.  However, for now I will lock it as we do not need to persure this argument in his absence.
Public clarification to set things straight

Wesley H. Allen said:
Well Smarty, you've been caught in a lie, and I even doubt if you are a serving member, and if you are a cadet, its cadets like you who give the good ones a bad name.

First things first.

1. I fully support the Cadet movement both here in Australia and in Canada 110%. I have donated my time and effort in both countries. Cadet service in the family goes back over 60 years, back to my Dad, who was a LCPL in the Saskatoon Collegiate Institute RCACC from 1942 to 1946. His influence and others with military service entised me into joining the Militia almost 30 yrs ago, so give me a break! If you are accusing me of Cadet bashing, sorry, but you're barking up the wrong tree.

2. Some here have somehow taken what I have said out of context, and see what I have written as Cadet bashing. Again this is totally wrong.

3. For those who have somehow misunderstood what I have said, simply re-read the above, and don't be so bloody defensive with chips on your shoulders. Remember the word 'assume', never 'assume' anything, as it makes an 'ass/out of u/and/me'. Before anyone, regarless of who you are, get the facts straight.

4. For those who took it the wrong way, I'll say I am sorry for not spelling out what I was saying in better english.

5. Now that I have set the record straight, lets get back onto the original topic, before Smarty entered this thread and tried to ruin it for us all.


JimmyPeOn said:
I lost my KFS once, ugh i mean rad van...but its cool cause none of the radios were serialized.   It cost me $6 and i went to the Chilean detention facility for 20 years...Oh by the way I served in the traveling carnival at the time and it wasnt a rad van, more of a cabbage. (still no serial # on the cabbage though)    ::)

Yeah, I lost a DTD last week, no one cared, in fact, I got a promotion! ::)

It's almost a shame Smarty got banned, his thread made for some pretty good entertainment.
This happened to be one of the funniest reads here. Smarty seems to have a great imagination. And little if any experience as a soldier. I hope for his sake he doesn't go into the CF with that attitude. Any self respecting soldier doesn't "lose" a weapon, of any kind. Any self respecting CQ doesn't let anything with a serial number out of his sight with out a signature, and serial number record. And finally, If anyone ever lost a rifle on a course, any course warrant I ever knew would make sure it was the last time you lost it. your life would be over as you know it, and he would have stuck that rifle so far up your arse, the front sight would scratch the back of your throat. But those were the good old days.  :cdn:
it would appear from that weapon(the famous Lux7) that MR. smarty was in fact a member of the Van Helsing cast and had innocently confused www.army.ca with www.dude-wheres-my-C7.com , too bad, that was really funny at points... maybe he will create another profile after being meritoriously promoted to a flag officer for strategically leaving a few brigades 'all cammed up' in Colombia on a secret mission...
Go away for a few days and look at what I found......    ::)

I never laughed so hard in my life  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Oh my sides are killing me.

Smarty.....Pet is a small town.... good luck trying not to be made fun of on a regular basis...and you posted your pic  :D

The RCR will have a field day  ;D

I think I found the real rubber weapon! It matches his exact description, its rubber, its engraved and its cammed:

LOL! RCR will tear him apart! God this post has to be one of the funniest in a while, how many times did his story change? Thanks whoever banned him...and im pretty sure hes not at PET or in the army...did u have a look at his hair?!   :blotto: lol :o
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