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Not-so Smarty's thread on C7 theft.

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Well the thing is, you have to take into account, that in fact he was actually on his CHAP training and by field he means playground behind armoury, and by three days he means they sent out a CI to go fetch his supersoaker out of the sandbox... which incidentally he bought for about 5 dollars from Walmart... and wrote his 'I Love Mommy' on the water tank with purple magic marker.
Hahaha, you guys are pretty funny.  but whatever eh, stuff happens.  Hahah MR ARMY MAN ive been in 2 different armies HOOO HAA !!!  u guys are too much sometimes.  Am I the only one the sees the light side of things? or is everyone that belongs to this site glued to the computer waiting to put their say in, ahhhh those fragile reputations. 

Its easy how ur "army dudes"  are pretty easy to predict.  I put something infront of you, and BANG!  Somebodys gotta be BSin'  Anyhow reputations are for wussies like most the people callin me pathetic names, i dont care at all.  I know stuff like this is not important to a decent soldier so im done with this thread.  This site aint what i expected it to be, its cool but man, UNWELLCOMING.

P.S.  Hey troops, ever guessed to ask what countrys army i was in, dont jump to conclusions boys?  english is NOT my first language.
Would someone be so kind as to ban that shit-bubble "Smarty?" 'He's' depriving a villiage, somewhere, of an idiot.

QORvanweert said:
Well the thing is, you have to take into account, that in fact he was actually on his CHAP training and by field he means playground behind armoury, and by three days he means they sent out a CI to go fetch his supersoaker out of the sandbox... which incidentally he bought for about 5 dollars from Walmart... and wrote his 'I Love Mommy' on the water tank with purple magic marker.


Smarty said:
I know stuff like this is not important to a decent soldier

Uh, last time I checked weapons security IS pretty important, to EVERY soldier. And I don't care what country you're from, tell me about a country that lets their soldiers lose weapons left and right. But then again, you don't sound like someone who any country's army would take. Errr, maybe Russia.  ;D You just sould like a 15 year old kid with a computer, an imagination and too much time on his hands. (Sorry to all the 15 year old kids out there, didn't mean to offend you.)
HAHAHAHA!!!!  F'ing hillarious, his story changed too many times and I love the BS meter!!!  ;D! There may be some truth in his story about losing a C7 but...his story changed too many times so I guess ill call BS too though this is pretty funny post...maybe we should lock it before things turn sour?

QORvanweert said:
Well the thing is, you have to take into account, that in fact he was actually on his CHAP training and by field he means playground behind armoury, and by three days he means they sent out a CI to go fetch his supersoaker out of the sandbox... which incidentally he bought for about 5 dollars from Walmart... and wrote his 'I Love Mommy' on the water tank with purple magic marker.
Hey, Smarty, no need to ask. You have Petawa listed as your location. I think it would be fair to assume you're in the CANADIAN army. Seriously, if you're gonna lie about something, make it believable. Don't start changing your story. I mean, first you had your name engraved on your rifle, then you had your name on a piece of tape on the rifle, then as if you couldn't dig yourself a deeper hole, you said it was a rubber rifle. I second Acorn's motion as it seems obvious Smarty is a compulsive liar.
Smarty said:
Hahaha, you guys are pretty funny. but whatever eh, stuff happens. Hahah MR ARMY MAN ive been in 2 different armies HOOO HAA !!! u guys are too much sometimes. Am I the only one the sees the light side of things? or is everyone that belongs to this site glued to the computer waiting to put their say in, ahhhh those fragile reputations.

Its easy how ur "army dudes" are pretty easy to predict. I put something infront of you, and BANG! Somebodys gotta be BSin' Anyhow reputations are for wussies like most the people callin me pathetic names, i dont care at all. I know stuff like this is not important to a decent soldier so im done with this thread. This site aint what i expected it to be, its cool but man, UNWELLCOMING.

P.S. Hey troops, ever guessed to ask what countrys army i was in, dont jump to conclusions boys? english is NOT my first language.
Seriously buddy, do yourself a favour and shovel your BS elsewhere.
Man, if ever there was a thread that deserved to be taken down.

Somewhat entertaining, yes, worth wasting any more bandwidth, not on your life.

Smarty, I echo Big Foot's comments, maybe you should write a rough draft before storytelling hour next time.
Okay everyone,

I served 8 years in the Luxembourg National Army, served all over the place, Came to Canada, joined the militia here.  I had to drive a bus unitl my english was acceptable enough for the army here to consider me.  As for the last post in which everyone said I am a BSer, things are different in Lux, especially back when i served.  I found a lot of your posts rather funny at first, yet i thought they simply dragged on too much.  I am dissapointed in the sarcatic bashing that went on - I am human, and a damn hard working one, no one appricates this kind of downgrading.  I never learned to kick anyone when their down, its very unwellcomming.  When english is not your first language there is a lot of things that are hard to pick up on.

By the way when i said "no one was sent to Edmonton", i used that phrase because a lot of the guys here use it (Club ED etc.)  NO Eddys in LUX.

Anyhow, I hope we can endur some new and stimulating conversations.

ARRGH!!! :salute:
Accept me into the Regular Army i Mean, no longer in the Militia
Wow, thats a new one on me. C7s in Lux. Who'd have thought that?
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Smarty said:
C7, whatever

get a grip guys, who cares
You should care.   Your credibility on this board is now zero.   Your story went from being a new soldier on basic in the CF with his C7 stollen and no serial numbers to prove it.   It has since become you being a new soldier in a European army loosing a rubber rifle that was not a C7, and there were many variations in between.
We'll open this back up to see where it goes.
I lost my KFS once, ugh i mean rad van...but its cool cause none of the radios were serialized.  It cost me $6 and i went to the Chilean detention facility for 20 years...Oh by the way I served in the traveling carnival at the time and it wasnt a rad van, more of a cabbage. (still no serial # on the cabbage though)  ::)

And here I thought we didn't have a comedy sub-board....

all we needed was Smarty from "Petewawa".
Why does it say under his name smarty that he was banned for multiple accounts? I know he was banned, but is that what he was banned for?
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