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But if you were thinking about getting in soon or know someone who wants to get in soon as an operator I would suggest doing it now before we amalgamate

Why would you say that?  Anyone know?
S McPhee said:
Why would you say that?  Anyone know?

Because soon (in the next couple of years) all the ops trades will be amalgamated into one trade at the sub QL5 level.  That means you'll spend your first three years at sea doing all the ops jobs as a general combat operator, and pick a specialty for your journeyman course.  At that point you wll be sonar, NCI, or NES.

I don't know how soon this is actually going to happen, as someone has to come up with a brand new QSP (qualification specialty plan) and OJT (on job training) package completely from scratch.  It's hard enough to introduce tiny changes into QSPs as it stands (MIO for sonar ops anyone?).  Getting all three trades to agree on a standard junior operator package is going to be really tough.
Okay, for all those who wanted to know the difference between NCIOP and NESOP:
Naval Combat Information Operators are broken down into  NCIOP Junior and  NCIOP, the change in title happens at the MS level, which is also when you get your spec pay. Operators have many different jobs. Arro, ASPO. TS are the most obvious ones, these are for OS to LS QL5. GCCSM operator and LINK 16 operator are the MS, PLQ jobs. We also sit as TS when at action stations. All operators are required to be able to do AREPS, a job we took over from the NESOPs, yes we watch radars, we also have to know voice procedure, code words, tactics, missile profiles, associated radars, CCS system manipulation, trouble shooting, link 11 system management, and we are getting into some forms of computer work. PO2 and MS 6A qualified are the ORS and they have to have task management skills, know how a reduced tactical complan works and have an idea of just about everything that happens in the ops room. The PO1 is now getting the job of information management for the ship, what that entails I am not sure cause the first courses are just getting finished  and I am not on a ship anymore. That is just a basic idea of what the NCIOPS do. For certain some of the job is very boring, but some of it is exciting too. AAW warfare is fast paced and stressfull. The NESOPs cover all thing regarding electronic warfare from jamming to counter detection and they also get to work with systems like SIWS, the missiles and guns, missile defence and countermeasures, and they have vast knowledge about weapons, radars platforms and identification of  other countries order of battle. They do Port/STBD lookout and bosn'mate at sea but other than that they don't do anything more than the NCIOPs, we haul lines and close up for upper deck evolutions just like everyone else, and please don't compare us to the NAVCOMMS, two totally different jobs there.
If any one else has anything else to add feel free, by know means did I cover everything for both trades. As for amalgamation, they have mentioned it on and off for many years and I havn't heard anything concrete come out yet.
Thanks for listening.
Marc. :cdn:
M Feetham said:
As for amalgamation, they have mentioned it on and off for many years and I havn't heard anything concrete come out yet.
Thanks for listening.
Marc. :cdn:

The MOSART briefings earlier in the year not only indicated but said for sure that the ops trades are amalgamating.  It's not a rumour anymore.  But, only at the sub QL5 level, so it won't really effect anyone who's in now.
And along with that thought. You will not be able to pick your trade. You will join as a naval operator and work as a naval operator for 4 years(until your QL5). Then you will write an aptitude test and go through the screen process. This is a reality. Melba is correct, it will not effect anyone currently serving but you will have to work with the new Naval Operators and live in the new ops room. :) W00t Change is good :)
I'm gonna begin my QL 3 NCI Op in March. Do you think I'm gonna be in this new program?

No if you trade title is NCI Op you are going to be a NCI Op. This is still a few years in planning. One of the major issues will be the divisional system. So they will have to continue to tweak this idea before implementing it.
I'm in the middle of Quebec now and wasn't around for the Mozart brief, thanks for the update.

Some of the discussion here is bordering along the lines of being sensitive in nature. You all joined the service fully aware that divulging sensitive info could be damaging to National Security. I will be monitoring this discussion group forum, failure to comply with this direction will result in my recommendation to the moderator to have your membership terminated, and possible investigative action taken.


CPO2 Main
Chief Sonar Op
OK folks,
You heard the man, watch what you say and how you say it. Keep comments to the general type nature and do not go into specifics about anything. For anyone looking for more information about trades, you can ask the recruiters, if you know someone in the forces you can ask them questions two. For everybody else. Have a nice weekend.

I don't see the sensitive or classified information you refer to.  I reviewed all the posts and all the opinions and statements are available on open source.  If you have a concern, you should PM the individuals.  PM me if you want.

SHF said:

I don't see the sensitive or classified information you refer to.  I reviewed all the posts and all the opinions and statements are available on open source.  If you have a concern, you should PM the individuals.  PM me if you want.


No, Sir.  You'll notice there is (at least) a post removed in this thread. 

The paradox is that a lot of information deemed sensitive is nonetheless readily available, especially on the internet.  That still isn't going to absolve a person, especially if he or she is involved in the subject in question.  Obviously, it's best not to say anything at all.
When items borderline OPSEC/PERSEC they are removed, if you feel the post meets the criteria please use the Report to Moderator function so we may review the thread in question. Just don't be vague in the thread itself tell us.

And BTW its up to Mr Bobbitt under the advisement of the DS who has their membership terminated.
CSonar Op, (CWO2 Main),

Welcome to Army.ca.

May I suggest that if you want to use that approach then perhaps you should fill in your profile to reflect the level of authority you are choosing to claim. An innocuous, though trade related, nickname and an empty profile does little to add credibility to your stance.  I would also suggest providing an official point of contact for those interested in these related trades to contact you as the expert source you claim to be, if you wish to contribute as well as "monitor."

Secondly, if you feel that the comments on the board are straying towards an OPSEC line, then perhaps you could provide a complete, clear and "safe" answer to the original question and we can avoid further dancing in the minefield.

Lastly, as noted by Ex-Dragoon, moderation of the site is provided by the staff selected by the site owner.  Please feel free to use the system in place if you have concerns over particular posts.  The staff will react to OPSEC concerns identifed to them.

M. O'Leary
CSonar Op and SHF I recommend you two take this to PMs in order for you to find some common ground. One of you is a CPO and the other is a Captain and it does no one here any good for you two to be in conflict with one another.
Ex-Dragoon said:
When items borderline OPSEC/PERSEC they are removed, if you feel the post meets the criteria please use the Report to Moderator function so we may review the thread in question. Just don't be vague in the thread itself tell us.

And BTW its up to Mr Bobbitt under the advisement of the DS who has their membership terminated.

No no, I have absolutely no problem with the removal and apologize for any vagueness.