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New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

Night Black said:
BTW, wouldn't there be problems if that much weight was put on a mag? (Forgive me, I don't know much about C7s.)

I know two things about this picture, one, that number of mags wouldnt have spent too long on the weapon because it'd be stupidly heavy and two, next time i've got an M16/C7 handy, I'M DOING IT!

"Was it 5 shots, or 6? See, in all the excitment, i kinda forgot myself. So you gotta ask yourself a question, do you feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?--Because i've got another 7 mags and your days is just about to get F###ed up!"
Trinity said:
I found this on facebook



Hahaha, best thing ever. I need a new coffee.
Firing down range.... firing down range... weapon stops. Can the weapon to the left, inspect the ejection port. Bolt to the ....
Ugh... I got to go back and sniff some more diesel now. Thanks Trinity.

Hey... hey.. pass them those Oakley sun glasses. I got the LCF going on here. Quick... before the camera takes the picture. Holy, this weighs a ton!

Dang it Mike...
Trinity said:
Another picture from Facebook


HALT advance one and be recognized... while I pee myself looking for that missing mag.


The MIR said this wash basin helmet will stop the Alien signals from coming in.


*TV Spokemans Voice*

One night a week....

One Weekend a month...


The Canadian Weekend Warriors...

Disclaimer: I am an ex Weekend Warrior... it is ok. Please don't kill me.
Here I am at the Jo. Brant Memorial Hospital MRI Unit....
Whaddaya mean no metal?

Stop or I"ll squish you like a wee little bug.... squish your head.... squish!

Please put me in the fire base, please put me in the fire base, please put me in the fire base.
But Ma, I thought it was a pipe dream... until I realized my pipe wasn't in my hand.