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National military physical-fitness test fails 1,000 people: report

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CDN Aviator said:
I can see the pushups ........i do push buttons and handle sonobouys.  But i wonder, how does walking for 2 hours and 26 minutes prove that i am fit to fight considering what i do ?  

True, its not applicable to all trades/occupations.  It certainly wasnt appropriate to mine, although we still did it when working with Army units.  The only justification I can think of for you is if the Auroras got sent on another mission similiar to the Balkan Sea monitoring of 1993-1994.  In case of crashing behind enemy lines and all that stuff...

Hmmm...  or, how many laps of the Aurora would be appropriate?

The subsidised gym memberships down here are only for RSS and Cl B bumbles. Cl A pers are not allowed to use them.
recceguy said:
The subsidised gym memberships down here are only for RSS and Cl B bumbles. Cl A pers are not allowed to use them.

That's correct and is IAW national policy.

In PEI, I contracted the gym memberships for

Reg Force personnel posted to:
3 ASG Gagetown Detachment in Charlottetown;
Civi U (Holland College & UPEI) personnel;
Veterans Affairs & other Gov Depts;
the Recruiting Center, and
those posted in RSS positions.

The only ResF members I contracted for were Class B; Class A being not entitled to them.
Call me crazy, but why should a guy (or girl) that only puts in 12-20 hours a month be entitled to a membership where they would spend more time at the gym than they do in uniform?

As for the battle fitness test, how is humping a ruck for 13km an accurate indicator of fitness or even valuable training to Sea King aircrew attach posted to a ship? I haven't even seen a ruck since basic training, in fact, they took mine away from me when I was posted out of St Jean. Expres test is fine by me.
Inch said:
Call me crazy, but why should a guy (or girl) that only puts in 12-20 hours a month be entitled to a membership where they would spend more time at the gym than they do in uniform?

As for the battle fitness test, how is humping a ruck for 13km an accurate indicator of fitness or even valuable training to Sea King aircrew attach posted to a ship? I haven't even seen a ruck since basic training, in fact, they took mine away from me when I was posted out of St Jean. Expres test is fine by me.

Gee.....you mean they don't walk on water after their god machine stops?  (couldn't resist  ;D )
People who vote ruck are usually the lazy people who can't run,have poor cardio,and are in poor physical shape from my small amount of TI.I usually hear it from the broken guys saying I hate running but I can ruck forever.usually they cannot.If you can run/jog/sprint 13 km you can easily put on a ruck and walk it.The express test tests vo2 max,what does the 13km test?your walkability?
Inch said:
Call me crazy, but why should a guy (or girl) that only puts in 12-20 hours a month be entitled to a membership where they would spend more time at the gym than they do in uniform?

Ours do quite a bit more than that. The average of your 12-20 is about a normal week. One of 4 weeks, then there's the weekend ex, at least once a month. So yeah, quite a bit more than 12-20. The key word was also 'subsidised'. And call me crazy, but why would we procure subsidised memberships for people that have a modern weight/ excersize room, large empty drill floor, sports equipment and showers available in the armouries? A new facility, BTW. But I see your point.  ;)  Heaven forbid that we try to even things out, even a little bit. Let's keep those ungrateful Cl As where they belong eh? :)
X-mo-1979 said:
People who vote ruck are usually the lazy people who can't run,have poor cardio,and are in poor physical shape from my small amount of TI.I usually hear it from the broken guys saying I hate running but I can ruck forever.usually they cannot.If you can run/jog/sprint 13 km you can easily put on a ruck and walk it.The express test tests vo2 max,what does the 13km test?your walkability?

Put the big, broad brush away. Unless you can substantiate your opinion with verifiable stats, it's just that, an opinion. And you know what they say about those don't you. ;)
X-mo-1979 said:
People who vote ruck are usually the lazy people who can't run,have poor cardio,and are in poor physical shape from my small amount of TI.I usually hear it from the broken guys saying I hate running but I can ruck forever.usually they cannot.If you can run/jog/sprint 13 km you can easily put on a ruck and walk it.The express test tests vo2 max,what does the 13km test?your walkability?

Yep, not a lot of time in.

Here you go ... different muscle groups used for running than from humping the ruck. Most "broken" guys are on chits and aren't allowed to hump a ruck (but somer of them are still allowed to do the Expres test). BTW ... one of our speediest/cardio "runners"  ... just failed his 13km.  ;)  Looked good on him too after his bitching about those who aren't 6'2" beanpoles like him and their lack of running-like-the-wind ability.

Think that being able to run is the only indicator of cardio fitness? Holy crap over. Different muscle group used to run than from swimming too.

It's like I tell my husband (who runs faster than I -- although when we hit the 10km run circuit my ass will run every step ... just slower than he) ...

I don't give a shit how fast you can run; I beat your butt on the ranges every year ... and my bullet WILL catch up with you.  ;)

BTW, despite his ability to run, he's dying like a dawg on the edge of the pool trying to catch his breath after a mere 4 or 5 lengths.   ::)
recceguy said:
Ours do quite a bit more than that. The average of your 12-20 is about a normal week. One of 4 weeks, then there's the weekend ex, at least once a month. So yeah, quite a bit more than 12-20. The key word was also 'subsidised'. And call me crazy, but why would we procure subsidised memberships for people that have a modern weight/ excersize room, large empty drill floor, sports equipment and showers available in the armouries? A new facility, BTW. But I see your point.  ;)  Heaven forbid that we try to even things out, even a little bit. Let's keep those ungrateful Cl As where they belong eh? :)

Lets not forget that the majority of Class A resevists also hold down full time jobs. It was always a pet peeve of mine when I would here "well you only work a couple of nites a month"

Mod edit to fix quote box
fbr2o75 said:
recceguy said:
Ours do quite a bit more than that. The average of your 12-20 is about a normal week. One of 4 weeks, then there's the weekend ex, at least once a month. So yeah, quite a bit more than 12-20. The key word was also 'subsidised'. And call me crazy, but why would we procure subsidised memberships for people that have a modern weight/ excersize room, large empty drill floor, sports equipment and showers available in the armouries? A new facility, BTW. But I see your point.  ;)  Heaven forbid that we try to even things out, even a little bit. Let's keep those ungrateful Cl As where they belong eh? :)

Lets not forget that the majority of Class A resevists also hold down full time jobs. It was always a pet peeve of mine when I would here "well you only work a couple of nites a month"

Absolutely ;)
But serious question what does the 13km prove?You can hump a rucksack.Express test does vo2 max.Maybe i painted broad strokes lol.But what does a 13km march prove?
And no I find the 13km easy and find pushing myself as high a level as I can on express more of a challenge.im not the guy who steps off at beep 8 lol
fbr2o75 said:
Lets not forget that the majority of Class A resevists also hold down full time jobs. It was always a pet peeve of mine when I would here "well you only work a couple of nites a month"

Well wopty freakin doo.......You should see my work schedule these days. I'll take your civy job plus class A work as it would mean less time at work. And i wouldnt have to worry about being posted or going on exercise when i dont feel like it.
X-mo-1979 said:
But serious question what does the 13km prove?You can hump a rucksack.Express test does vo2 max.Maybe i painted broad strokes lol.But what does a 13km march prove?
And no I find the 13km easy and find pushing myself as high a level as I can on express more of a challenge.im not the guy who steps off at beep 8 lol

You da man!!! ;D
CDN Aviator said:
Well wopty freakin doo.......You should see my work schedule these days. I'll take your civy job plus class A work as it would mean less time at work.

Hey, hey. You're the one that wanted the spiffy uniform, ride and girls! Ya can't have it both ways! ;) ;D
X-mo-1979 said:
But serious question what does the 13km prove?You can hump a rucksack.Express test does vo2 max.Maybe i painted broad strokes lol.But what does a 13km march prove?
And no I find the 13km easy and find pushing myself as high a level as I can on express more of a challenge.im not the guy who steps off at beep 8 lol

No offense, but I thought "what the hell does the fact that a chick my age needs only to reach level 4.5 to be exempt, do 9 push-ups, do 11 sit-ups, and squeeze 50lb combined (both hands total) on the grip test prove?"

Not that I stopped at level 5 mind you (I went well over that) ... it just really made me think ... and not good thoughts.
Haven't I read this thread but with different dates oh, say, at least a half dozen times?

Holy Bat Man F@&*,..... everyone stop whining and stay fit for the best reason of all,...yourself.
Vern's right, different tests, test different things. CF Expres is a good baseline of basic get off the couch fitness. The BFT complete does not test "walkability" It tests basic combat fitness as it is intended. As was discovered in the Balkans, some mbrs Reg/Res, outside of the Inf Bns were not able to carry their rucks across the street and god forbid there was a casualty to evacuate. There is a Pass level, this means nothing lower but feel free to do more or better. Think of it as a min safety rating.

Ref the never ending A Class arguement. Fitness level must be met, no question. The solution is easy, like the National Guard, members should be provided full health and dental, and access to PSP / Base Fitness facilities. Don't meet the commitment to be fit, fired - no benefits.

Ref the hour for PT a day, still not enough but its fair. A Class mbrs will have to find the time on their own, I always sometimes did.

What boggles my mind is the variety of very large members that are out there. I am no longer slim and dashing, but there are some, and we all see them, and some are even in our component/trade/unit, that have been obese for more than one reporting period.
The issue of older SrNCO's (MWO's) have a high fail rate. Being older and broken will do that. Maybe the Brits had this in mind when they developed their 21 Year rule.

And yes I have passed both tests this calender year. 42, not quite dead yet.
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