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Navy whites

Square rig looks cool, especially combined with the cool Gene Kelly moves!  ;D
Dimsum said:
While I also agree with the 8 buttons for the officers bit, how many MS and below would really want to go back to square rig?  I could see a huge OT backlog based on uniforms alone!

You are likely thinking of the old rig. Most if not all navies have it as a zippered jacket. Not uncomfortable at all.
Maybe this topic should be changed to 'Navy Whites & Blues...and everything in between'!  :D

Dimsum said:
While I also agree with the 8 buttons for the officers bit, how many MS and below would really want to go back to square rig?  I could see a huge OT backlog based on uniforms alone!

How ironic that would be. A lot of people got out when we went to a green uniform for sailors. I don't think a lot of folks would mind a more "sailor looking" uniform. Most of the world's Navy's are in a very similar rig.
How ironic that would be. A lot of people got out when we went to a green uniform for sailors. I don't think a lot of folks would mind a more "sailor looking" uniform. Most of the world's Navy's are in a very similar rig.

You would be surprised.....a lot of junior rates are happy with the present uniform when they look at other nations uniforms, they look at the RNs with derision. I think we would just prefer a nicer walking out rig that is between salt and peppers and CFs and of much nicer appearance then NCDs.
ED, what kind of dress would be between S&Ps and CFs?  Aren't CF's just S&Ps with the tunic instead of white S4B?

Good2Golf said:
ED, what kind of dress would be between S&Ps and CFs?  Aren't CF's just S&Ps with the tunic instead of white S4B?


Well yes technically...the shirt is long sleeve and a tie.....also peaked cap....no berets with DEU.

Coming full circle I think a Khaki walking out uniform would look good.....pants, open neck shirt with ribbons etc.....beret or wedge and a nice khaki windbreaker or SAFA spring/fall jacket. Brown or black shoes?
Make it in a wash and wear fabric so you can throw it in the washer and dryer and not worry about dry cleaning bills.
Well yes technically...the shirt is long sleeve and a tie.....also peaked cap....no berets with DEU.

Coming full circle I think a Khaki walking out uniform would look good.....pants, open neck shirt with ribbons etc.....beret or wedge and a nice khaki windbreaker or SAFA spring/fall jacket. Brown or black shoes?
Make it in a wash and wear fabric so you can throw it in the washer and dryer and not worry about dry cleaning bills.

Do you folks still have tropical dress?  If so, what are the ROE for wearing it (perhaps as walking out gear in warmer climes)?
Good2Golf said:
Do you folks still have tropical dress?  If so, what are the ROE for wearing it (perhaps as walking out gear in warmer climes)?

The lovely shorts-down-to-the-knees and socks-up-to-the-knees with the G2G Old Man sandals.  Sooooo attractive!  ::)
Good2Golf said:
Do you folks still have tropical dress?  If so, what are the ROE for wearing it (perhaps as walking out gear in warmer climes)?

Unless they've replaced those gawdawful sandals with something a little more stylish, the only people that would get caught dead in the tropical rig would be the brow staff on the quarterdeck - or heaven forbid the ship's company would be forced to man the side wearing it for something ceremonial.

Buttugliest uniform I've ever seen (and worn, unfortunately) in my life.
airmich said:
The lovely shorts-down-to-the-knees and socks-up-to-the-knees with the G2G Old Man sandals.  Sooooo attractive!  ::)

You must be short.  Us >6 footers would end up with a 2" strip of knee exposed between the socks and the shorts.  Now that's stylish.
Sandals?  As in, "Jesus boots"?  Anyone have a pic of this rig?  Enquiring minds want to know... ???
Well yes technically...the shirt is long sleeve and a tie.....also peaked cap....no berets with DEU.

Coming full circle I think a Khaki walking out uniform would look good.....pants, open neck shirt with ribbons etc.....beret or wedge and a nice khaki windbreaker or SAFA spring/fall jacket. Brown or black shoes?
Make it in a wash and wear fabric so you can throw it in the washer and dryer and not worry about dry cleaning bills.

That is what most of us would go for.
airmich said:
The lovely shorts-down-to-the-knees and socks-up-to-the-knees with the G2G Old Man sandals.  Sooooo attractive!  ::)

Thankfully not even in the the Gulf did we ever wear that abortion of a uniform.  The guy in charge of that project must have been stoned out of his mind when he thought of that one. moron!
Good2Golf said:
Sandals?  As in, "Jesus boots"?  Anyone have a pic of this rig?  Enquiring minds want to know... ???

You asked for it - complete with speckles of "Ship Side Grey".  ;D
Heh...I have never seen a pair of tropical shorts that were actually that short, as depicted in the dress manual.  Must've been an unauthorized tailoring job  ;D
Interesting topic. Having worn both N3 and NCD for extended periods at shore establishments, I think there is a place for an intermediate uniform. What shape/style that uniform takes is anyone's guess. I kind of liked the old cotton drill work dress trousers, but the white shirt was too prone to going dingy over time.
ModlrMike said:
I kind of liked the old cotton drill work dress trousers, but the white shirt was too prone to going dingy over time.

Those pants were comfortable, and held up well.  But remember, you also had the old 'postman blue' long-sleeve shirt as another option to wear with them.  I do remember when they changed the material of those pants though.  Some sort of polyester that did not wash or iron well at all.  That was just before they got rid of that order of dress.