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My Experinces

  • Thread starter Thread starter NateC
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Hmmmm...that's the first time i've heard of that. But then again I'm not an expert on the subject.
NateC said:
In my right-hand it was 75 kilograms. But theres a requirement for different ages and sexes. For a 16 year old male it was 72 kilograms for both hands (correct me if I am wrong.)

You're wrong. Don't spread false facts: verify them before posting or say you don't know.

It's a cumulative of both hands, totalling for:

Under 35:
Male: 75
Female: 50

Over 35:
Male: 73
Female: 48
ya the PT wasn't as bad as I thought either although when doing the pushups i HAD to go down all the way to the floor my nose had to touch or just short of touching or she won't count it.  as for the situps in a minute it was nice to have her knealling on my toes but i killed myself doing pushup that i only got 25 situps plus i did like the first 12 situps way to fast she told me to slow down that i had lots of time.  should have listened.  the grip test was my fav it was easy plus i was upset about the stupid step test up 2 3 down 2 3 i wasnt' aware that it was all based on your hear rate!  i passed but I told her to keep going i wasn't tired i wanted more she said we couldn't becuase i was 2 beats over.  oh well.

I finished all my stuff back in march and am still waiting for an anwer weather im in or not.  It to do with my backgound check Credit probs of the past like 5 years ago
MdB said:
You're wrong. Don't spread false facts: verify them before posting or say you don't know.

It's a cumulative of both hands, totalling for:

Under 35:
Male: 75
Female: 50

Over 35:
Male: 73
Female: 48

Sorry... I thought that they knew that it was with both hands. I was just stating that I did it with one hand.
Some of the guys i met in the unit i want to join told me that i had nothing to worry about. They said i shouldnt be worried about sit ups because you had your feet held. When i actully got in there and did the tests i was paired with a 200p 39 year old, who had biceps the size of my head. I didnt really know what to think of that, but overall it was no problem passing that bump in the road.
I was selected on the May 9 selection-
I am 5ft 6" and 122 lbs I beat you all- probably th other way around=I'm strong for my size so i will still be able to pull my weight plus more. :D :cdn:
I finished all my testing last wensday, but i still need to get my MED papers in before they bring out my file. Which sucks...
Cool. Now we both have to play the waiting game. Ahh well, hopefully we will be chosen by the summer.
Good luck to all of you by the way, I'm just wondering how you all did on the interview. The physical wasn't that hard, I passed the step test by double, got 46 pushups, 35 situps in a minute, and got a combined score of 115 I believe on the grip test. I'm really hoping that when I stop by the recruiting centre this wednesday that they'll tell me I'm going to BMQ on the first week of July, but it's looking more likely to be in September or October.

Anybody else here going Infantry?
Futuretrooper said:
Good luck to all of you by the way, I'm just wondering how you all did on the interview. The physical wasn't that hard, I passed the step test by double, got 46 pushups, 35 situps in a minute, and got a combined score of 115 I believe on the grip test. I'm really hoping that when I stop by the recruiting centre this wednesday that they'll tell me I'm going to BMQ on the first week of July, but it's looking more likely to be in September or October.

Anybody else here going Infantry?

I found the interview went fine. Except when they asked me if I'd kill someone if I had too, that kind of freaked me out, heh. Fourty-six pushups, wow. The most I've ever been able to do is 35, although once I got up to 39. I passed everything so hopefully I can get into basic training this summer, I don't want to sit around home all summer. I'm trying to get into Infantry or communications.
If your wondering how I'm able to do that many pushups I've been pushing myself for over two years now, when I first started I could barely do 20. I'm in the same boat as you, I don't want to sit around at home all summer, as well I want to get out of my current job [slaveway] as soon as possible. I got above average on the interview portion, I was nervous as hell though.
If your wondering how I'm able to do that many pushups I've been pushing myself for over two years now, when I first started I could barely do 20

Not to burst your "tough guy" bubble too much, but pal, if it took you TWO FREAKIN' years to be able to do an extra 16 pushups, there is something wrong with you. Plain and simple... You better be able to whip yourself into shape faster than that... Took me 3 months to double my pushup score, I'm at 43, I'm also 180lbs. I don't even workout yet, 3 months is long time to increase pushup ability even...

Do better, keep trying.
Not to burst your "tough guy" bubble too much, but pal, if it took you TWO FREAKIN' years to be able to do an extra 16 pushups, there is something wrong with you. Plain and simple... You better be able to whip yourself into shape faster than that... Took me 3 months to double my pushup score, I'm at 43, I'm also 180lbs. I don't even workout yet, 3 months is long time to increase pushup ability even...

Do better, keep trying.

Well no I'm not pretending to be a "tough guy" nor did I say I ever was one. This is compared to what I had two years ago, I think it was lower then 20 in fact. I doubled my score within three months as well so their you have it, but had trouble getting past the 50 mark, mostly stagnated around that area, but I am slowly but surely improving my count. So it did not take an extra two years to improve my score, one day I can do 54, maybe 60 if I'm really pushing myself. I also improved my runs, situps, and chinups. However I am starting to get in more weights in order to better prepare myself for SQ and BIQ. If you have any ideas on how to improve my physical fitness even more then tell me, I would love to hear it. I have honestly tried a variety of different exercises to help improve myself more quicker then I currently am, so if you can give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated.
This is compared to what I had two years ago, I think it was lower then 20 in fact. I doubled my score within three months as well so their you have it,

No problem, it's just that you didn't say that in the first place, you said "two years"....

Moving right along... 50 is a good # to be at when going into SQ etc... Try and aim for higher with situps though and chinups aim for at LEAST 10-12 if you can't do that many yet either.

Runnining was and is my major problem still. My Sgt advised me of the way he trains himself once he's working up for a course etc... You start by running for 20mins, just at whatever pace you can go at to go as far as you can in 20 mins, then, every time you run, try to beat that distance. He said if I couldn't run for 20 mins straight yet I'd be in big crap and better start running ALOT though... So, yeah, 20 mins, as far as you can go, every time you run, make your distance abit farther.

Sgt is up to 8kms in 20 mins... Pretty damn fast...

That's a fast Sgt Joe, in fact his pace is 0.4km per min, the world record holder for the 10km is Haile Gebrselassie from Ethiopia at 26 minutes 22.75 seconds on June 1, 1998, in Hengelo, The Netherlands. His pace is 0.38km per min, that would put his 8km at 22 minutes. I think Sarge may be pulling your leg Joe or are you pulling futuretroopers?
Running has been my problem too. I'm still working on it. The bigger you are, the harder it gets.
That's a fast Sgt Joe, in fact his pace is 0.4km per min, the world record holder for the 10km is Haile Gebrselassie from Ethiopia at 26 minutes 22.75 seconds on June 1, 1998, in Hengelo, The Netherlands. His pace is 0.38km per min, that would put his 8km at 22 minutes. I think Sarge may be pulling your leg Joe or are you pulling futuretroopers?

Just regurgitating what he told us Friday night before PT on Sat morning... He said, "I've got myself up to about 8K in about 20 minutes, I won't start you guys there though!"...

In other words he knows we can't keep up to that...

He's never lied to us yet, even about really mean nasty things he'd do during PT... He can do 1 handed pushups and "Russian" pushups against a wall. He's pretty damn physical... Anyway, I don't think he's pulling my chain, but you can ask him if you like! I'd give you the contact info...

Running has been my problem too. I'm still working on it. The bigger you are, the harder it gets.

I hear you on that one....  :-\
Well good luck to you boys too. Nate ill probly see you there. Im actully havcing some problems with running too. I tore the tendin in my knee and am still trying to get over it... not fun... push ups is no problem, and neither are sit ups, but id love to get in better shape so im just counting the days  :D
If I found that I was definetly going to Basic Training that would probably push me to try harder. I am going to call the recruiting office tommorow. I don't really see what would hold me back, I've passed everything.

Ahh well. Good luck bro.