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I would like to know what are the concret difference between the two trades, both deal with radar and imagery and such but what are the real difference between the two in their jobs ?
well NES op seems far more interesting, the more varied part sounds like a good thing to me. But from the description from the website and what the recruiting office the two trades seemed to be very alike.

NCI ops also perform seamanship duties ?
They sure do, every trade performs Seamanship duties in some sort of capacity.

The trades are very different and both have there Pros and Cons.

But NESOP QL-5's get SPEC pay...............
yeah spec pay is always good. But to me NES op sounds way more interesting than NCI op and well I was looking for people trying to convince me of otherwise ;) just so I could get various opinion.
found out recently that NCI Ops no longer do SAC....gone by the way of the ocifer
what does SAC stands for ? and well the other acronymes too ;), I'm a simple RMS clerk for now  :P
Collin.T said:
what does SAC stands for ? and well the other acronymes too ;), I'm a simple RMS clerk for now  :P

Shipborne air controler
HFXCrow said:
and lookout!

Well we might as well take bos'nmate too. :)

There are still NCI OP SAC's out there but they are pretty much only course loading officers. 

If you really wanted to compare trades I would say NES OP's are much more like Sonar Ops in the way the deal with their information. You will learn to hate CANEWs, AKA "The soul-sucker". Both our trades practice passively hunting targets by what they emit. If anything I would say NCI OP's are more like NAVCOMM's. They spend alot of time planning and disseminating information to the rest op the ops room. They have no seat for the PO1 and have no director but the ORS (ops room supervisor) works directly for the ORO ( ops room officer). It can be a boring job but they have less seamenship duties than Sonar op's and NES OP's.
But if you were thinking about getting in soon or know someone who wants to get in soon as an operator I would suggest doing it now before we amalgamate.
TAS278 said:
If anything I would say NCI OP's are more like NAVCOMM's. They spend alot of time planning and disseminating information to the rest op the ops room. They have no seat for the PO1 and have no director but the ORS (ops room supervisor) works directly for the ORO ( ops room officer). It can be a boring job but they have less seamenship duties than Sonar op's and NES OP's.
But if you were thinking about getting in soon or know someone who wants to get in soon as an operator I would suggest doing it now before we amalgamate.

Yeah I would also compare NAVCOMM and NCI in the aspect that they pretty much only do their jobs, and avoid many of the watch on deck/seamanship duties and evolutions.  NAVCOMMs seem to have many more things to do, however, whereas junior NCIs are planted in front of a SHINPADS display looking at paints and tracks.  Occasionally I'm jealous of their style of work, but in the end it would probably drive me crazy - I like having the knowledge and experience that allows me to be in charge of number six on the quarterdeck, in addition to being able to work CANTASS at a high level.  An NCI doen't seem to get the full "Navy" experience, which is kind of sad in a way I guess.

NESOPS are more rounded sailors, and AAW/ASuW is the current sexiness in the Navy so they have a lot of opportunity for interesting stuff to do.  The bitterness level in that trade is not quite as high as SONAR, which I suppose is another positive.
Sounds like you should have have been a Bos'n if you wanted to get the full Navy experience then.....
Ex-Dragoon said:
Sounds like you should have have been a Bos'n if you wanted to get the full Navy experience then.....

I am a Bos'n, kinda - I also have a hobby that involves hunting submarines, and spec pay.  Also a member of the log department manning pool.  A busy, busy bee!
I guess that is why I never really had time for people in this trade. :( Everyone is so ready to say the trade is poor. It is only poor because you let it be :(
Melbatoast and TAS278 both make good comments, I'm a little off thread but being a lover off ASW, this reply is appropriate.  The Air Force Aurora crews share the same frustration that you folks at sea experience.  Like you, we are multi-capability platforms.  We are currently developing overland operations support, but it appears we have a long way to go. 

On the Aurora, right or wrong, officers are the acoustic sensor operators.  We share the same motivational problems, the same tasks of inane duties from outside agencies, and the same make work projects.

Melbatoast, TAS, you sound like lovers of ASW.  It is a science.  Study, work, practice, so that when your day comes, you fight your ship and get the enemy before he gets you. :skull:

Cheers. :cdn:

Mod edit: Sensitive info removed
SHF said:
Melbatoast and TAS278 both make good comments, I'm a little off thread but being a lover off ASW, this reply is appropriate.  The Air Force Aurora crews share the same frustration that you folks at sea experience.  Like you, we are multi-capability platforms.  We are currently developing overland operations support, but it appears we have a long way to go. 

This worries me a bit because this time next year I should be attending ASC for ANAV; because from what I've seen it seemed the Air Force cared about ASW...at any rate you guys are good at it, whereas the surface sonar community has a "bah, whatever" attitude from a lot of guys at all levels.

Apparently my earlier comments seemed to reflect that a bit, but really I do love it.  I was very lucky to get a first ship with some of the best senior operators in the Navy who made me learn my butt off, but the BS to awesome ratio is way, way off these days.  ANAV will facilitate a lot more challenges at any rate, instead of making me languish as a Leading Seaman for the forseeable future (when everyone in the section is an LS, they might as well all be Ordinary Seamen).

Thanks for the encouragement, we ping bos'ns need all we can get  :cheers:
Still off thread, apoligies for those concerned.  AIRCREW life rocks.  If you make the selection.... jump soonest and freeze. 

Good Luck