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My Experinces

  • Thread starter Thread starter NateC
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During BMQ you'll be thrown in with people of literally ALLLL shapes and sizes to say the least.... And you can guess which one's will make it and which one's won't..

I'm 5'7 and 190lbs when I joined, that was Jan 6 2005, we didn't do much PT during our BMQ (reserve- lack of time) but I am now 180lbs, small loss! BUT, we did do MANY MANY pushups... I went in there being able to do like.. 23-24 tops, now I can do 45 perfect form drop of a hat! Goal is 50 for summer.

Being short (short legs) and stalky (Italian heritage), I can run fast, but only over short distances, I'm not a distance runner. That is where I suffered during PT and they let me know!!! Make sure, out of anything you can do, who cares if you can lift a Howitzer, just be able to run at least 2-4Km's going INTO BMQ newbies!


PS> Keep in mind "battle fitness test" throughout your own personal PT time at home... You'll know what I mean.
just a question, when you do the pushups, do you have any weight placed on your feet? Or are they totally independant? I can do dozens of pushups, but only if I have something from keeping my feet from rising up :(
Fry said:
just a question, when you do the pushups, do you have any weight placed on your feet? Or are they totally independant? I can do dozens of pushups, but only if I have something from keeping my feet from rising up :(

you must mean sit-ups...because if your feet rise in a push-up...you have a problem !!
lol, once again you got me aesop... hahaha... yeah I meant situp... I'd have to be mighty ripped to do pushups with my feet leaving the floor, it'd be like a horizontal handstand or something... lol

I stand corrected :)
MdB said:
Being 5'8'' and a HALF... weighting 130 lbs (since like 10-12 years) and given that I apply for Inf. officer, I beat you all.

Admittedly, I didn't apply for officer.Ā  However, given the height vs. weight, I think I can one up you in that...I won't mention it here, because if I do, I'm sure no one will belive me.... :o

Needless to say, I do not look like your typical grunt.
just a question, when you do the pushups, do you have any weight placed on your feet? Or are they totally independant? I can do dozens of pushups, but only if I have something from keeping my feet from rising up

Don't worry, they'll take care of that!!!Ā  >:D

Just screwin' with ya... You won't have to worry for long about that because you'll do enough of them that your stomach will get strong enough to lift your upper body with your feet on the ground.. I used to need weight on my feet too... Trust me... Not anymore!

what about during your fitness test? That was what I was referring to, I just forgot to put it in ???
Fry said:
what about during your fitness test? That was what I was referring to, I just forgot to put it in ???

The PSP staff hold your feet down
Yup that's true. I had my fitness test this past Tuesday and she put her feet ontop of mine. Which for me made it super easy. I usually don't have anything holding my feet.
OHH YA,Ā  ;D just finished fit test, passed with flyin colors hahaha, hey the step test is different this time, same guy singing it, yet this weird mystical background music.......almost got kicked outa the room for laughing, but instead the guy told me to shutup and turned the volume up......hahaha someone on here reffered it as teletubes hahahahahhaha

WOOO thats a load of stress GONEĀ  :salute:
Tbird said:
Yup that's true. I had my fitness test this past Tuesday and she put her feet ontop of mine. Which for me made it super easy. I usually don't have anything holding my feet.

They held my feet too! I just wished they would have pulled my waist up and down while I was doing the push ups! lol
They held my feet also, which made it super easy. And during the push-up part of the test the guy didn't even have his fist on the ground. Simple. I actually found that test fun. I want to buy the step test CDĀ  ::)
Up-2-3 down-2-3 you have 1 minute left...lolĀ  Well it does the job lol
to add to the up 2 3 down to 3, hahaha the southing background musicĀ  ::)

the pushups were so easy, i thought u had to go all the way down but he held a pen and was like i want you to go only this far down and im like what the!!! the situps though i actually got to hook my feet under like a bookcase object which made it SUPER EASY, the grip part was tough only for my left hand, but thats due to the fact i did my test today with a splint going down my left index finger (sliced tendon) so i had to grip with 4 fingers :blotto: hahahah i so cant wait for my next stage, hey what does the background check mainly consist of ...rough ideas???

thanks again guys for this helpul and really useful information

Cheers to all
:salute: :cdn:
Mike F said:
hey what does the background check mainly consist of ...rough ideas???

:salute: :cdn:

They told me that regarding the background check no news is good news. If you get a call about your background check then there is a problem. If you hear nothing, it's all good :D
It also moves along more swiftly if you haven't lived outside of Canada and such.
I passed the strength test with one handĀ  ;) The fitness test isn't even half as difficult as I thought it would be, same as with everything else.
In my right-hand it was 75 kilograms. But theres a requirement for different ages and sexes. For a 16 year old male it was 72 kilograms for both hands (correct me if I am wrong.)