1. At the request of Armed Forces Council, the CMP directed the CFPSA (DHPHP) to conduct a research study, the MPFS 50 Years and Older Research Study, for the purpose of developing and validating the Minimum Physical Fitness Standards (MPFS) for CF members 50 years and older. This study will be conducted in English and will include CF members from 50 to 60 Years of age. Your name has been provided to the CFPSA because you meet the age requirements for inclusion in the study.
2. The MPFS 50 to 60 Years of Age Research Study will seek to determine the MPFS for the CF EXPRES test that correspond to a CF member’s ability to complete the CF’s Five Common Tasks. This study will be a replication of research done in 1988 to develop the MPFS for the CF EXPRES test. The Five Common Tasks are Bona Fide Occupational Requirements (BFOR) are defined as the Land Evacuation, Sea Evacuation, Low High Crawl, Entrenchment Dig, and Sandbag Carry.
3. Participation in this study is completely voluntary. Should you choose to participate you may terminate your participation at any time and / or remove yourself at any time from the entire study. All participants in this study will be on duty status and will be provided with rations, quarters, temporary duty allowance (TD), mileage and/or shuttle (as per Treasury Board guidelines), and Subject Compensation as per QR & O 205.48 in the amount of $15.00 per half day of testing (total $90.00 for 3 days).
4. There are no minimum physical fitness requirements for participation in the study. All available and willing personnel may be considered for inclusion. In fact, it is imperative that participants in the study display a range of fitness levels. Therefore, the Project Coordinator will strive to ensure that equal representation from every quartile of physical fitness capabilities are represented in the study (i.e. 0-25 percentile, 26-50 percentile, 51-75 percentile, and 76 to 100 percentile.) There will not be any career implications based upon results in the study as all testing results will remain completely anonymous.
5. Experimental sessions will be conducted in English and thus all volunteers in the study must be fluent in English comprehension. Each testing day will consist of no more than one testing session in the morning or afternoon periods. Each session will consist of one component of research testing (i.e. CF EXPRES test, a Land Evacuation, a Sea Evacuation, a Low High Crawl, an Entrenchment Dig, and Sandbag Carry).
6. The MPFS 50 to 60 Year Old Study Project Coordinator, Ms. Sarah Flanagan, will contact all potential participants to determine willingness to participate, participation availability, provide further information, and answer any questions in regards to the study.
7. Your consideration for participation in this project is valued and appreciated. As a participant in the MPFS 50 to 60 Year Old Study you will be playing an important role in the development of physical fitness programs and testing methods for the optimization of safety of CF members while on deployable missions both at home in Canada and Abroad. Please feel free to contact the Project Coordinator at (613) 992-1879, should your require any further information