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New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

Actually, I think 90 days is fair.
Keep in mind that pushing a cold engine from 0 to 60mph right out of the gate is asking for trouble.

Injuries happen very easily when someone who has not been very fit suddenly starts pounding the pavement so to speak; the added weight is added weight on the joints, and those joints are ones that have not been kept in good working order.

Give these people some time to focus on getting their fitness in order, with qualified fitness professionals and military discipline, and Im sure it will work out for many.  And for those that do make great progress in such a program, I think you'll find them doubly committed to the forces; since being in shape feels great, and that feeling will be in large part thanks to the Forces' efforts.

Will there be some slobs who wont make it?  Sure. Just like there are skinny kids with high metabolisms who eat crap all day, have terrible self-discipline to boot and who will drop out of the military after passing their CF EXPRES because they don't want to do four hospital corners every morning.
Meridian said:
Will there be some slobs who wont make it?   Sure. Just like there are skinny kids with high metabolisms who eat crap all day, have terrible self-discipline to boot and who will drop out of the military after passing their CF EXPRES because they don't want to do four hospital corners every morning.

If your on the PT platoon you have already failed to make it.Standards are sub human,hopefully the pt program will bring them up to being in sub human physical condition.However passing the minimum standard barely is a lot like failing it,I would like to see stats in reference to injuries/pass fail rate of former fat platoon pers.
I notice that most of the references here are to BMQ.  I was wondering if anyone knows the procedure for IAP bypasses joining BOTP?  I don't anticipate a problem since I have recently passed the EXPRES, but I am just curious what the procedure is.
Really, the whole thing of testing pre enrollment was a new thing, i would say probably about.. 10 years ago and before there was no P.T requirement to get in, you signed up, they shipped you off to Basic and they worked you until you did the running and the push ups or you were out, this is the way it was for my father, and my older brother, both of which saw people unable to do the P.T when they got there, but could pass it fine by graduation. My dad thought it was crap when they changed it, so you had to do the pre enrollment P.T especially since the requirement to get in, was what you had to be able to do to pass basic. Because of this new program i can finally get in. I can run, i can do everything except the pushups the exact way they want it. I can do fairly crappy ones, but i've worked my butt off for almost 4 years trying to get in on one pt test i was one push up away when i snapped my wrist. So i think there are alot of people out there that aren't Fat or lazy that truly want to get in. If they need that little bit of help, then fine, whats to say they won't make a good canidate? I personally am happy about the changes and i think recruitment is only going to prosper from the change. Just my .2 cents though, from someone who is benefitting from the program.
Pte. Pukepail said:
I lived on the PMQ patch near LFCA for many years, and you would be shaking your head in disgust at the fat sacks of crap that worked in there, and lived in that neighborhood. 

I am not aware of your status and whether you wear the uniform or not; from your tone you don't, but I may be wrong.  However, these "fat sacks of crap" as you so call them chose to serve and by extension wear/wore that uniform with the red maple leaf on it somewhere.

Having served before and getting my call just yesterday to go back; having a wife, son, and daughter-in-law also wearing the uniform, if you were to make that type of comment within earshot of me you'd be getting b!tch slapped upside the head.

Show some respect.

George Wallace said:
The procedure is the same.  If you fail it, then you will have to do the EXPRESS Test.

George, Im a bit confused by your last statement.. Perhaps you meant to say,if you fail EXPRESS On your initial course (IAP, BOTP, BMQ) you are moved over to Warrior platoon....

[quote author=099*]If your on the PT platoon you have already failed to make it[/quote]

099*,  I mean if you dont make it past the 90 day cutoff in warrior platoon.
knoxville said:
I had honestly expected more from some of you, especially the vets... i just dont agree that people who are not in great physical shape, should not get the same opportunity as someone who is.

The point here, is that you don't have to be in GREAT physical shape to meet the bare minimum to pass this test.  In fact, it's a very low standard to meet.  This is a physical job.  When you apply for a job, you come prepared.  If you apply for a job as a school teacher, would you not go to university to get your teachers degree prior to getting hired?  Would you expect them to hire you and then bring you up to speed?  No.  Therefore, when joining the military, being in reasonable shape prior to getting hired is really not too much to expect.
I also would like a bit more clarification....I know that if you are a recruit school bypass your current EXPRES test is valid and you go on to do trades training.  Are you saying that an IAP bypass is the same (current pt test, finish training on to trades courses), or would they go to a warrior pl instead of doing the BOTP?  I know on the old system and IAP bypass who failed the express would continue with training, be retested in a later week, and if still failed denied the course credit and graduation until the EXPRES is passed (this is information on the CFLRS DIN site).
beach_bum said:
Would you expect them to hire you and then bring you up to speed?  No.  Therefore, when joining the military, being in reasonable shape prior to getting hired is really not too much to expect.

Don't you just hate it when she uses that logical, common-sense stuff on you?  ;)
Meridian said:
George, I'm a bit confused by your last statement.. Perhaps you meant to say,if you fail EXPRESS On your initial course (IAP, BOTP, BMQ) you are moved over to Warrior platoon....

099*,  I mean if you ddon'tmake it past the 90 day cutoff in warrior platoon.

If after 30 days you can sign on for another thirty.(Pure speculation every 30 days would be like a PRB if you fail) for a maximum of 90 days on the fitness platoon.If after 90 days you cannot meet the cf minimum requirements you are released.

The express test is valid for up to 12 months...however.Sometimes they will make you do it 3 times a year.Believe me I just did it 3 times this year even though I was except each time and topped out the CSOR standard for push ups sit ups and the run.It's a joke to get exempt for two years also.I believe its 9 on the run,anyone with any form of cardio will become exempt
It's the army sometimes they just do stuff,but why bother whining and saying you already did it this year....it's push ups,sit-ups and a beep test!Who cares!

I see guys who are in way more "uber" shape than myself.However people should start looking at PT as a perk to their day.As a regular force guy I come into work at 6:15 and do pt until 7:15 at our gym on my own.I then go to parade at 7:30 and do pt from then until 8:45!What other job allows a person to do that?Not many.Also the "coffee break"I spend up in the weight room.Half an hour in the afternoon,spent working to better myself for the army and overall my well being.

How does someone get posted to this PT platoon?Or are they just using cadre as marching nco's and psp handles the rest?I hope it has classes on proper diet,what a pound of fat is (i.e 3500 extra calories) stuff like that.Education will hopefully keep these students from slipping back to the deplorable state they were when they went on fitness platoon,when they get to their regiments and back to normal life.
newaecgirl said:
I also would like a bit more clarification....I know that if you are a recruit school bypass your current EXPRES test is valid and you go on to do trades training.  Are you saying that an IAP bypass is the same (current pt test, finish training on to trades courses), or would they go to a warrior pl instead of doing the BOTP?  I know on the old system and IAP bypass who failed the express would continue with training, be retested in a later week, and if still failed denied the course credit and graduation until the EXPRES is passed (this is information on the CFLRS DIN site).

I don't know the "process" that will be taken for failures...I do know that the entire BOTP course does the EXPRES test the afternoon of Day 1, Week 1.

I also know...the IAP course did the EXPRES test Week 1 of and Week 6 of IAP...

I can't comment on what happens in your case if you don't pass.

People who got exempt on the Week 1 EXPRES test...still did the Week 6 one, and will still do the BOTP Week 1 EXPRES as well...
I was talking to a member of an instructor cadre last week.They told me as I said earlier.you get one chance to pass.If you don't pass you have tow options:

go home
go to st.jean for remedial training 30 days

if you fail again you can stay another 30 days

if you fail again you can stay another FINAL 30 afterwards you are released.
I have no formal written stuff on this,but seeming he/she was a higher ranking pers in the cadre he/she was quite aware of what was happening in my opinion.

I hope that clears it up for you.
spud said:
I am not aware of your status and whether you wear the uniform or not; from your tone you don't, but I may be wrong.  However, these "fat sacks of crap" as you so call them chose to serve and by extension wear/wore that uniform with the red maple leaf on it somewhere.

Having served before and getting my call just yesterday to go back; having a wife, son, and daughter-in-law also wearing the uniform, if you were to make that type of comment within earshot of me you'd be getting b!tch slapped upside the head.

Show some respect.


Well, sorry, but I can't and refuse to respect those with no self respect.  If I as an NCM, lowly grunt must achieve a certain physical standard and maintain that standard, than so should the senior men and women.  Those who do not, do not because they work the system in their favor, and that's just wrong.  You expect me to respect that?  Not gonna happen.  Not in the military...not in the civilian world.  You get respect where it's earned, not just because you happen to think you deserve it because you wear the uniform.

(And lets be clear here, the fat sacks of crap I refer to are the ones that cheat the system in order to avoid PT, and allow their physical condition to deteriorate because of complacency.  I mean, if you weight 300 pounds and have a huge gut but can still rock an 8-k full ruck march on any given day, then I got nothing but respect.  To those who don't and choose not to, and come up with ways to avoid such things...well,  I think my opinion of those people is clear.
Pte. Pukepail said:
Well, sorry, but I can't and refuse to respect those with no self respect.  If I as an NCM, lowly grunt

Which brings me to my question; you are what rank and what component of the armed forces? You wore/wear the uniform.....your opinion counts. If you spend your day in jeans....sorry, your uninformed, ill-thought out opinion is of little value.

Irregardless of my current rank/position, that's an opinion that's generally shared universally.  You show me one fighting man who respects the lazy and the complacent just because he's in uniform, and I'll reneg on my originally comment.  The fact that I'm a tax payer who basically pays for your paycheck entitles to me to an opinion over the forces in which I help fund.
Pte. Pukepail said:
Irregardless of my current rank/position, that's an opinion that's generally shared universally.  You show me one fighting man who respects the lazy and the complacent just because he's in uniform, and I'll reneg on my originally comment.  The fact that I'm a tax payer who basically pays for your paycheck entitles to me to an opinion over the forces in which I help fund.

I'll tell you what, if you are unhappy with your tax dollars and the way they are employed within the CF, I will reimburse you your .50 cents.  ::)
You most definitely don't pay for my paycheque. Arrogance and insults are the tools of the uneducated, you seem to have plenty of that. In case you aren't listening we in the military also pay taxes to fund education, roads, health care(in which I can't get a health card) amongst the hundreds of things taxes cover. You are an uninformed loser!